The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles: The Will Of Arcania

written by Elias Lucifiere

This takes place in a duration of the Kingdom Hearts saga. In a world where Disney and Final Fantasy coincided while each other, world are lost and world are connected. Every man has his story. We walk through a path of light, dusk and dark. This book is a chronicles of events takes place inside the mind of the infamous 13, Organization XIII. Here we follow a man, who has a quite "British charm" and his journey (and perplex memories) as being known as Number X in the Organization.

Last Updated






The Emperor

Chapter 5

A young lad lay on the mud holding a stick beside his chest as if someone stabbed him. A piglet look at him sadly and press his little snout upon his cheeks. The lad open one of his eyes at him and smile. An old man stood before them. The lad look up surprisingly. "Dallben!" 

Dallben look at the young lad with concern. 

"Not quite the play for a hero?" 

"I was...just we was...Hen Wen got dirty." He wiped the mud of the piglet and smile widely. 

"Oh, I see. Another dream, Taran? Hm?" Dallben folded his arms. 

"But Dallben, would I ever be anything but an assistant pig-keeper?" 

"He's a special pig Taran." He rubbed Hen Wen's little belly and laugh. "Now give her a nice bath." Then he went inside the house. 

Taran lifted the pig into a bucket. "Well Hen Wen," he said. "Looks like I would be nothing but a pig-keeper." He sigh as he started to wash the pig. After a minutes of scrubbing, Henry squeal and act strangely. "Hey Hen Wen! Please stop it! What's the matter with you?" Taran said as he try to calm the pig down. 

Dallben open the windows. "Taran! What's going on?" Dallben shouted. 

"I don't know!" Taran shout while holding onto the squealing piglet. "There is something wrong with Hen Wen." Dallben give a surprise look. 

"What! Look, quickly lad! Bring her inside." 

Taran enter the house and sees a tub of water and Dallben lighting a candle. 

"What's that for?" 

"Put Hen Wen down." Dallben said to Taran. "I never use her power unless I have to. But now I must." 


"Taran, what you are about to must never reveal to anyone." Dallben grab ahold of a wooden cane and starts rotating the water. 

"Hen Wen from you I do besiege, knowledge that lies beyond my reach. Trouble forge beyond your heart, bring now those thoughts in parts.

The pig eyes change colour and when she touch the water an image appear.


Rould reach the other side and he sees a young lad sulking in a dungeon. He walk toward him concern. The lad turn around and backed into the dungeon's wall. "Are...are you one of his minions?" The lad said in fright. 

"Minion? Who's?" Rould said to the lady in confusion. Suddenly, across the room the floor began to open and a tiny little light flew up from it. A slender girl with fair skin and long blonde hair climbed out of the floor.

 "I thought I heard a noise in here?" She spoke to the little light." She turned around. 

"Oh, was that you?" 

"Uh..." Rould starts. "You too are being held prisoners aren't you?" 

"Prisoners?" Rould look at the two. 

"I'm held against my will too." The girl said to them. 

"Against your will? By who?" Rould ask the two. The lad look at Rould, then the girl, then back to Rould. 

uddenly, Lethes starts to appear. Rould summon his Chrono-sceptre. "Stand back!" Rould said as he protected the two children. He slashes one and then two Blanks with his sceptre. More Blanks came and Rould slash them easily. More blanks appear in front of Rould. A few more Lethes appear from the darkness and they were heading for the girl. She screams and Rould disperse the ones before him than ran toward the girl. 

"Freeze!" The Lethes stop in place and Rould slash them away. More Lethes appear and disperse them saving the two in trouble. 

"Thank you." She said. The girl smile at Rould and then at the Lad. "I'm Princess Elionwy. Are you a warrior?" 

Rould look at his sceptre. "A warrior...I guess." 

"And who is he? Is he a warrior too?" Princess Elionwy ask. "No, I'm an assistant pig-keeper." The lad said. 

"I was so hoping someone would help me escape." She said looking at Rould. "If you want to come with me, you can." She then look at the lad. "You too." 

"I can?" He ask.

 "Of course." She climb back down the trap door. "He's a wicked, wicked King." She said while climbing down. "You know he stole me!" 

"Who?" Rould ask the Princess.

 "The Horned King." The lad said following the princess. Rould follow both. "He thought my bauble could tell him where some old cauldron was." Princess Elionwy said flipping her hair. 

"Bauble?" The little light flew around Round and the young lad. 

"He said the same thing about my pig." The young lad said jumping down the steps. Rould was not far behind. 

"Your pig?" Rould ask confusingly. 

"Yes, your pig?" She laugh. 

"My pig can tell the future." The lad said. Rould was sceptical. A pig that can tell the future. How bizarre is that. It's utterly nonsense. However, Rould decide to go play along with their little game. 

"Can he?" Rould ask him. The lad nodded. 

"Ooh, how interesting." Princess Elionwy laugh. "Well you better stay closed to me or you two would be lost." Then she starts walking into the passage.

Rould and the lad follow her. Along the way Rould fought off some Lethes and rats along the way until the three reach a light at the end. The princess look inside. 

"A burial chamber. This could be the tomb of the great King who built this castle." She said looking. "Before the Horned King took it over." 

The lad lean closer then the wall crumbled and he fell in. "Are you all right?" Rould asked. The lad look at him piss. 

"Well then you two, help me look around." The princess spoke. They walk in closer defeating Lethes and rats that stood upon them. The lad walk toward a dusty tomb and brush off the cobwebs. "A sword." He exclaim. Rould turn around and he remember his friend. 

"Aniki." He said to himself. 

Suddenly they heard a noise and the three take a look. They saw one of the Horned King's minion closing a door. " Let's get out of here before they come back." Princess Elionwy whipers to the two. They sneak past the door and rested. The lad carry the sword he found earlier along the way. "Where did you get that sword?"

 "He found it in the King's chamber." Rould said to the Princess. 

"You mean?" The Princess starts. 

"Well he's not going to use it." The lad said pointing at the corpse. 

"Neither would I." Rould said showing his sceptre. They suddenly heard loud barking in the distance. The three went to investigate and they see an old man in chain.

"Help!" He yell. 

The three went to free him until Lethes appears. Rould and the lad help fought off the Blanks and rats. The lad help free the old man. "Don't you know where you are?" 

"It appears to be a castle." Rould stated the obvious. 

"Who's in there?" A voice was heard behind the locked door. 

"We been discovered." Rould said grabbing Princess Elionwy and the lad to safety. The Princess escape but the lad dropped his sword. Rould turn around and hid him underneath the bridge. 

"Shhh." He hush him. The guards ran across over them. 

"Thanks." The lad was relief. 

"We never properly introduce." Rould said. "I'm Rould. And you are?" 


"Taran. What a peculiar name." Taran look up for clearance. "We must get to the princess. Hurry." 

Rould agrees. 

They walk out until they have been spotted by a guard. 

"I'll take care of him." Rould said to Taran.

 "Let me help." Taran wielded the sword. The two fought against the guard. Rould use his sceptre while Taran fight along with his sword. As the battle progresses, Lethes appears. 

"You take on the small fry." Rould shouted at Taran. Rould fight with the guard while Taran fight the Blanks. When the Blanks disappear, rats take it's place. Rould defends Taran with his sceptre and Taran defends Rould with his sword. When Taran finish with the small stuff he went and help Rould fight with the big guy. The two fight until he was defeated. The guard then ran off. "You make a great knight." Rould said patting Taran's head. The princess return where they both stood.

"Oh, you're safe." Taran said. 

"Well of course." Princess Elionwy said. "Come on let's get out of here." 

Taran grabbed her by the hand. Rould follows. The three ran up the stairs and through the castle fighting Blanks, rats and guards along the way. All protecting the princess from the danger. Then they reach the drawbridge door surrounded by enemies. Rould look around.

 "I have an idea. Aim you sword at the chain while I fight them off." Taran did what he was told. After a few mighty hits with the sword the chain broke. The old man from before came running along past the guards and the drawbridge door open. 

"Run!" Rould yell. 

The three ran away. 

"Why didn't you tell me you have a magic sword?" The old man ran behind them.

At the safety of the woods the gang rested. The old man play his harp while Rould help train Taran with his sword. 

"What a lovely song. But it would be better if you sing about heroic escape." Princess Elionwy said. "Weren't you a bit frighten Fflewddur?" 

"Fflam frighten?" He laugh. "That word isn't in my vocabulary." Then a string from his harp broke. 

"Neither does musical talent." Rould said practicing his attack with Taran. 

"In that case I wasn't afraid." Taran said lifting his sword. 

"Not afraid? We were running from our lives." The princess said.

 "I got us out of the castle didn't I?" Said Taran. 

"You? It's was more Rould who did the saving." She turned. 

"True." Rould starts. "But it take a great warrior to wield a sword like that." 

" is a magic sword." She said. 

"What does a girl know about sword anyway?" Taran scolded the princess. 

"Enough you two. Settle down." Rould stood between them. 

"Girl? If it weren't for this girl, you would be stuck in the castle's dungeon." 

"Here now Princess Elionwy...Taran." Fflam said. 

"You're such a bored." Princess Elionwy yell at Taran. 

"Now Princess." Rould stopped her. 

"Ooof! Why are you taking his side?" She then stomp off. 

"But...but..." Rould stuttered. 

"Silly girl" Taran spoke. "Even if she is a Princess." 

Princess Elionwy starts to cry and went off. Rould and Taran went after her until Lethes appear. "Not them again." 

 Rould and Taran fought off the few Lethes until they reach where the princess was sulking. "There she is." Taran said to Rould.

 "Well then." Rould push Taran. He stumbled. 

"Hello." Taran spoke. 

"Hello." The princess said wiping tears from her eyes. Taran look back.

 "Well go on." Rould whipser and gesture behind the bushes. 

"You know, we do have to work together." She lean against the tree. "And we will find your pig. I'm sure it's important." 

"Thank you for getting us out of the dungeon." Rould said coming out of the bushes. 

"Well we couldn't have done it with you." She turn toward Taran. "Especially you." Then three heard Fflam screaming in the distance. A small badger-like creature was on top of him. 

"Gurgi." Taran said. Rould look at him. 

"You know him?" 


"Master?" Gurgi said. He then try to help Fflam up. 

"Master?" Rould ask. 

"Long story." Taran replies. 

"Well...who is your pungent little friend?" Fflam ask Taran. 

"Well he's no friend of mine. He's just a coward and a thief." Taran turn head. 

"This little guy." Rould pet him. "He's kinda cute." 

The princess arrive and Gurgi fixes his fur. "Oh, he's charming." She said.

 "And pungent too." Gurgi added. The Princess laughed. 

"Go on. Tottle off." Taran shoo the furry little creature away. "Gurgi go!" He little became upset. He started walking then stop. 

"Track? Track! Gurgi remember! Saw piggy's tracks!"

 "You did?" Taran said excitingly. 

"Today!" Gurgi said happily. 

"Today? Wait a minute?" Taran was unconvinced by him.

 "He'll try anything." Fflam said cowardly behind Taran. Rould kneel down for a closer look. 

"No, look. They are still fresh." Rould stood back up. 

"Well come on!" The princess gesture.

They followed the tracks until they reach a lake. Gurgi shows the group the way until he fell into the lake and a whirlpool began to form. "Hold on!" Rould yell pulling the little furry guy. The others help too but they were all suck into the vortex. They reach the bottom safely until they spotted some fairies being attack by the Lethes. The two warriors drew their blade/staff and fought off the Lethes. After a quick battle the fairies left.

 "Look, tracks!" Gurgi pointed. They kept following the pig tracks. Then another group of fairies were in danger. The two did the same before, attacking Lethes. Then they flew off. Another group of fairies were in trouble. The two attack once more and the fairies flew off.

 "Hen Wen!" Taran shouted. The pig ran toward then knocking Rould to the ground. 

"Hey there little guy." Rould pet her.

 "Hen Wen you're safe. I'm glad. But the Horned King will definitely kill us if he find the Black Cauldron." Taran said hugging his piglet. The fairies surround the heroes and lifted them up. 

"What's going on?" Rould ask while being lifted in the air. 

"I think they are taking us to where the Black Cauldron is located." Princess Elionwy reply. The four flew, and Gurgi too, out of the lake and into a swampy marsh.

The heroes walk along the marsh until the stop at a house. "What is a house doing here?" Rould ask. 

"Let's take a look." Said Taran. They walk inside. 

"The cauldron must be here." The princess searched. 

Suddenly three witches appear. The witches cackle. Rould drew his sceptre. "Are you ready?" He said to Taran. 


The witches made the first move. They summon thunder. Rould and Taran were hit. Then it was Rould turn to attack but the witches summon wind so the two cannot touch them. Instead they were hit by cauldrons. Then they swirl around the heroes attacking them. Rould attack them with his sceptre and the effect were hit. The witches then summon thunder. Both Rould and Taran dodge the attack. The witches then summon wind and cauldron flew across the room. Rould deflect them back at the witches stunning them so he can make a proper attack. The witches summon thunder and Rould and Taran dodge it. They surround the two and attack. Taran hit one with his sword. Rould hit the other. The witches summon wind and again Rould deflect the cauldrons back at them stunning temporary for the attack. The fight went like this for a long time until the witches were defeated. 

"Enough!" Taran drew his sword. "We are here for the Black Cauldron."

 "We'll give it you for a trade." One of witches said. Rould look at this sceptre. 

"No, not this." Rould said clenching his staff. "I need this to save Aniki!" 

"Wait!" Taran yell. "I'll trade my prize possession for the Black Cauldron." He show them the sword. 

"Not your sword." The Princess yell. 

"Deal is done." The sword and the witches disappear and a savage wind blew the cauldrons and house away. Then the Earth crack beneath them and split. Appear is the Black Cauldron. 

"Remember! The Black Cauldron cannot be destroy. Only it's evil can be stopped." They heard the witches warning.

 "So there must be a way. But how?" Taran ask. 

"A living being must climb into it from his own free will. But whoever climb into will never climb out alive." Suddenly they were attack by the castle's guards and Horned King minions. They surrounded the group. One of them knock Rould down. 

"Rould!" Taran yell. "Without my sword, I'm nothing." The gang was capture.

Rould awoken with the rest above in chains. "What just happen?" Rould said. Rould sees a horned masked man before. "Who is that?" 

"That's the Horned King." Taran explain. 

"He sure is ugly." 

"Just wait 'til you see what is install." The Horned King grab a skeleton and place it inside the cauldron. "Arise my minion of death!" Magic spew from the cauldron. The dead rose from their grave. 

"It's horrible." Princess Elionwy yelled. 

"My beloved warriors have come to life. All the dead of century past." 

"You fiend!" Rould struggled to get out. 

"Go forth my undead warriors. Destroy everything in path." The Horned King commanded. "Only moments away from victory. My greatest triumph." 

Rould pull the chain. "I must get these damn thing off!" He pulled and pulled until the chain broke.

 "Hurry Rould!" Yell Taran while taking off the chain. "You must stop him!" 

"But how?" Then Taran decided. He climb up the beam and walk toward the cauldron. 

"No!" The Princess cried. 

"Wait!" Rould yell. 

Taran walk close to the edge and jump. 


Rould summon his sceptre. 

"Reverse!!!!!!!!" Taran fall up toward the beam. "Dimension send!" The Black Cauldron disappear. 

"It''s gone?" The princess said. 

"No, I just send it somewhere else." Rould said tiredly. 

"But how are you going to destroy the Horned King?" Taran asked. 

"I have my ways." Rould clench his staff and ran off.

 "Good luck." Yell the Princess.

Rould stood before the demonic Horned King. He sat perch on his throne. "You escape. But you are a little too late."

 "I'm not late." Rould shouted. "I'm just getting started." 

The Horned King sends his minion to attack Rould. Rould use his sceptre to defend himself. The Horned King summons rings of fire all over the place. 

"Freeze!" The fire stopped. The demon then send his undead warriors to fight Rould. He uses king sceptre to fight all over them. The Horned King laugh demoniacally and summons fireball at Rould. Rould deflect each one back at the King causing damage. The King summon his minions and guard to fight. Rould hack and slash his way through. Then the evil King summon rings of fire. 

"Freeze!" The fire stopped forming. He laugh demoniacally and shoot fireballs at the warrior. Rould deflect it back at the king causing more damage. The Horned King summons his undead army. Rould fought them off with his staff. The Horned King summon rings of fire. 

"Freeze!" The fire stopped. The Horned King again summon rings of fire. 

"Freeze!" Again, the fire stopped. The king laugh and threw fireballs at Rould. He deflect them back to the King causing more damage. The Horned King summon his minions. Rould fought them easily. Then he summon his undead. Rould took care of that. The king laugh and shoot fireballs. Rould deflect it back at him. Then he summons rings of fire. 

"Freeze!" The fire stop forming. The Horned King laugh at shoot fire balls. Rould deflect it back him causing damage. The fight went like this for a while.  After one last fireball deflect. The Horned King was defeat. The Horned King melted and scream in agony and mercy. A card release from the evil tyrant's heart.


The castle walls started to crumbled. "Hurry! We must escape!" Taran shouted. 

Rould ran back toward then. The group ran through the castle avoiding the falling rocks and pitfalls. The kept running until they spotted a boat along the castle's underground river. They rode the rapid out and reached the other side. 

"Everyone is safe?" The princess was relief.  Eilonwy and Taran kiss. They blushed at each other. 

Suddenly, the staff summon itself and it shakes. "What's going on Rould?" Taran ask. The staff spin in the air then land straight up. A portal open. 

"Well..."Rould said. "It's time for me to go." 

"Will we ever see you again?" Princess Elionwy cried. Rould caress his hand upon her cheeks. 

"We will...." He turn to Taran. "You keep that pig safe now, you here." 

"I will. And thank you for everything." Rould gave a sign and walk into the portal. Everyone waved him goodbye. Rould next adventures await him.

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