Dear Diary: Slytherin For Life!

written by Harley Blu

A diary of my years as a Slytherin starting from first year to seventh. Enjoy! ;) :)

Last Updated






Dear Diary: Year 1, Part 1.

Chapter 1

October 23th, 3:05PM.

Dear diary

Today's the day! It's my 11th birthday and my acceptance letter to Hogwarts finally came! I still remember the looks of pride that my parents gave me when I ran to them to show them my letter, I was so existed I read it ten times! I'm not surprised though of course, I always knew I'd get in. I come from a long line of pure blood witch's and wizard's, and all have been Slytherin's, except maybe a Grythindor or Hufflepuff here and there. 

Well ok I guess there is my older sister, The only Ravenclew in the family. Her names Ravenna, yea I know, how ironic? but yea I guess that's just my parents for ya, They like to have a good laugh. I still remember the day Ravenna came back for Christmas break and our parents found out which house she got into, they couldn't stop laughing, much to the annoyance of Ravenna... Oh! My names Hydra by the way, Hydra Narcissa Waters to be precise, but I normally just use my sir name. Hydra is such an odd name! Only my very best friends use it, if anyone else dares I'll hex them! so help me.... you don't want to get on the bad side of a Slytherin, it could be the last thing you will ever do... that's the house I'm hopping to be place in by the way, Slytherin the house of the snakes, The house of the great, the house of Merlin himself! Just like my parents... Ravenna is the next head of the family when she's older as she's the oldest, so I'm pretty much free to do as I please, no pressure, haha. Our parents love us both of course, but you know the saying, the only person you can rely on truly next to yourself is one of your own, family is the only important thing, and like I said she's the oldest, not that I mind. Any ways, I must go to sleep know, It's only a few months till September and then Hogwarts! Till then...

Hydra. x  

August 31st, 9:30.

Dear Diary

Today mum and dad took me to Diagon Alley to get my school supplies. We got all my books and quills, a pewter cauldron, a fresh supple of potion ingredients, new robes and the most beautiful snowy owl you've ever seen! I decided to name him Loki after the god of mischief. His eyes just seemed to hold a level of intelligence and mischievous glee that no other name would ever suit him. There was only one thing left to get, the thing I'd been looking forward to the most, my wand!  I'm finally going to got my wand from Ollivanders, the best wand shop in the world! I was so nervous... all the time I just kept thinking 'what if none of the wands like me?' after all, mum always said it was the wand that chose the wizard not the wizard who chooses the wand, mums really smart like that. And then we were in and I was finally face to face with Ollivander himself! he had white hair and dark twinkling eyes and a huge grin spread across his face. I tried five different wands, five! I couldn't believe it... I truly felt depressed at that point, I was right none of them wanted a normal nobody of a witch like me... but then Ollivander chuckled and handed me a new wand far from the back of the shop, at first nothing happened...then suddenly my arm got all warm and tingly, the room shock, and bright green and silver sparks flew out from the tip of the wand! I turned to my mum and Ollivander with a huge smile. "12 1/2 inch's, Holly wood, a phoenix feather core and slightly springy... hmm how curious... and your fifth try no doubt!... how curious indeed..." Ollivander said with a sparkle in his eye. I couldn't stop grinning like a mad woman, not even when I got home! later that day in bed as I tried to sleep I couldn't help but be restless... Towmorrows the day... I'm going to Hogwarts... I'm really going to Hogwarts! I simple can't wait to get to there and start all my classes! And with my wand by my side... nothing and no one will stand in my way! A soft smile played on my lips as I fell into unconsciousness, dreaming of what adventures tomorrow could offer, what challenges tomorrow could throw at me... And I just knew... That no matter what, I was going to have the best time of my life!


September 1st, 9:30.

Dear diary

Today I finally got to go to Hogwarts! I said goodbye to my parents and fallowed Ravenna through the wall at cons-cross station and we made our way through 9 3/4's, boarding the Hogwarts express in a timely fashion. Ravenclews, they always insist on being on time. once we arrived we one of the caretakers, that I think was called Mr.Griagume? Took us to the castle on some boats with little lantern, cool aye! Then came the sorting hat cemetery... I felt so sick I thought I was going to puke... Some way to make friends that would be! 'Hi! I just met you and I know I've just covered you with my breakfast, but wanna be friends!?'...yea... not the best way in the slightest. I swallowed deeply and gripped my new robes as the magical hat that would soon decide my fate started to sing it's song 

A thousand years or more ago
When I was newly sewn,
There lived four wizards of renown,
Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,
Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,
Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,
They hatched a daring plan
To educate young sorcerers
Thus Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders
Formed their own house, for each
Did value different virtues
In the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest
Would always be the best;

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were
Most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin
Loved those of great ambition.

While still alive they did divide
Their favourites from the throng,
Yet how to pick the worthy ones
When they were dead and gone?

Twas Gryffindor who found the way,
He whipped me off his head
The founders put some brains in me
So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snug about your ears,
I've never yet been wrong,
I'll have a look inside your mind
And tell where you belong! 

The whole place went up in cheers, before being silenced by the headmaster. A small stool stood up front and we were told that we were to come up one by one when our name was called. I was one of the last to be called, which I can tell you did nothing to help my nerves! Finally my name was called "Miss Hydra Waters!? Would you please make your way up to the front to be sorted! Miss Hydra Waters!?" The whole room suddenly went silent, awaiting my fate... I slowly made my way up to the front and sat on the stool, the old hat being placed upon my head... It wasn't there for more then 2 seconds before screaming, "SLYTHERIN!!!". I made my way towards my now cheering table and settles in beside my old childhood friends Hazel Thymes and Erin Sabine. Hazel and Erin were first years like me, Hazel was average hight, light straight brown hair and greeny-brown eyes not that much different to a cats. She was smart and kind. A gentle nature opposed to Erin, who was all fire and confidence. Erin was a tall girl with bright fiery hair to match her personality, unlike Hazel she was loud and sneaky, nearly always up to no good. You could often find her then not working on some amazing scheme's to break all the rules and get away with it without ever getting caught, as were her type of adventures. And I can say that as young children we three often would find adventures breaking rules and getting into trouble, Erin the planner, Hazel the look out and expert at getting of the hook due to her 'good and charming behaviour' and me, the dare devil, the one who carried out the plans and hence genially got caught 34% of the time. Once the headmaster had done his speak the table was suddenly covered by food! Hazel lifted her goblet up and smiled "Congrats guys! We made it in! A toast to spending a year with the best friends anyone could ever want in the world!" I smirked back and raised to clink my goblet to hers, Erin interrupting half way my motion and excitedly adding "Not forgetting a big old castle that's just begging for us to explore it! And a library full of forbidden spells to learn!" We all laughed and clinked our goblets. Later on we found out the password to our dorm 'Mischief Managed', I couldn't help but chuckle to myself silently that night while lying in the bed that was to be mine for the rest of the remaining year. 'What a fitting password... knowing Erin as well as I did... it sure wold be 'mischief managed. indeed..."


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