The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles: The Will Of Arcania

written by Elias Lucifiere

This takes place in a duration of the Kingdom Hearts saga. In a world where Disney and Final Fantasy coincided while each other, world are lost and world are connected. Every man has his story. We walk through a path of light, dusk and dark. This book is a chronicles of events takes place inside the mind of the infamous 13, Organization XIII. Here we follow a man, who has a quite "British charm" and his journey (and perplex memories) as being known as Number X in the Organization.

Last Updated






The Hierophant

Chapter 6

 "He's still sleeping?" Axel whisper to Demyx outside of Luxord's room.

 "Maybe we should let him." Demyx look up at Axel. 

"Nonsense. We have an important meeting coming up...though I would like to see him getting backlash by Xemnas." Demyx gave Axel an unsatisfying look. "Ok. Ok. I hate it when you look at me like that." Demyx smile. "Hey, let me borrow your sitar?"

 Demyx pull the instrument behind him.

 "Alright." Axel said to Demyx. "There must be some other way." Axel thought for a while then snap his fingers as if he has an idea. He then quietly open the door, wide enough for him to sneak right in. Luxord's snoring peacefully in his bed, cuddling and drooling on his pillow. Demyx stayed behind the door watching curiously at his red-headed friend. Axel sneak behind him an lurched over him. 

"Freeze!" Luxord mutter in his sleep. Axel stood perfectly still. He couldn't move.

 "What happen?" Demyx whispered.

 "I... can't... move. The dumb drunk froze me in place." Axel whisper back. Luxord sleep soundly, snoring though all the commotion. "Dem-Dem. A little help." He yell whisper at Demyx. 

"What am I suppose to do?" Demyx ask. 

"I don't know. Do something!" Axel voice raise. Luxord snorted then keep on sleeping. Demyx blew some bubbles. They hover Axel a bit...then pop. The bubbles was fill with a healing magic. Axel crack his fingers and set flames on them. 

"TIME TO RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEAD!!! BURN BABY BURN!!!" Axel threw his flames at Luxord waking the blonde up. Luxord fell onto the floor, with one leg hanging on his bed and his bed-sheet just covering up his lower part of his muscular body. Axel climb on top of his bed and look down at Luxord. "Aww poor baby, had a bad dweam." Axel sing-song at Luxord.

 "Why the bloody hell did you do that for?" Luxord shake his fist. 

"Now, now. Luxy. We have an important meeting later. Xenmas is calling everyone to meet downstairs this afternoon. Now put some underwear on and get ready." Axel toss a pair at Luxord. Then he walked out if the room and closed his door. Luxord lifted the boxers off his face. He sniff it. 

"Wait....these aren't mine."

Key of Destiny.....Roxas...



"Roxas." Luxord said to himself. "Number XIII." He lifted himself up and put on his boxers. "Let's go!" Luxord quickly got dress and ran down to the kitchen where Zexion was there eating breakfast and reading. Luxord lifted his book away. 

"Hey give it back!" Zexion says with his mouth full of bagels and jam.

 "My my. Are you reading this book again?" Luxord said turing the pages. 

"Luxord! Give it back." Zexion yelled. Luxord gave the book back. 

"It's your fifth time reading this. You should got it memorized." He said imitating Axel. 

"Luxord stop picking on Zexion." Xaldin said while cooking on the stove. "Here!" He tossed Luxord a plate of food. "Hurry and eat. We have a lot to do." 

"Say Xaldin." Luxord ask while shoving food into his mouth. 

"Hm?" Xaldin was busy sautéing to care. 

"Did Xemnas pass here a little while ago?" 

"Yeah. Why?" 

"No reason." 

"Is it about the kid in superior's room?" Zexion ask still eating and not looking up from his book. 

"You saw him?" Luxord stop and look at the giant book covering Zexion's face. 

"He was here earlier. Didn't respond much. The kid was more like in some sort of daze." Luxord look at Zexion. 

"Aren't you still a kid, shorty?" 

"Baka! I'm not short!" Zexion twiddle his fingers. "I'm just vertically challenge." 

Luxord patted on his head. "Don't worry, you'll grow...eventually." Zexion turn head and ignore. Xaldin took off his apron at sat in front of Luxord.

 "So who's the kid Zexion's talking about?" Xaldin said as he starts eating. 

"Who knows? Maybe we Zexion have a new playmate?" Zexion kept on reading. 

"Yo!" Zigbar appear overhead of the three.

 "The meeting is about to start. Better get a move on." 

"Wasn't it supposed to be this afternoon?" Xaldin said with a fork in his mouth. 

"Apparently, Xenmas couldn't contain his excitement or something." Xigbar exclaim while stealing Luxord's plate. 

"Hey!" Luxord yell. 

"Need salt." Xigbar said chewing on Luxord's food. 

"Well better get going." Zexion said as he wiped his mouth and leave the kitchen. 

Luxord and Xaldin followed. "W...w...wait up!" Xigbar yell still hanging on the light fixture.

Everyone in the Organization sit patiently high in their throne awaiting for the Superior Nobody, Xemnas to starts his speech. "Good tidings, friends." Xemnas starts. "Today is a momentous day. I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat. Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. Number XIII." 

"Roxas." Luxord whisper to himself. Roxas look up at him, then the rest of the members of Organizations. 

"Members of the Organization. We now one step closer to achieve our ultimate goal. For now on we will call ourselves Organization XIII." Xenmas announced. 

"Number XIII, you will start work first thing tomorrow. Take this time to get to know the people you will be working with."

Later, after the meeting, Luxord went back to his room flinging cards at the wall. Roxas walk in. Luxord stare. No one says a word for a bit. "Roxas..." Luxord start. Roxas leave the room and closed the door. Luxord quickly got out of his bed and ran to the door. Roxas was gone. 

"Not much of a talker is he, Luxord?" Luxord heard a voice. "Or should I call you Rould?" Luxord turn around and sees a cloaked person sitting by his window. 

"Who are you?" Luxord demanded. 

"Rould, after all these years you haven't changed a bit. Now chasing hearts like the dog you are." The cloak man said.

 "I command you to tell me who you are?" Luxord yell. 

"Command me?" The cloaked person laugh. "What would your aniki say when he sees you working in secretly." 

"Aniki?" Luxord asked. "How do you know about him?" The cloaked person stay quiet. "Answer me!" Then there was a knock on his door. Luxord turn around and the mysterious person vanished. The knock grew louder. Luxord went to answer it. He sees Axel leaning on his door. 

"Was someone else there?" Luxord look back. 

"No, no one."

 "Anyway, me and the boys are going to play a few rounds of card before our mission starts and I need an extra player to beat Lexaeus's team." Axel throw his arms around Luxord's coat. 

"Sure. But I'm on his team." Luxord walk off.

 "No fair. I need you on mine." Axel follow Luxord.

As they walk down the castle corridor, Axel spotted Roxas in the corner standing looking at his Keyblade.

 "Say isn't that the new guy?" Axel broke the silence. 

"You mean Roxas?" Luxord look at Axel. Axel walk toward Roxas. 

"Yo, Roxas!" Roxas give him a quick glance and walk away. "What's eating him?" 

 "I'll catch up with you later." 

Axel went off following Roxas. Luxord headed down the pathway to meet up the rest of the gang. After a few hours of playing cards with Xaldin, Lexaeus, Xigbar and Demyx, Luxord started to get suspicious. "Say, shouldn't we be doing some missions by now?" 

"Haven't you heard?" Xigbar says as he threw a Jack on the table. "He has something important to do." Luxord stood up from his chair. "Leaving so soon?" Demyx ask Luxord. 

"Yeah, I haven't finish beating you." Xigbar taunted Luxord. Luxord walk out giving a peace sign. Xaldin lifted up Luxord cards from the table. 

"Looks like you automatically lost this time." Xigbar threw his deck down and pout.

"Playing one of your little games, Rould?" The mysterious person waited by the door. 

"You again?" Luxord yell. "What do you want from me?" 

"Tsk. Tsk. Rould. Rould. You know what I want." 

Luxord look at him confused. "I still don't know what is it that you want?" 

"Luxord!" Marluxia appear from the corner. The mysterious person again disappear. "Have you seen Larxene?" Marluxia said breathing heavily. 

"No, why?" 

"I haven't seen her all day." 

"She'll show up eventually."

 "Ok. When you see her give her this." Marluxia hand Luxord a sealed note.

 "What is it?" 

"It's none of you business." Luxord put the note in his pocket. 

"I have to go. Saix is waiting for me." Marluxia then ran off. 

Luxord look at the empty spot by the door. "Who was that person?" Luxord kept walking. He reach the other end of the castle. Larxene just coming from the dark realm bump into Luxord. 

"Watch it! You idiot!" Larxene yell. 

"Larxene. There you are. I've been looking for you." 

"You have?" Larxene fixes her hair. Luxord handed her the note. She look at it confusingly. "What's this?" 

"Just a parcel from Marluxia." She breaks the seal with one of her knives and read it. Then without saying a word, she put it away and walk off. "What was it anyway?" Luxord ask but she was too far away to listen. 

"Thought she would never leave." Luxord heard the mysterious person's voice. 

"Show yourself." He yell. 

"I'll be in the castle's garden. Don't keep me waiting."

Luxord quickly run out of the castle and head toward the courtyard. There, the cloaked person was waiting. "I've been waiting for you." He said waiting picking pedals from one of Marluxia's flowers. 

"Listen, I don't know who you are and why you come here. But anyone who mess with the Organization should be vanquished." Luxord toss some dice in the air and catch them quickly.

 "Oh, Rould. You pitiful old fool. You think I'm here to separate you and you little friends?" He laughed. "Now, why don't you be a good little boy and give me what I wanted these past decades or so." 

"I don't know what I'm supposed to give...." Luxord starts. "But I know I will never give it to you!" 

"Tsk. Tsk. Poor Rould. You still don't remember." He punch the tree he was leaning on and blow a hole right through it. "Let me help you jog your memories."

 The cloaked person disappear and re-appear behind Luxord. Luxord back-flip out of the way just in time. "C'mon Rould." The mysterious person taunt. "Let's play!" Luxord start the first move. He surround him with cards. The cloak person dodge up in the air avoiding the cards around him. 

"Challenge!!" The cards chase after the person. He sees the challenge was defeated and the mysterious went for the attack.

 "Regulus!" He shouted and filled the garden with a bright light temporary blinding Luxord. 

"Change Deck!" Luxord cards change appearance. He then toss his large summon cards at the mysterious person. The cloak person lean back as the cards flew over it's head. 

"Regulus Impact!" He summon fire magic onto it's fist and punch Luxord across the courtyard. 

"Look closely." Luxord transform himself into a card and shuffle within his own deck. 

"Still playing with a half deck deck aren't you Rouldy boy?" The mysterious person gloat. The cards surround him and he stay still with his eyes shut. Then he punch the card where Luxord was hiding. "You were never good at games, Rould." Luxord toss his deck at him again. The cloaked person was hit one or two time. 

"Regulus!" Again Luxord was blinded by the light the mysterious being made. The mysterious person went for the attack, Luxord was hurt. "Look who's on top of his game." Luxord spread his deck all over the courtyard.

 "Scatter!!" Luxord disappear and reappear wherever the mysterious person jump to. 

"Fold!" Luxord attack him but miss. He disappear again. 

"Fold!" He reappear underneath the cloak person and attack. Luxord disappear once again. 

"Fold!" He reappear underneath and attack. 

"Zenith of Regulus!" The mysterious man punch the ground and all but one card vanish. 

"Regulus Impact!" He punch the remaining card releasing Luxord from it. Luxord attack the person with his deck of cards. He took every damage from it. Luxord then summon an orb of dark energy striking no matter where he runs to. 

"Regulus!" Luxord was blinded by the light again...yet he manage to dodge the cloaked persons attack. Luxord covered the arena in his cards, and rises from the card to attack the mysterious person rapidly. The battle was over. Luxord walk toward the cloaked person lying on the ground. He turn it around. There was no one in the coat. 

"What?!" Luxord was shock. 

"This will help you remember." The mysterious reappear behind Luxord and knock him out.

 "Game over"

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