Hogwarts Daily News Issue #93

written by Lucy Peña

Do you want to know the Planet’s magical effects on Earth? Now you can! You can also know the HiH student council voting results! How about our weekly crafting magic, that today is Explosive Lemonade!

Last Updated






Issue #93

Chapter 1
The Planet’s magical effects on Earth

When some planets of our solar system appear on Earth, they predict something, or have a magical effect on something. In this article we are going to see what they mean. Remember that the brighter a planet appears in the sky, the stronger it’s magic is. This is very useful for both divination, and magical astronomy. If two or more planets appear in the same time in the sky, that means their effects are combined. Here are the planets magical effects on Earth!

Mercury, is the planet of problem solving, sudden creativity, and inspiration.

Venus, foretells the importance of emotions. Every emotion. It also foretells the importance of meditation and tries to center your thoughts.

Mars represents danger, battle, and blood. When it appears in the sky it foretells battle, powerful wills, and stubbornness.

Jupiter foretells the appearance of unstoppable forces. Like a pandemic.

Saturn represents, slow very thoughtful consideration, perspective, and empathy.

Uranus means the opposite of Saturn. It means importance of individual thoughts, like what is best for you rather than others. It also means a change, usually in thought, but it can be in action as well.

Neptune makes stronger the divinatory abilities. It means sacrifice. But not a sacrifice like letting your friend use your favorite pen, life changing sacrifice.

Pluto means cycles. Life cycles or things that are going to repeat itself.

When you see what the planets foretell, you can use that to your advantage. Like you could start a story you’ve been wanting to do, when Mercury appears, since Mercury represents sudden creativity, and inspiration. However, don’t expect the planets, to solve every problem you have.
I hope you liked this little introduction to the planets magical effect on the Earth!

-By Lucy Peña


A better life: Book Review

Everyone is sad sometimes, but you don’t have to always be sad. A better life is a new book in the library. If you are sad, or broken, this could help you. It gives tips, and pep talks on how to make the best of what you have, and how to make your life better and happier. Soon you’ll learn things you could have never learned otherwise. If you want to have a happier life, and use this tips, here is the link!



-By Lucy Peña


My tribute to Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin was one of few who was a fatherhood image for Harry. But who was he?

Remus Lupin was the first werewolf to come to Hogwarts. He was bitten by Fenrir Greyback, another werewolf, so he became one himself. To come to Hogwarts he had to have some special circumstances. Whenever he turned into a werewolf on the full moon he would go to the Shrieking Shack alone, that is however until his friends found out and went with him in an Animagus form. His friends were called the Marauders.

As time grew on none of the Marauders were left. Voldemort killed James Potter, Bellatrix killed Sirious Black,, Peter Pettigrew committed suicide, and he was the last one alive. Eventually, he died at the battle of Hogwarts by Antonin Dolohov along with his wife, meaning that their son was about to become an orphan.

Every year on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts JK Rowling tweets about how sorry she is for killing someone. This is what she wrote for Lupin. Once again, it's the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts so, as promised, I shall apologise for a death. This year: Remus Lupin.

“Lupin especially holds a place in our hearts as he was Harry’s DADA Professor in the Prisoner of Azkaban. He taught him how to cast a Patronus, and overall was really nice. In the Half-Blood Prince when Bellatrix comes to the Burrow, Remus shouts "Harry! No!" and attempts to run after him. He had a place in his heart for Harry, so we have a place in our heart for him.”

-By Tara, intern for the HDN


HiH Official Student Council Voting Results:

Manager: Hermione Komathine Granger ~ 37 votes

Assistant Manager: Bree Longbottom ~ 26 votes

Secretary: CJ Rosalia ~ 34 votes

Gryffindor Leader: Hermione Jean Potter ~ 31 votes

Slytherin Leader: Lady Marigold Black ~ 29 votes

Ravenclaw Leader: Harmony Luna Granger ~ 32 votes

Hufflepuff Leader: Lulu Delacour Weasley ~ 33 votes

The people that applied for House Leaders and got the 2nd most amount of votes are Assistant

House Leaders:

Gryffindor: Kylyn Cooper ~ 19 votes

Slytherin: Penelope Lestrange ~ 25 votes

Ravenclaw: Amelia Granger ~ 22 votes

Hufflepuff: Dedra Parker ~ 21 votes

Congratulations to everyone!
If you still want to be on the council but wasn’t voted owl Riley Weasley or post in the group to be an office member.

Group link:

~By Kylyn Cooper



Grindylows are small water demons. If you want to find one, which I do not recommend, go to some of the weed beds in the lakes of Great Britain and Ireland. These beasts (XX, as classified by the Ministry), are aggressive to wizards, witches, and muggles alike, and have only been successfully tamed by merpeople. They tend to feast on fish and algae, but if they have the chance they will eat a human. Their skin is a sickly green color, with small horns on the skull. Average adult grindylows will grow to be up to five feet in length. They use their strong hands to grip prey. If you ever find yourself in this situation, like young Harry Potter during the second Triwizard Tournament task, the Revulsion Jinx is the best way to escape.

Source: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Grindylow

-By Avani Granger, an intern for the HDN


Recipe: Explosive Lemonade

This was a recipe that I learned to make at a Harry Potter annual event in my country and that made me fall in love with it. It is super easy and almost anyone can do it at home! I hope you also love it!


Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons into a small recipient (I usually use 2 lemons, but you can add more or less according to the size of the lemons and your taste for normal lemonade).

2. Strain the lemon juice and pass it into a big jar.

3. Remove the ginger peel (I usually use a ginger bit of about 5 centimeters, because, if we add more, it can have a very strong taste).

4. Slice the ginger into very small pieces (the smaller, the better, and the quicker you will get your lemonade done).

5. Put the sliced ginger into the jar and mix it with the lemon juice.

6. Add water and sugar (according to your taste, but not very much sugar, not only it will be bad for you, but it will also taste bad with the ginger).

7. Mix the Explosive Lemonade and add ice (the ginger taste is better with ice, I don’t know why, but trust me in this one ;-) .

8. Strain the drink before serving it (so the ginger pieces won’t go into one of the cups and give a big unpleasant surprise to your friends and family).

-Beezer Granger


The Biography of Ginny Weasley-Potter

Ginevra Molly Weasley, also known as Ginny Weasley, is the youngest sibling of the seven Weasley brothers and only daughter of Molly and Arthur Weasley. She is a pure-blood witch and she was born on the 11th of August, 1981. She grew up in the Burrow, the famous Weasley home, and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1992 to 1999, where she was sorted into Gryffindor house. She has flaming red hair, like most of the Weasley family and a freckled complexion.

While at Hogwarts, she had an incident that led to her almost dying in the Chamber of Secrets. After that, she was part of Dumbledore’s Army and participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and the Battle of Hogwarts. She also was a very good Quidditch player and usually played as chaser and occasionally as seeker. Since, she first met Harry Potter, her brother’s friend, she had a crush on him, but since he didn’t like her back, she started dating other boys, like Michael Corner and Dean Thomas. She ended up dating Harry in her fifth year.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, she married Harry and became a member of the Holly Harpies Quidditch team. She and Harry had three children, James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna. After her Quidditch career, she worked for the sports section of the Daily Prophet newspaper.
She is an incredible and courageous girl, that is impossible to describe in only one article. So for those who are interested in getting to know this red-haired fierce Weasley, please go see the source of this article!

Source: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Ginevra_Weasley

-Beezer Granger


Hermione Granger Quiz

Here’s a quiz on our favorite know-it-all, Hermione Granger!

What is Hermione's middle name?

Who plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies?

What is the name of Hermione's cat?

Finish the classic Hermione quote: “Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or ________.”

What are the names of her kids?

The answers to this quiz will be in the next issue!

-By Jess Granger, intern for the HDN


Crafting Magic: MACUSA clock

-Beezer Granger


Fun Fact

Ever wondered why James hated Snape??

James Potter always suspected that Snape loved Lily, and it was one of the reasons for his behaviour towards Snape. If Snape hadn’t been so interested in the Dark Arts, Lily probably would have ended up marrying him instead of James.

Kinda tough to imagine, that Snape may have been Harry’s father, but Lily was destined for James!
Hope you all enjoyed today’s issue!

-By Angelica Potter


Daily Quote


-By Beezer Granger

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