The Farm Boy's Secret (My Hero Academia Fantasy AU (BakuDeku Cause...ya))

Izuku Midoriya helps his mother on their farm, but there's something more he wants: adventure. He wants to go travel the kingdom Ellis, becoming a swordsman worthy of his father's name. But his mother needs help, so he keeps his mouth shut. But when he hears she's arranging his marriage to a girl he doesn't even know, Izuku's world shatters. He has to decide if he wants to be unhappy in the place he loves, or be himself in a dangerous world he knows nothing about. And will he be able to keep his secret the entire time? Or will his soul be spilled on this dangerous journey?

Last Updated






Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Izuku was helping his mom on the farm, which he always did. He was standing on the ladder, picking the apples in the last tree. He was reaching towards the back, barely balancing on the top rung on his toes. He grabbed the apple, pulled it off, and relaxed, looking over the apple.
It was perfect, a bright red with hints of yellow lines through it, not a perfect sphere, a little rectangular, but that was the shape they were going through. He climbed down, placing it on top of the other apples. He picked up the crate and carried it back into the house.
He pushed the door open with his foot, walking into the hallway next to the kitchen. He placed the crate down on the counter, and wiped his forehead. He took off his white gloves, and rolled up his sleeves. He was working at the counter, the wood polished just that morning. Behind him was the stove, which they spent almost a year’s worth of harvest on. He opened the curtains a little, giving him more light to work with.
He opened one of the cupboards behind him, pulling out some carrots, potatoes, and apples. He turned on the sink, having to kick the pumps a few times to get it to work. He washed the food under it, and placed them on the cutting board. He picked up a knife from the drawer next to him, and started cutting the food.
After everything was cut, he pulled out a pan from another cupboard, and placed it on the stove. He opened the small gate, reaching in. He picked up the little Draiyd sleeping there, and pulled him out. Izuku had found the Draiyd when he was young, injured and alone. He brought him back to his house, nursed him, and how he’s his pet. He also takes care of the stove. “Hey...Katsu, wake up.”
The Draiyd lifted his red-orange head, opening up his flame blue eyes. He yawned, shaking himself off, unfurling his tiny wings. Izuku placed him back in the stove and closed the gate. The Draiyd lifted his head and sent up a burst of flame, which came out through the top holes. Izuku put the cut up veggies in the pan, and placed it over the flame, smiling.
He had realized Katsu could breathe fire when he accidentally took him to a spot where the Draiyd’s natural enemies, Pysneks, lived. Katsu had freaked upon seeing one, setting it aflame, and Izuku’s hands. His hands were fine, but the Pysnek was definitely dead. There was no helping that.
So they’ve used him as a source of fire and heat ever since. Not that the Draiyd cares. He just wants someone to love him. Using a Draiyd saves them plenty of money, they don’t need to constantly need to buy stuff to keep themselves warm in the winter, and Draiyds eat all kinds of meat and vegetables, much like humans, so they just gave him a share of their meal and he was happy.
Izuku watched the veggies, making sure they were crisp before removing the pan from Katsu’s flames. He seemed to know Izuku was done, cause he stopped breathing the flames a second later. Izuku divided the vegetables into half, putting each on a plate, which were both sitting on the table.
He looked at the cut up apples, thinking what he could do with them when he remembered his mom had made a pie crust earlier. He searched through the kitchen, finally finding it. He placed it on the counter, putting the cut up apples in it, along with some liquidized cinnamon (which he made from adding cinnamon and water together), and closed it. He placed it on the stove, and Katsu started heating it. Izuku smiled, trying to think of anything else he could do.
He managed to clean a bit of the house when he heard Katsu trill, letting him know the pie was done. He came in, thanking the little Draiyd, and took the pie to the table. He set it in the middle of the table, pulling out forks and knives for them to use. He opened the gate, and Katsu climbed up his arm to sit on his shoulder.
He went back to cleaning, as his mom wouldn’t be home for another few minutes, and if the food needed to be heated up, well, they had Katsu.

About thirty minutes later Izuku heard the door open. “Izuku, I’m back!” his mom called, probably taking off her shoes. He came into their small hallway from his room, a cleaning rag in his hand. “Hi Mom! Anything new today?” he asked, wringing the rag between his hands.
She shook her head. “Nothing new. The same old market as always, but you would know that. What’d you make?” she asked, taking off the gloves she normally wore to the market. Her green shirt was getting a little dirty, the sleeves pushed up. The dark red-pink skirt was mostly covered by a light pink apron that crisscrossed over her shirt as well. Her dark green hair was mostly down, but she pulled a section up into a bun everyday, which she said was a tip she picked up from a traveller she met some years back, long before she had Izuku. Of course, there was a pink cloth covering her hair most of the time, which she took off now.
“Oh, apple pie! Izuku, you shouldn’t have,” she said, noticing the pie on the table. Izuku shrugged, Katsu asleep on his shoulder. “I remembered we had the crust so I made it. I had already cut up the apples, what else was I supposed to do?” he asked, quickly washing his hands and sitting down with his mom. Katsu woke up, and jumped onto the table, looking at the pie.
Izuku laughed, rolling his eyes. He picked up the Draiyd, and put him on his lap while his mother cut the pie, giving herself and her son a piece each. She made sure Izuku’s was a little bigger, as he was a “growing boy”. Also he was the one who shared with Katsu most of the time.
“So what was the market like today?” Izuku asked, giving a small piece to Katsu. He watched as the Draiyd ate it happily, licking the gooey cinnamon off the fork. “The usual, people busy everywhere.” Inko said, taking a bit herself. She looked up, remembering something.
“Oh yeah! The Dragon Queen was there with her son!”
“The...Dragon Queen?” Izuku asked, lowering his fork. Katsu managed to snag the piece on it, and Izuku shook his head at him.
“Yeah. The Queen of the Dragons. She was strolling through with her son, it was quite an amazing sight.”
“A Dragon in a human market?”
“No, Izuku. The Dragon Queen is a Drakion, a type of human that has formed a bond with a Dragon. She’s called the Dragon Queen because she’s the queen of both, but it would be annoying to say the Dragon and Drakion Queen, or Queen of the Dragons and Drakions, so everyone shortens it to Dragons, and the two races are often put together.” That was Izuku’s mom. As she was once a traveller, she knew plenty of things about other races and kingdoms and cultures. She still has all that knowledge, and she’s not using it for anything other than telling Izuku random facts.
“Hm,” Izuku said, which is what he normally said whenever his mom got like this. He paid attention, he wanted to go travel like his mom used to, but he doesn’t think he’ll actually be able to, what with he was the only one who could take over the farm whenever his mom went out.
“Izuku?” she asked, putting down her fork. Izuku snapped his head up, unaware he was staring at the floor again. “Yeah?” he asked. Normally his mom ever took that tone of voice when she wanted to talk about something serious.
“Is there something on your mind? You’re messing with your pants again.” She said, pointing to his hand. Sure enough, Izuku had been fiddling with the loose string on his pants, which he normally did when he was stressed or thinking about something.
He shook his head, putting his hand on Katsu’s head instead. “I’m fine Mom. I swear.” He took another bite, but one look at his mom and he knew she either could tell he was lying or there was something on her mind she wanted to talk about.
“What is it?” he asked, putting his fork down. Inko looked down at her hands, sighing. “I know we’ve already talked about this Izuku, and we already came to an agreement…”
Izuku knew what she was talking about instantly. “Mom, I’ve already told you! I’m not ready for that!”
Inko shook her head. “I’m sorry Izuku. It’s just, I’m not going to be around forever, and I want to see you happily settled before I leave.”
“Mom, you’re talking like you’re gonna die any minute! You’re still gonna be around for a long time, at least let me find someone I wanna spend the rest of my life with!” Let me find a way to tell you without crushing your heart.
Inko shook her head. “I know that’s what we said originally, but I’m getting worried Izuku. You never go to town, and you don’t seem interested in any of the girls that visit.”
That’s cause I’m not interested in girls. Izuku thought, but he had no way to voice that thought. Not without crushing his mother’s heart. She wanted Izuku to be happy, but he wasn’t sure he ever could.
“I...I’m sorry Izuku…” she whispered. He looked at her, confused.
“You’re sorry about what?”
“Tomorrow morning, you will be meeting your future wife.”
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