The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles: The Will Of Arcania

written by Elias Lucifiere

This takes place in a duration of the Kingdom Hearts saga. In a world where Disney and Final Fantasy coincided while each other, world are lost and world are connected. Every man has his story. We walk through a path of light, dusk and dark. This book is a chronicles of events takes place inside the mind of the infamous 13, Organization XIII. Here we follow a man, who has a quite "British charm" and his journey (and perplex memories) as being known as Number X in the Organization.

Last Updated






The High Priestess

Chapter 3

"Come blasted Archimedes! Why don't you hurry up already?" A voice shout in the blackness of the forest. 

"I would hurry up if you hadn't made me gather these ridiculous plants every few or so minutes." The other voice shout. 

"Oh pish posh. They are not ridiculous, they are our ingredients."

 "Ingredients for what?" An owl flew out of the shades. 

"For a new potion, my fine feather friend." 

"You hadn't made a decent potion since 'that' last incident." Archimedes folded his wings. 

"Nonsense! I made a wonderful elixir just last month." 

Archimedes flew up. "And look what happen, huh? You went and turn me into a bird, Merlin." Merlin step out carrying a bag.

 "Are you still upset about that? An owl is one of world's most noblest bird." 

"You wouldn't say that if you were condemn to a lifetime or insects and birdseed." Archimede spoke. Merlin stopped and stare at the view of a majestic castle over the horizon. 

"Aahhh, here we are..."


Merlin stretched and gaze the marvellous view of the meadow and the giant castle overshadowing the the plain. "We finally made it." 

"And where are finally made it to, Merlin?" Archimede swoop on top of Merlin's hat and look down. Merlin look up. 

"We're here to visit an old friend." 

"You mean Viviane?"

 "Precisely. His majesty King Uther Pendragon summoned us to retrieve a book from this sorcerer." Merlin said as he walk toward the horizon. 

"And what kind of book is his majesty looking for?" Archimedes said scratching his head. 

"It's a powerful book that not only strengthen people hidden ability but in the wrong hands can make numerous worlds disappear." 

"Judging by this book, I don't think we could find it in any local bookshop." Merlin stopped for a moment. 

"Exactly!" Then Merlin continue walking. "Hurry Archimedes, we mustn't dilly dattl." 

"I'm coming. I'm coming."

Meanwhile in another of the part of the forest. The two knights waited patiently by the brook. 

"Aniki! I'm hungry!!" The younger knight's stomach began to growl. 

"Patient boy. Now where can this wizard be?" The older of the two patiently walk around. The younger one follows him. They walk deeper into the forest. 

"Are we lost Aniki?" Suddenly the older one heard a sound. The young knight drag his feet and bump into the older knight. "Aniki?" He young one question. 

"Hush boy. I hear something." The young knight cup his ear. 

"I don't hear anything?" The older knight starts running, the young one realized he's off start chasing after him. They zig and zag through the trees. Jumping over rocks and streams. Over and under. The older knight rapidly chasing. The younger one still doesn't know but continue to follow him. Then they reach upon a crystal clear lake. "Aniki!" The young one breathe heavily. The older knight hush him. 

"Be quiet." The forest suddenly quiet down; not a sound was heard. No animals. No wind. It was as if  time stood still. 

"Aniki, what's going on?" The older knight quickly pull his young friend behind some trees. "Aniki?" The older knight covered his mouth. A melodious melody break through the silence of still forest. A radiant light appear from a the darkest part of the forest. The light blinded them. Through the light they both gaze upon a tall woman. Her skin soft as silk. Hair coloured of the earth. Eyes sparkled as a clear blue sky. "Woah." The young knight quietly said. "Who is she?" 

"I'm not sure." The woman gracefully walk toward the lake. She kneel as elegantly touch the clear water making ripples. Then stood up and starts to sing. 

"What a beautiful voice she has?" The young knight quietly said to his friend. They watched her. She then starts to walk around the lake. She dance. She dance around the reflection of the cloudless sky. She moves swiftly as the wind. Her earthy hair wave through the breeze she made. Flowers appears in her locks. She dance and dance. Clockwise. Counter-clockwise. Around and around. Singing and chanting. Chanting and singing. She dances on top of the water. "Aniki, she's walking on water." The young knight whisper to his friend's ear. Then the woman stop. Still standing on top of surface of the lake. "Aniki, why did the maiden stop?" The maiden rose her arms to the heaven and chanted these phrase:

Ar agor dy giât i'r llall tir, bydd gostyngiad o waed yn eich gorchymyn. Bydd un drosglwyddo i'r tir o "ef". Rhyddhau dy tudalennau a'i osod am ddim!

The lady then took a small blade from her hair, and slash the palm of her hand. A small drop of blood slowly descend to the water. The earth trembled and the water rippled beneath her. "Aniki? What's going on?" The young knight clutch the older knight's arm tightly.

 "I'm not sure boy." A beam of light rose from the depth of the water. Gust of wind spiral through the crack of the water. The two knights held on as the wind blew across the forest. From the light they see something. A book. An old book. 

"Aniki, what's that?" He question his friend.

 "It appears to be a book." His friend answers. The goddess pick up the and the light stop shining through the water. The young knight quietly move closer. He step on a twig. The woman look around quickly. 

"Who's there?" She asked. "Show yourself! I command you." The young slowly walk toward her. She look at him with disgrace. "Speak now!" He opens his mouth but not a sound came through. "Speak now! I command thee!" The older knight walk toward his friend who was twiddling his fingers. 

"We are the knights from his royal majesty King Uther Pendragon. We were looking for someone." His voice became strong when he said it. 

"Who are you looking for?" She demanded. 

"A woman by the name of Viviane." The maiden clutch her book then took a step back. 

"How do you know name?" The young knight look at his superior. 

"That's Viviane?! I thought she was just a myth." 

"We are here to take you see someone." 

"Whom?" She said looking at the suited men.

 "A great and powerful wizard." 

"Merlin." Viviane said tightening her fist. "If I am going to see this 'wizard ' you must prove yourself worthy of my acceptance." She snap her fingers and strange creatures appear from the ground. They surround the knight. 

"What are they?" The young knight said as he wield his sword. 

"I'm not sure but if we have to fight them..." The older knight said taking out his mighty blade. 


The two knight swing their blades. The slash through one. Then another. More and more appeared. They fought the strange creatures. One slash and two more shows up. Each time they cut through one, they double in size. "Aaarggg! There are so many!!!" He older knight yell as she hack and slash his way through Viviane. The creatures surround him and bring him to a world of despair. 

"Aniki!!!" The young knight kick one of the creatures out of the way and dive into the darkness. "Aniki!!!" He yell!

The young man fell deep into the darkness. He dove deeper and deeper. Falling and falling. His armour disappear into change into fragment of light. "Where am I?" He said to himself. "Am I dead?" He glide down deep until he landed safely down. "What's going on here?" The look around. There was nothing but pure darkness. "Aniki!!!" He yelled. "Aniki!!!" Nothing. He took a step forward and suddenly the atmosphere change. Light appeared beneath him. The world of darkness suddenly transform into a stain glass mosaic. "What is this place?" He walk forward. Three pedestal appeared. One with a sword. One with a shield. One with a staff. "What are these things? What's going on? Hello? Anyone out there?"

.erised traeh yht taht eno eht esoohC .stiawa ynitsed uoY

"One? One what?" He yell to nothing. "One that thy heart desire?" He walk slowly toward the sword hovering over the pedestal. As soon as he touch it, it disappeared. "Huh?"

.erised traeh yht eno eht esoohC .tey htgnerts fo elbapac ton era uoY

"What do you mean not capable? Answer me!" Again nothing answer. He walk toward the shield. As soon as he touch it, it too disappear. "What! I'm capable of a shield either?" Nothing answer back. He walk toward the staff. Reach out then stop. He hesitated. "What if this too disappear?" He said to himself. He look at his hand. "Aniki...." He closed his eyes reach out and grab the staff. The staff started to glow. All three pedestal suddenly vanish. From across the other side. A large door appear. He walk toward the door and try to open it. 

"It's lock." He turn around a sees a large box. "Where did that crate come from?" He inspected it, looking from every angle. "Maybe the key is inside here." He look again to see if there is any opening. Then he took his newly acquired staff and break open the large box. The door suddenly cover it self with light. "The door...." 

He try to open the door again. Unfortunately, the door how has a force field. "Bugger, now what." He look around again and saw a treasure chest. "What wasn't there before?" He question himself. The young knight tries to open the chest but nothing open happen. Then he took his staff and yell out "RELEASE!" 

The chest open and the light from the door vanished. "How did I know to say that?" He suddenly walk to the door. The door open and light shine through it. "It's so bright." He covered his eyes and walk into it.

The knight reached the other side of the door and it slam shut and disappear. He turn around. "The door. What happen to it?" Shadows appear beneath him. The strange creatures from earlier starts to jump out of its portal. "These creatures, what sort are they?"




"Lethe?" The knight yell to the darkness. He look at his staff. "How am I supposed to defeat them.?" 

Then from a nowhere a different voice was heard. It wasn't familiar. I was soft yet strong. Almost.....magical. "Use the staff!" He look at the staff he just gotten. He swings his wand but a last....nothing. 

"Nothing is happening!" He yell out. "You must make a contract with it to release it's power!

"Contract? Power? This old stick?" He look at the staff once again. 

"Hurry. They're coming.

"What am I supposed to do?" He said as he held the staff tightly in his grip. "I didn't sign up for this." He breathe deeply. "Okay, calm down." He said to himself. "How can I calm down when I'm about to be eaten by these black 'things'. I should have just stay in the castle. But anything is better than kitchen duty." The knight closed his eyes and look within his heart. And yell:


The wand suddenly glow. The old stick suddenly change into a silvery sceptre with a face of a clock at the end of it. "Woah!" 

"Make the contract!!!!!

He nodded. "Horologium release thy magic to the name of....." 

"Say your name!!!"


Magic and spirits release from the sceptre. It's starts to glow and the whole room is blinded by the sceptre bright light.

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