
written by Echo Jayden Hart

Sky Diggory. That's the name. Diggory? Like Cedric Diggory? Yep. I'm his little sister. Always falling into the background as my brother becomes more and more popular. Because of my sickly state when I got my letter at 11, I stayed at home, and mom and dad taught me to control my magical powers while Ced was away at Hogwarts. Only saw him again during the summer then he was gone again. Stories about school came to me by owl and I read them with jealously then sent a letter back. I loved my brother don't get me wrong but I was sick of him being in the center of attention while all I had was Bolt, my Patronus, an Irish Wolfhound, and our parents. I had 2 friends. My teachers didn't like me for some reason. Okay, I'll admit there is a reason. Livius and I were always casting spells while everyone was supposed to be studying. WE WERE STUDYING! Just not what the teachers wanted us to be studying in class. I was good to go to Hogwarts while Cedric was in his fifth year but what does life do? Throws another obstacle my way. Yay...

Last Updated






Chapter 3

Chapter 4
“Be safe, Honey!” Mom said hugging me.
“I will, mom. I’ll send you an owl when I get there to let you know that I got there.”
She released me and then dad pulled me into a hug, “Don’t make any enemies, you hear?”
“I’ll try not to dad.”
He let go, “Well, I guess my baby girl isn’t so little anymore.”
“DAAAAD! I wasn’t little last year! I’m taller than you!”
Mom chuckled, “We love you, sweetie. Do Ced proud.”
“I’ll do the whole family proud. I love you guys.” They pulled me into one last hug before I turned and hopped onto the Hogwarts Express train with Nova and our luggage. I followed Nova’s long (like really long past her waist) midnight blue hair through the different compartments of the train. Nova has light blue streaks in her hair as well as purple eyes. She’s 5’7 and likes to wear comfy clothes but will dress up when she has to.
We waved one last time to our families before walking through the train to find a compartment to sit in. We passed a couple of Hogwarts students who were going to school. I waved to a couple of kids who had hopped on before Nova and I. Livius Everglen waved back before waving us over. Livius is Nova’s twin and kind of cute if I do say so myself. We hurried over and immediately started cracking jokes about how Mr. Gately won’t miss Livius and me in class. We were always causing some sort of trouble in class or just goofing off.
We walked into the next compartment and passed a boy with hair so blond it looked white. He was sitting with a bunch of boys around him, looking kind of bored. We locked eyes and I could tell he was curious about who these four kids were. I could practically hear his thoughts, Who are these kids and how come I don’t know them? I smirked and thought, Well if you’re so curious why don’t you ask us who we are.
“DIGGORY! Don’t daddle! Come on!” Livius called, from up ahead. Recinization at my last name flashed across the white-haired boy and I knew I had to go.
“Come on Bolt. Let’s go,” I murmured to my Patronus. I knew my face now was a stone wall. At the moment I didn’t care what he thought of me. All I knew was I am not my brother so don’t think I’m going to act like him. The last look I saw flash across the white-haired boy was surprised, probably at how quick my facial expression changed.
“Daddle? Everglen you must be mistaking me for someone else,” I grinned, catching up to Livius, and Nova.
“Who would I mistake your pink hair for?” He countered.
“Your blind ass,” I laughed as he lightly punched me. We walked into the next compartment and sat down in a private compartment, closing the door behind us.
“Okay spill girl,” Nova said. “What’s in that folder that your parents gave you before you got on here.
“It’s a folder that Ced made for me before he died. He has everyone he thought that I’d run into at Hogwarts if our parents ever let me out of their grip,” I rolled my eyes, opening the folder. My parents have been overprotective of me since I was little. When I was born no one knew if I would survive the winter months because I was born prematurely. That was one of the main reasons I didn’t go to Hogwarts when I received my letter at the age of 11. I had been sick and in no shape at all to go anywhere away from home. My parents were afraid that I was going to die and I almost did. Now I was stronger and my parents were okay with me going to Hogwarts to finish school.
“Hey, it’s that guy we passed coming in here!” Nova exclaimed, pointing at a picture of the white-haired boy.
“Draco Malfoy. Practice the dark arts. A bully. Try and stay away from him if you can,” I read out loud to my friends. “Huh. I didn’t get that vibe off of him.”
“What kind of vibe did you get?” Nova asked.
I had a talent that I developed over the years where I can sense what a person is like and it has come in handy over the years. “Like he has a lot of pressure around him. He has to keep this badass reputation or else he will be in trouble but on the inside, he just wants to make real friends and be able to trust someone for real. And he’s curious about us.”
“You’re right. How did you know that?” A voice said.
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