Folio Magi: A Complete Guide To All Chocolate Frog Cards
It is unknown when the idea for Chocolate Frog Cards was conceived, or who was the first wizard ever to be put on one, but for years young (and young at heart) witches and wizards have been collecting and trading cards. This book contains a complete guide to all 134 Chocolate Frog Cards, including pictures, dates, and descriptions, and a bonus section for you to create your own Chocolate Frog cards and boxes. Your Chocolate Frog Card collection is not complete without the Folio Magi! Coverart by Aladraws available here:
Last Updated
Famous Goblin Chocolate Frog Cards
Chapter 13
Famous Goblin Chocolate Frog Cards
Number 01 - Eargit the Ugly:
14th century.
Goblin representative at 14th century summit of Wizard's Council.
Number 02 - Alguff the Awful:
Dates unknown.
Foul-smelling globin nuisance. Well known throughout the goblin world for trying to sell vials of his sweat to a Dungbomb manufacturer.
Number 03 - Ug the Unreliable:
Dates unknown.
Notorious goblin confidence trickster. Organized the infamous Demiguise Derby and absconded with the takings.
Number 04 - Urg the Unclean:
18th century.
Rebel leader in the 18th century goblins rebellions.
Number 05 - Gringott:
Dates, unknown
Founder of Gringotts Wizard Bank.