The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles: The Will Of Arcania

written by Elias Lucifiere

This takes place in a duration of the Kingdom Hearts saga. In a world where Disney and Final Fantasy coincided while each other, world are lost and world are connected. Every man has his story. We walk through a path of light, dusk and dark. This book is a chronicles of events takes place inside the mind of the infamous 13, Organization XIII. Here we follow a man, who has a quite "British charm" and his journey (and perplex memories) as being known as Number X in the Organization.

Last Updated






The Fool

Chapter 1

"Read it and weep men. Four Kings." 

Luxord said as he place his cards on the table. Xigbar slam his cards and pout. "Can't believe this drunken bastard's beating me again." 

"See ya old coot, I warned you. You shouldn't have place bets on Luxord. When it comes to gambling, this guy never loose." Axel exclaim.

 "Especially when he's Bacchanalian as a Greek's fraternity house." Zexion added without looking up from his book. "Maybe you ladies should play something easier." 

"Like Go-fish?" Axel snap his fiery fingertips. Luxord laugh as he collects the rest of the poker chips. 

"Luxy? How can you play so good?" Demyx spoke as he flick earwax from his finger. 

"Well." Zexion added again without looking up. 

"Well what??" Demyx look at Zexion at a perplex state. 

"How could you play so well, Demyx?" Zexion offered to correct his grammar. 

"I can't Zexi. That's why I'm asking Luxy." Demyx reply as the lift his finger up. Luxord pour himself a shot of rum and drank it quickly. "It's all a part of my nature." Luxord said as he pour himself another glass. 

"Your true nature is nothing but a mere drunken bastard." Xigbar said while watching Luxord consumes his drink. He didn't reply to his comment. Luxord look down at the cold condensation of his chilled glass.

Luxord wasn't always a heavy drinker. In fact, he once hated the thought of it. He even hated gambling for all that matter. Complete waste of time he once thought. This was before,  before his heart was consumed by the Heartless. He was once a noble knight to the King's court. Everyone looked up to him. A man of the hour as people state. He was loved by many and his name chanted throughout the land. 

Now that his heart and body separated, Luxord became more different than his real self. He was one of the few that knows his true self, before he became number 10 of Xemnas's Organisation of Nobodies. Luxord was a special Nobody. He was the X of the superior Nobodies. Luxord quietly got up from his chair. 

"Hey man, where're you going? I thought we were going to play another round." Xigbar spoke as he watch him move.

 "I'm not in the mood now. Finish the game without me." Luxord swish his raven coloured cloak exiting to the castle's hallway. "Wonder what's eating him?" Axel said as he shuffle a new deck. "Maybe I can finally win a round or two." Xigbar modestly said. "Doubt it!" Everyone laughed.

Luxord walk the silent hallway of the castle. He didn't notice Larxene sneaking behind him. "Well well. If it isn't my favourite double digits." 

"What do you want Larxene?" Luxord said annoyed. 

" I just want to have a little fun." Larxene reply as she twirl her hair. "There is nothing to do in this stupid castle." 

"Why don't you go bother Saïx, maybe he can give you something to do." Luxord said and start walking again. 

"That old puppy went off again. He's seeing the Superior." 

"Uh-huh." Luxord continue walking. 

"There is someone with him." Larxene added. "Someone I don't recognize." 

"Someone else?" Luxord suddenly stopped. "What are superior and his lad doing?"

 Larxene sigh. "Don't know, don't care. Something about a new member that can help us achieved our goal or blah blah blah. I wasn't paying much attention." 

"A new member?" Luxord look back.

 "Yeah, something about the key to our Organisation or some other lock and door crap?"

 "Key? What does he mean by that?"

 "How should I know? It's not like he tells me everythingI. He get antsy when any of us get close to his 'space'. Such a dog he is." Larxene yawn. "I'm going to go bother Marluxia in the garden yet again. Later babe." Larxene stretch and walk down the corridor. "Maybe Marly and I can do something fun here for a change." 

Luxord watch her leave. "A new member?" Luxord thought to himself. "I wonder who else Xemnas is planning? Is it someone I know." Luxord started walking again. He kept walking down 'til he notice Saïx and a small shadowy figure walking into the Superior's chamber. "Is that him?" Luxord said to himself. He decided to secretly follow them.

"Superior. I brought you the one you ask for." Saïx annouce as he step toward Xemnas. 

"Thank you Number 7. You may take your leave." Saïx slowly exit. Luxord quickly hid in the next room not to be spotted. He watch Saïx passed him. Then slowly he walk toward the great door and peek at the open crack. "Tomorrow will be the start of a new day. You will be introduced to the other members 'Key of Destiny'." Xemnas said to the mysterious being. 

"Key of Destiny? What does he mean by that?" Luxord wondered to himself as he watch the two.

"Now, show me your light." Xemnas said to the figure. A large key like weapon appear. 

"Is that the 'key' Number 12 was talking about earlier?" 

"Aaah, the glorious.... Keyblade." "Keyblade? Is that what it's called" Luxord look it as it reflects the castle's lights. "For now on..." Xemnas starts. "...You will be joining the rank of our special society as our newest member. Number 13...." The shadow figure lifted his hood and reveal his face.

 "A child? Why on earth is a child joining the organisation?" Luxord was surprised to see someone so young joining the group. "Key of you remember your name?" Xemnas spoke. The boy look up with a blank stare at the supreme leader. "Roxas."

"Roxas??" Luxord said to himself as he leave. Roxas looked behind him through the reflection of the throne.

Luxord return to his room. Laying in his bed looking toward the castle's wall. "Roxas. The Key of Destiny." The room was slightly empty. Not much going on except for the few cracks on the wall and the few dice and bottles sitting on the small table. "I wonder what superior is planning with that boy?" Luxord took out his special deck of cards and sigh. He starts flicking them at the wall. Xaldin walk by and see him laying about. He quietly entered Luxord's room. 

"Lost a card game?" He said it strongly.

 "No, no. I won actually." Luxord said while he flicks cards at the wall. Xaldin look around at his room. "I see you have been drinking again." He walk toward Luxord's bedside and sit beside him. 

"Maybe a little." Luxord said flicking another card from his deck. Xaldin watch him projecting cards one by one toward the crack in the wall. "If you kept tossing your cards like that, that hole will eventually get bigger." Luxord kept on tossing his cards. 

"Lexaeus and I are meeting at the castle courtyard. Wanna join?" 

"What for?" Luxord reply. 

"We're going to hone our skills and magic before superior assign us another assignment." 

"No thanks." He continues firing his cards. 

"You sure?. He continued to watch Luxord flicking cards at the crack wall. "Your aim could use some improvement." 

"I'm sure love." Xaldin starts to stand up, Luxord stop what he was doing and look at him. "Say mate?" 

Xaldin turn back at Luxord. "Hm?"

 "Do you remember your true name?" 

"Why would you say that?" Xaldin sat back down. 

"No reason in particular. Just quandrizing."

 "About what?" Xaldin stare at him. 

"Nothing really. Just if we're really meant to be nothing but just a shell of our past or if we change after our hearts disappear." 

"Not really sure." Xaldin look down at the sheets. "I don't really remember much after I join the Organisation." 

"Anything?" Luxord sit up.

 "Nope. Nothing. I just know we each have a purpose in life and we nobodies can't fulfil that purpose without a heart. It made me sad sometimes. But I don't know how we can can be sad or glad for that matter if have nothing to feel with." 

Luxord stood up from his bed. " You know, I might join you for a game or two." Luxord began walking out of his room. "You coming?" Xaldin followed Luxord out.

At the courtyard, Lexaeus was there polishing his Skysplitter. "Okay, let's start training." Xaldin said arriving with Luxord. Lexaeus got up from the floor and nod.

 "Let's begin, '' he spoke. "Let's see what you men are made of. No hold back." 

"You will never see anything less from me." Luxord said as he summon his deck. 

"That's the spirit." Xaldin shout. Lexaeus began the first move. Xaldin dodge his attack. Luxord then attack Xaldin with his Fair Game. He reflect each and everyone. Lexaeus then swings his sword. Xaldin backflip away. The Skysplitter was still going and coming after Luxord. He jump and the blade and Xaldin attack him with his Lindworms. Luxord used the lances as step ladders, hopping one by one.

 "Time!" Luxord summon. Everything froze in it's place. Luxord front-flip toward his opponent. "Strength Deck!!" Luxord deck change and it's start plummeting down. "Shield!" Lexeaus summon and the cards reflected back to Luxord. He then swings his sword and Xaldin use it as lift and flew up in the air hovering over Luxord.

 "Thunder!" Xaldin's lances starts to sparks and he the threw them at both Luxord and Lexaeus. Luxord dances between the gap and Lexaeus use his Skysplitter to reflect the spears. Luxord was caught in the middle of the two dodging both side . The match went on for hours to end. Until all three exhausted themselves and collapse on the ground. They look at each other and laugh. 

"I think that's enough for the day. Let's hit the bath." Tired and dirty from their workout they walk back into the castle.

The trio laugh toward the castle's bathhouse with their towel on. They chatter through the steam taking off their towel and without noticing in the mist, Larxene and Marluxia bathing in the water. Marluxia smiled and Larxene turn around. 

"HEY!!!! YOU FREAKS GET OUT!!!!" The three sees Larxene slender body peaking through the water. The men gape at her dumbfound.

 "GET THE HELL OUT!!!! LADIES ONLY!!!!!!" Larxene scream as she threw her knives at them. 

"Wait a bloody cock stomping moment! Why are you here Marluxia? Aren't you a guy? " Xaldin spoke out. 

" I have special privileged." Marluxia fluff his hair and playfully kick the water.

"What special privileged are you talking about you batty boy? Larxene is the only bag in the castle with an axe wound around here." 

Larxene starts to boil. "GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!!" She summon her thunder and the three men high-tail out of the there.

The guys were now force outside naked at the garden showering with the little running water. "That stupid bitch. Making us use this freaking hose." Xaldin said drenching his locks. Luxord and Lexeaus waited for their turn. Xigbar appeared upside-down hanging from the branches. 

"Having a little party aren't we boys?" 

"Shut up!!!!" The trio yell at the veteran. 

"Hey hey don't pick this on me. I'm just hanging around." Xigbar chuckled and then got clobbered by scrub brushes and soap.

Everyone in the castle return to their quarter at night. Luxord decide to stroll the castle grounds when he heard a loud explosive coming from one of the bedroom. The door flew open and dust poured out the room. Vexen appeared covered in smog fell on the floor. "Utter failure!" He shouted my experiment needs more ingredients.....I know rose pedal extract!!" He rush out test tube in hands. Luxord peek into Vexen lair and found the place filled with tesla coils and broken cages full of nothing and books scattered all over the room. Vexen sneak behind Luxord. "GET OUT OF MY LABORATORY!!!" He then slam the door in front of Luxord.

 "He's mad as a hatter and twice as hare." Luxord walk to his bedroom, swig a last drop of rum and lay in his bed looking at the starlit skies.

"Do you remember your true name?"

"If we're really meant to be nothing but a shell of our past or if we change after our hearts disappear?"

"I don't really remember anything after I join the Organisation. I just know we each have a purpose in life and we nobodies can't fulfil that purpose without a heart. It made me sad sometimes. But I don't know how we can can be sad or glad for that matter if have nothing to feel with."

"Why are we, what we are?" Luxord sigh. He took out a rare golden medallion from his pocket and let the chain swing it round and round.


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