The Father and the Son

written by Lizzie Scamander

Tiberius Nott's first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has arrived. As the son of the Death Eater Theodore Nott, it will be hard for him to settle in. But maybe he will be able to help others ignore his past and find out, eventually, that the son is not the same as the father. IN PROGRESS

Last Updated






Expectations & Reputations

Chapter 1

Expectations & Reputations

Tiberius leaned back in the car seat and sighed. The heated cursing of his father's about the ignorance of Muggles and their stupid methods of conveyance filled his ears, the cruel opinion that he had heard more than once before.

His father. His hazel eyes flickered over to scrutinise the harsh facial features of Theodore Nott, the sharp gaze, the arrogant jaw. Then he looked toward his mother, Pansy Nott, observing the somewhat softer lines of her face, yet not missing the haughty, upturned nose and the natural impatience in her voice as she snapped back at her husband.

But his preoccupation soon helped him ignore the angry voices in the front seat, and he was able to look out of the car window and regard his situation. They were headed to Kings Cross Station, where he would board the train at platform nine and three quarters, where he would then travel to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even thinking about it caused an uncomfortable plummet in his stomach. For his father was a Death Eater, a once faithful supporter of Lord Voldemort.

Lord Voldemort. Tiberius shuddered. His father had told him about the power of that 'Dark Lord' that had changed history, that had killed hundreds of innocent wizards and witches in the magical community. And Muggles too. Such a powerful impact he had had on the world, that his father still found excuses to admire.

Tiberius was not proud of his father. His father who had killed people too, killed innocent people in cold blood just like the other Death Eaters, and Lord Voldemort himself. Tiberius sighed and looked out of the car window that was flecked with drops of rain. The cloudy sky and dull atmosphere was not the best kind of encouragement for his departure for Hogwarts. Turning his gaze from the window, he looked instead at his older brother, Brutus, who offered no kind of reassurance. Brutus Nott, who had received his Hogwarts letter two years before, had (not unexpectedly) been sorted into Slytherin just like his father. Being Slytherin housed seemed to run in the family. His mother (who's maiden name had been Parkinson) had been a Slytherin too, and, of course, so had his father. Tiberius was not doubtful in expecting he would be sorted similarly.

Tiberius knew inside he was ashamed at having a family like his. He knew his brother Brutus was regarded as the primary bully in Slytherin house at Hogwarts, and his father, of course, was a Death Eater. His mother was little better, disapproving of Muggle-borns and lofty of the fact that she was a Pure-blood. Tiberius sometimes (very secretly) wished that he could have been born into a different family, with a different reputation, and with a different attitude. His family was associated with the Dark side, and seemingly nothing else. It isn't fair, Tiberius thought bitterly, as he looked at his father again. It isn't fair.

Then the car was stopping. Tiberius peered out the window again. The respectable brick front of Kings Cross Station met his slightly apprehensive gaze, with Muggles hurrying here and there. But was it just Muggles? Tiberius eyed a man and woman with a girl of about eleven hurrying along beside them with an expression of excitement on her face.

"Hurry up, out of the car." Theodore Nott opened the car door, stepped out onto the pavement, and slammed the door shut. His wife stepped out haughtily, holding herself with an air of pride as she disapprovingly scrutinised the Muggles passing her. Tiberius sighed, opened his door, and climbed out also. As Brutus hopped out after him, his father opened the car boot and pulled out their two trunks.

Once more Tiberius contemplated his father's refusal at letting him have a pet to take to Hogwarts. He remembered how he had nagged his father outside the Magical Menagerie in Diagonally to get one, but Theodore Nott had stubbornly refused, saying 'animals were too much work and unnecessary'. Tiberius scowled. It wasn't fair.

"Can we get a move on?" Brutus said impatiently. He pushed past his brother to seize the handle of his trunk, stride over to a trolley and heave it on. Tiberius followed example, rubbing his arm where Brutus's elbow had bruised him. Glancing up at the giant station clock, he learnt that it was a quarter to eleven.

Together, with Theodore Nott leading the way, they stopped between platform nine and ten. Tiberius saw the girl with her parents again, standing before the barrier between nine and ten, before she leaned against the barrier and seemed to melt into it, vanishing from sight.

"Hurry, go now," his father urged, and Brutus strode forward. Leaning against the barrier, he cast a quick glance round to make sure no one was watching before melting into the barrier like the girl had done. Pushing his trolley forward, Tiberius faced the barrier, checked no one was looking, and then strode forward.

He was through before he knew it. The Hogwarts Express stood puffing and steaming before him, between the clusters of parents saying goodbye to their children. Brutus was already talking to a bunch of his Slytherin friends. His mother and father appeared behind him.

"Well, goodbye boys," Mrs. Nott said, planting a quick kiss on Tiberius's head and moving over to Brutus. "Remember to write, I don't think I can bear with just the company of your father." A distasteful frown crossed her face briefly as she gave Brutus a hasty hug, which he wrestled out of, embarrassed at her affection in front of his friends. She swept back over to her husband, who ruffled Tiberius's hair and said gruffly, "See you."

"Bye," Tiberius said, smiling weakly. At that moment a whistle rang loud and clear along the platform. Tugging his trunk off the trolley, Tiberius waved absently as he stepped onto the train, struggling with his trunk. Brutus boarded after him, followed closely by his friends, all of whom were laughing and talking, and who also ignored him as if he were not there as they strode past. Glaring at their retreating backs, Tiberius walked down the train, searching for an empty compartment. Yet, due to his late board, there were none free. Finally, he selected one with merely a first year like him sitting in it. She had dark curls brushing her shoulders, with a saddle of freckles across her characteristic facial features, which included a button nose and a sparkling pair of eyes. She was of a plump build, with two rosy cheeks and a laughing mouth. Awkwardly, Tiberius sidled in, and asked, "Um - can I sit in here?"

She grinned. "Of course."

Smiling awkwardly in response, Tiberius pushed his trunk into the corner and sat down in the seat opposite her by the window. He felt stupid to have chosen this particular compartment, with someone who appeared to be his complete opposite. Biting his lip, he looked out the window as the train started to move.

At first they both said nothing. Tiberius assumed the girl was too excited to talk at first, her hands clasped tightly in her lap and her eyes bright and twinkling. Yet eventually she said happily and in a perfectly friendly way, "Hello! I'm Tamsin, Tamsin Longbottom, and who might you be?"

"Tiberius," Tiberius said quietly. He neglected to mention his surname, knowing it would just put her off.

"Are you excited?" She asked, grinning broadly.

"Uh... I guess."

She frowned. "But it's Hogwarts!" She exclaimed, unable to contain herself any longer.

"I know, I know, it's great." But Tiberius was unable to make his tone any brighter. Tamsin noticed this, and her shock seemed to increase, but she said nothing, apparently feeling offensive if she pursued her disbelief. Awkwardly, Tiberius shifted his position on the cushioned seat. The scenery outside was flashing past, and this he immersed himself in to avoid her inquisitive gaze.

But eventually their silence was broken by the compartment door opening. Tiberius looked around, and saw a girl with long, black hair reaching her waist and sharp grey eyes that immediately flickered around the compartment. Her features were finely cut, with a straight, pointed nose, smooth jaw, and perfect composure. She scrutinised he and Tamsin for a moment, then lifted her chin and asked in a deep, heavily accented voice, "Vallo. Can I sit in vere?"

"Um..." Tiberius was not particularly keen for another addition to the compartment, but relented, giving a short nod of consent. The girl walked in, pulling her trunk before her, which was emblazoned on the left bottom corner with BQT. She sat down beside him, probably because he had offered his acceptance of her company, and shoved her trunk in the corner. Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, plump, round golden bird with a long thin beak and twinkling black eyes. She stroked its feathers fondly, as it sat in her palm and then spread a pair of small wings and began to hover. Its wings moved extremely quickly, a mere blur to the eye, and looking extremely like something to Tiberius. He furrowed his brow, trying to think what it looked like. Tamsin helped him.

"That bird looks like a Quidditch Snitch!" She exclaimed, leaning forwards. "Aww, it's so cute."

Tiberius looked at the bird again. Yes, it did look like the Golden Snitch, except in the version of a little plump animal twinkling up at them out of its dark eyes.

The girl smiled. "Gleam is a Golden Snidget," she explained. "My father got him vor me when I vas nine."

"A Golden Snidget?" Tamsin repeated, in a slightly awed voice. "Wow!"

"Golden Snidgets vere the original interpretations of snitches," the girl continued. "Before the snitch vas invented, Golden Snidgets vould be in Quidditch matches."

Tamsin's mouth was wide open.

"My father loves Quidditch," the girl said. "He is a Bulgarian Seeker."

Tamsin's mouth, if possible, went even wider. "A Bulgarian Seeker!" She exclaimed. "Just like Viktor Krum -

The girl smiled. "He is Viktor Krum," she said.

Tamsin looked close to fainting. Tiberius looked at the girl, not sure whether to believe her or not. "Really?" He asked.

The girl nodded. "I'm Maya Krum," she said.

"But you're supposed to be in Bulgaria!" Tamsin ejaculated. "Not in England!"

"My father vas very impressed vith Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry vhen he visited it vhen he vas seventeen," Maya explained. "Vou know, vhen he vas in the Triwizard Tournament. He didn't vant me to go to Durmstrang like him, so he sent me vere."

"Wow," Tamsin said, her mouth still slightly agape. "Maya Krum, at Hogwarts!"

Maya smiled. "So anyway, he got me Gleam," she said.

"Cool!" Tamsin said admiringly. "But anyway, I'm Tamsin Longbottom." She offered her plump hand to Maya, who accepted it with a smile. Then she turned to Tiberius.

"Who are vou?" She asked him.

"I'm Tiberius," Tiberius replied awkwardly.

Tamsin looked at him significantly, trying to hint that he should be more friendly. Tiberius, however, did not oblige. He knew that if this Maya Krum knew his surname, she would be backing off instantly. So he just turned to look out the window again, the rain once more beginning to fall.
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