The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles: The Will Of Arcania

written by Elias Lucifiere

This takes place in a duration of the Kingdom Hearts saga. In a world where Disney and Final Fantasy coincided while each other, world are lost and world are connected. Every man has his story. We walk through a path of light, dusk and dark. This book is a chronicles of events takes place inside the mind of the infamous 13, Organization XIII. Here we follow a man, who has a quite "British charm" and his journey (and perplex memories) as being known as Number X in the Organization.

Last Updated






The Emperess

Chapter 4

The intensity of the light spread throughout the sectum. Rould took a few step back covering his eyes from the brightness. "This light! It's so bright." He tried to look into the brightness. Within the high intensity he sees something moving. It wasn't a Lethe he saw before. It didn't sway like the creatures. The shadow quickly hop out of the way as soon the light dim down. 

"What was that?" He said to himself. He look at his newly form wand. "Chrono-sceptre." He thought to himself. "Why would I know such a word?" The world started to shake. Rould step back again and slip off the edge. He quickly hold on to the ledge. The place tremble once again. Rould holding to his dear life. "Can't hold on much longer." Another tremble. His fingers starts to shake. His hands starts to shake. Then Rould let go of the ledge. He starts to fall into the pitch blackness. He screams. Down. Down. He fell. Flipping into nothingness. 

"Reverse!" Rould suddenly stop falling in midair. His body was lifted in the same velocity of him dropping. As if he was falling up! Up he went. Back, back to the ledge he was clinging on. He pulled himself right up. 

"Woah!" He said breathing heavily. "That was close." He look over the edge. "Did....did I do that?" 

He hold his sceptre tightly. Rould turn around at starts to walk toward the centre of the circle. Stairs began to appear magically. He took a step onto it. Trying to keep his balance. His hands to the side. To his surprise there was a forcefield. Rould took another step and more steps appear. He climb up another and another step appear. And another. Another.

 "Strange world." He look back and the first step vanish. Then the second. The the third. "Oh, no." Rould starts running up. He more steps he take, the more appear in front of him and the more disappear behind him. Rould ran up and up. The stairs spiral along the way. Then he finally made it to the top and the stairs behind him....were gone. 

He step onto the platform but the way nothing waiting there. Then more Lethe starts to appear. "They're back!" He yell to himself. 

Rould look at his staff. "Light!" He yell. 

Nothing happen. 

"High beam!" 

Again nothing.

 "Work you stupid stick!" 

No response. 

The Lethe look at him. More appear behind it. Rould starts swinging his rod. "Back! Back I say!" The Lethe dodge the momentum. Rould closed his eyes and swing it violently until it hit one then it disappear. He look at his staff and gave a cheeky grin. Then pose for an attack.

Rould use his sceptre as a blunt object. 




One of the Lethe disappear. Then another and another. The Lethe realized the weapon can actually hurt them so they change their tactics. Two charge in from front of him while three sneak from behind. Round turn around and disperse the enemies from behind then leap through the air and eliminate the ones in the front. After a short battle every creatures were gone. Rould kneel to catch his breath. He looked up as sees another sets of stairs. 

"I wonder where this one's going to lead me?" He said to himself. He stood up and start walking up. Again the platform before crumbled into the darkness. The steps didn't disappear, they stay hovered where they were. 

Rould nodded. "Okay." He climb up until he reach the top. The light overhead shine bright. His shadow cast over the platform them it hit him. Rould flew close to the edge. "What?!" 

The shadow grew large to a colossal state. The creature was different from before. It lift it's ravenous wings and wind blew across the platform. It look at Rould and gave a horrendous screech.

"Ahhh! My ears!" Rould yell. The creature lift it's black tail and whip the ground with a large 'thud'. The wolf like creature glare at Rould with it's crimson eyes and howl. Rould held onto his sceptre tightly and charge for an attack.The creature lifted it's sharp claw and summons more Lethe from before. 

"Oh no, not these again." 

The Lethe jumps for an attack. Rould knock them out with his rod. The large winged creature roar again. Rould ran toward it with his sceptre. The creature swing it's paw and knock Rould to it's side. Rould tumbled on the ground. "This guy is going to be tough." He said wiping sweat from his lips. Rould ran around the large creature and hit it with his rod. The creature screech and again attack Rould. He summon more Lethe into the game. The young knight attack the small creatures and then attack the large one. The battle rages for a while until blood emerged from it. Rould prepare for a final attack. He twirl his staff and swung it on the creature. The winged creature collapse onto the ground. 

"Well that was done." He sigh with exasperation. The creature started to melt and grab on hold to Rould's legs.

 "Huh?" He look down. "Let go you beast!" 

The creature roar and slide off the platform. Rould tried to hold on but the creature weight was massive and drag him to the dark void. Rould yell as he far. He look up and sees a mysterious figure looking down from the platform. "Aniki!" He yell as he fall in the darkness and vanish.

Moments later Rould hear a voice. "Merlin, I think....I think the boy is waking up." Rould open his eyes and rub his head. 

"Uh, what happen? Was that all a dream?" He open his eyes wider and sees an owl starting at him. "Woah!" The owl fell off the bed. 

"Watch it!" Archemides yell from underneath the bed. Rould look underneath him. 

"Who....who are you?"

 "I see you're awake now." Merlin said as he stir in mushrooms into a large cauldron over the fire. "You had me quite a scare, collapsing in the middle of the woods." 

"Good thing we found him before the wolves does." Archemides said as she climb up the foot stool. 

"Wolves?" Rould had a sudden flash about the large winged wolf-like creature from before. "Was that all a dream?....Aniki!" He removed the quilt off of him and try to stand out of the bedside. Rould's knees starts to shake then he fell down. Merlin ran up to him. 

"Hey, hey now." Merlin said. "You must get back into bed. You are in no shape what so ever." He link Rould's arm with his arm and lifted him up back into bed. Rould hold onto his chest with agony. 

"I must go sir." He said weakly.

 "Not in that condition." Archemides scolded at Rould then flew on top of a wooden chair. "Here drink up." Merlin handed him an old chipped bowl filled with liquids. Rould drinks it. 

"Yuck. What is this?" He stick out his tongue. 

"A healing concoction." Merlin said stirring the pot. Rould look down at his bowl and sees the liquid burst a bubble. He look up and sees Archemides perching on his sceptre. "What is a boy going around in the wood carrying a stick?"

"Hey! Careful!" Rould reach his arm. Archemides startled and nearly knock down the rod. Merlin turn around. 

"So...." He started. "You're a thaumaturge." 

Rould look up confused. "A what?" 

Merlin walk toward him and sat on his bedside and look down seriously. "A sorcerer."

"Me? A sorcerer? I can't be one. I'm one of the King's royal knight." He pounded his chest great honour then bend down from the pain.

 "You can't be knight without an armour." Archimedes smirk. Rould look around and sees there is no armour in sight. He look under the covered and only see old torn clothes. 

"My armour? My sword? Where is it?"

 "You never came fully package. Just your regular rags and this." Merlin said as he pick up the sceptre. Rould reach out and the sceptre disappear and re-appear onto Rould's hands. Merlin smile. 

"How did I?" He questioned to the wizard. 

"Tomorrow we will start our training." 

"Training? For what?" Rould asked. 

"To master the magic of the Chrono-sceptre. Plus I need an apprentice." 

"An apprentice?" "We have a long day tomorrow so rest up." 

"But...but..." Rould startled.

"Hope he doesn't go and turn you into a bird." Archemides laugh. 

"What is he talking about?" Rould yell. 

"Just ignore him. I'm pretty sure that won't happen twice." He open the cabin the door and Archimedes flew out. 

"Wait!" Rould yell. "Who are you?" 

Merlin turn around. "I'm the son of the late Adhan Ambrosis." Then he walk out. 

"Ambrosis???'re Merlin!! Come back for a minute!!!!!" Rould stare at the wooden door and sigh. "What kind of trouble I have put myself into?" Rould fell back into bed.

The next day Rould was feeling much better and step out of the cabin. When he opens the door he sees Merlin fight with the Lethe. "Shoo! Go away!" Merlin said waving his wand. 

"Those creatures. I've seen them before. Then it wasn't a dream......It's a nightmare!" He sees Merlin struggling to get rid of the dark creatures. "Let me take care of this." Rould summon his sceptre and fought the Lethe protecting the wizard. 

"What in God's name are those doing Lethe doing here?" Rould put his weapon down. 

" know these strange creatures?" He ask Merlin.

 "Of course I do. I know all." Rould was unconvinced. "Now, now. You must learn the how to harness the true power of time." 

"Time?" He look at him strangely. 

"Don't worry you'll find the answers soon enough. Now let's begin." Merlin summons a couple of marionettes to the field. 

"I didn't sign up for this." Rould sat down on the floor. 

"But my boy, I think you did." Merlin states as he polish his wand. "You...made...a...contract.....didn't you?"

"I did?"

"I'm sure. Only a chosen few can use that staff of yours." Merlin says as he blow the dirt from his wand. "Now let's begin shall we?" He waves his wand and they start moving by themselves. Suddenly, a shadow cast over the puppets and it moves in it's own command. "This can't be right?" 

The puppets then combined into one huge puppet creature. Merlin flick his wand. Sparks flew but it was uneffective. The puppet then swing his arms and knock out the wizard. "Darn blasted! I just tune this stupid stick."

"Merlin!" Rould shouted. Then he went for the attack. After a few swing from his sceptre the puppet revert back to normal size. Merlin stood up. 

"I going to have a talk with that Viviane!" Merlin then stomp off into the forest. 

"You don't mean that witch!" Rould follows him.

They reach the lake where the Goddess was dormant. "Lady Viviane come out this instant!" The lake bubbles and the woman rose from the water. Darkness surrounds her, it consumes her. "Wait? Something's not right." Merlin step back. 

"Achub fi os gwelwch yn dda, Merlin." Viviane hiss.

 "She's under controlled." Merlin shouted to Rould. 

"What am I supposed to do?" Rould looked at the bearded wizard. 

"You're a knight aren't you?" Merlin shouted. "Do knightly things or something!"

"Right! I'll take care of this." Rould charge in and Viviane attack. 

Viviane used the water of the lake to hit Rould and then rises herself up hight. 

"Aim for the gem!" Merlin yell. Rould look up and sees a gem on Viviane's forehead. Then he came up with an idea. Viviane then summons pillars of water around her. 

"Freeze!" The water froze in place as if time stood still. Rould then hopped from one pillar of water to the next. He reach the top and hit the gem. Time started back again. Viviane then went for another attack. She summons the Lethe to fight Rould. Rould took care of them easily. The Goddess again summons the pillar of water around her. 

"Freeze!" The water stop again making the pillar of steps. Rould climb up and hit the gem. Time unfroze again. She then dove deep into the lake and summon the Lethe. Rould fought off the creatures. Then he ran toward the lake. Viviane attack Rould pushing him away. She cast wind to push Rould away from the lake. Rould tries to push forward. Viviane then summons another pillar of water. 

"Freeze!" The pillar froze in place and Rould again climb up it. He hit the gem and time started again. The fight went like this for a while. Until one last final hit and the gem broke. Viviane return to normal size and a light released from her. The light landed on Rould's hand and turn into a card.

ο μάγος

The card then disappear into the sceptre. Merlin ran toward Viviane. "Viviane! Are you okay?" 

"What happen?" 

"You were controlled by something." Merlin stated. 

"I...I was." She look at the young knight. "Did...did you save me?" 

"Y...yes-um." Viviane look at him gracefully. Then she look at Merlin. "Merlin, the other worlds are in trouble."

 "I can see that." She then walk toward Rould. He look at her nervously. She smiles. 

"Don't be afraid." Rould became relief. "We need your help. I seen those creatures before. They are appearing all over. The creature you saw before were called Blanks." 


Viviane nodded. "Yes. they are the lowest form of the Lethes." 

"Wait they are more than them?!" 

"Don't worry, we believe you have the power to stop them." Rould look at his sceptre he was carrying. Viviane shook her head. "No, no. In here." She touch his chest. "As thank you I will give you something special." She cast a spell onto him and his rags change into something more suitable. "These clothes will help you with your journey. It can also help transport yourself into other worlds." Rould look at her. 

"Thank you but I don't think I can do this." 

"Wait just a minute." Merlin tries to stop him. "He's not done with his training."

"Merlin?" Rould look at him.

"He's just a boy."

"We don't have much time Merlin." Viviane says. "Our world is in danger."

"Danger?" Rould fell down.

"I don't know." Merlin look down at the clumsy boy. I don't think he's ready." Merlin look at the young lad on the ground and gave him a lift. "We must be in real peril to trust a runt like him." 

"I'm not a runt." Rould scuff. "I'm part of his royal majesty Uther Pendragon's elite knight." 

"Very well then." Merlin flick his wand. "Here."A clock pendant appears around his neck. 

"What is this?" Rould said as he look at the pendant hanging around his neck.

"It's a good luck charm. It will help you later on." Rould smile then nodded. "Now don't get too cocky you hear me boy." He open the portal and off he went. 

"Be careful." Viviane said. 

"Now how am I going to find another apprentice during this hour?" Viviane laugh and sees Rould leave to begin his journey. 

In between realm, Rould look at his pendant and clench it tightly. "Aniki." Rould sees a light at the end. "Aniki....I will find you." He then ran toward it unknowingly what awaits him.

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