Think Lovely Thoughts: The Patronus Charm

written by Mira Wellington

The Patronus Charm; you can learn how it works, how to cast it and what yours means!

Last Updated






The Possibilities of a Patronus E-L

Chapter 6
35. Eagle
Eagles are magnificent birds of prey that can be found all over the world, and hold much symbolization, especially in Native American culture. Eagles hold a position of strength, leadership, and vision. They can spot prey from miles up in the sky, dive at striking speeds and soar for long periods of time. To the Natives, the eagle was the chief of all winged creatures, and conveyed power and majesty from animal to animal, man to bird. There are many different species of Eagle, each unique and adapted to its own habitat. Having an Eagle patronus means you are strong-willed and free, and aren’t afraid to try something new and soar to new heights. The whole world is about you, you cannot fence yourself in, and you long to see new things, but still take comfort in home and familiarity. You can be grounded when necessary, but take every opportunity to test the impossible. You’re a natural born leader, and perhaps you can be bossy sometimes, but you like to be in control. Though you may not be overly social, you certainly have a few close friends that you can count on in times of need.

36. Eagle Owl
The eagle owl suggests the caster is highly analytically minded and decisive, although these are admirable traits, they can become stubborn and narrow-minded when frustrated making them lose sight of what's around them, leading to them being insensitive toward others.Having an eagle owl as your patronus means that you are likely strengthened by creating a strong image for yourself. Now, that sounds a bit strange, but allow me to explain. This means that you are strongest when you are able to present yourself the way you want to without fear. You are strengthened by your own identity: knowing who you are, and not being afraid to share it. Eagle owls have very unique characteristics, and, accordingly, you recognize and value your own skills, personality, and unique traits. By knowing who you want to be, you’re not only able to become more confident, but you also brim with strength! Your strengths lie in knowing enough about who you are in the inside to be able to define it and share it with the world. As your patronus, the eagle owl will be there for you whenever you lose that sense of self. Whenever you begin to doubt or question, it will remind you of the things that you love and make you you. In battle, your patronus will make sure that you don’t become another face in the crowd, another name. It will help you stand your ground and establish the beauty that is your light within the darkness.

37. Elephant (unusual)
A witch or wizard with an elephant for a patronus can be extremely strong and not just physically, they are often wize and have strong spiritual connections with their communities and know where they lie within them. The elephant is a sign of strong femininity and affection. The Elephant is considered one of the most gentle and wise animals. It symbolizes power, compassion, commitment, strength and love. It is revered in many cultures and religions like Buddhism and Hindu, and is very respected. Elephants are very intelligent and emotional creatures; they feel jealousy, rage, joy and even love. Touching is an important form of communication for elephants, they even discipline their young with kicks or slaps. Elephants have been known to grieve and even become depressed if their young dies. They travel in herds and are very ‘family oriented’ for lack of a better term. They raise their offspring until full adulthood, teaching and playing with them.
Having an elephant as your patronus means you are a very loving, gentle, caring person. You love with your whole self and give the people you love your all. You may be the ‘mom’ in your friend group; you take care of everyone, nurture and comfort them. You are an emotional person, very in touch with yourself. Your syltherin traits show when you commit to something, you do not quit or give up, but try your hardest and do your best to be the best. Because you are an emotional person, you put value in expression and communication. You see the importance of speaking your mind and talking out your feelings. The elephant is not a simple creature and neither are you. You have a tough side to you along with the loving side; you are not afraid to speak up when something bothers you or hurts your feelings. People may underestimate you because of how nice you are, but you are quite fierce and protective when you want to be, and aren’t afraid to do what you know is best for you and your loved ones. When you are down and feel like you’re not need, your patronus will remind you that you are loved, and you are important to all the people in your life.

37. Erumpent (very rare)
Having a magical beast as patronus is considered rare and powerful in wizarding world. This animal looks like and is mistaken as a rhinoceros. It's hair, tails and even exploding fluid is used in potions though considered dangerous. Being an erumpent patronus personality means you are strong and determined.

38. Falcon
Falcons are powerful, swift birds that typically live on shorelines and are some of the most skillful hunters in the world. Due to this extraordinary skill and speed, they have been used for hunting all throughout history, especially during medieval times. In fact the sport of falconry was so esteemed that most royalty owned them, and the falcons were treated like royalty themselves. You are a passionate, driven person who needs to have some sort of clear purpose to feel satisfied. Being gifted with extraordinary boldness, you have no problem identifying and going after what you want. You will relentlessly pursue what you want with an intensity that few can match, making you both a formidable opponent and a reliable friend. This confidence can sometimes lead you into conflict, but it is a trait that many others admire. The courage and freedom that make up so much of who you are often rubs off on other people you are around, inspiring them to, like you, follow their hearts and go after what they truly want. With you, they begin to see the possibilities that life holds for them, beyond just the ordinary and mundane everyday existence and into the impossible. This suggests a potential for leadership, should you choose to take such a path. Despite your confidence and drive, however, you are not necessarily a competitive person. Instead, you value hard work and independent achievement, and as long as in the end you’ve achieved what you call success, it doesn’t matter who won or not. If your Patronus is a falcon, you may have been a troubled soul who decided to cast away their old, evil habits to fly down the hard, right path. ... This Patronus represents a person that was born and/or has lived under pressing circumstances but overcomes every obstacle, getting stronger each day. This is a very honorable way to achieve, and earns you the respect of many. Sometimes it can be hard for you to rely on others but always know that in life’s worst storms your patronus will soar forth to remind you of the incredible vision, passion, and determination that makes you… you.

39. Field Mouse
Your patronus is a field mouse! What a lovely patronus to have (and not lame at all!) The field mouse is a common type of mouse that tends to have brown or gray fur. The field mouse can also live just about anywhere! Like other mice, it tends to symbolize home, modesty, and determination. Having a field mouse as your patronus means that you draw strength from inside of yourself. No matter how difficult the situation, you are always able to persevere and push through. Like your patronus, you are stronger than both you and others believe. We’ve all heard of the story where the elephant is scared of the mouse, and it couldn’t be more true! You and your patronus prove that strength comes from the heart, not your size, and you are able to make even the worst enemies quake in their boots. Owners of a field mouse patronus are extremely loving and kind. Also, a field mouse patronus can represent an owner who is a very good listener, and can tell whats wrong with someone, maybe before they even understand it themselves. Making them amazing friends. Just like the field mouse, you are constantly fighting to overcome challenges, but you always walk out stronger and smarter! In battle, your patronus is perhaps the mightiest of them all. No one expects such strength to come from one so small! Your patronus will always be there for you if you begin to doubt your own strength, if you ever feel weak or put down. It will remind you that your strength comes from inside of yourself, it isn’t dictated by anyone else. Your patronus will always stand with you, and together you will show your enemies a strength that has never been seen before.

40. Fire-dwelling Salamander (very rare)
Fire-dwelling salamanders differ from the salamanders of the muggle world, in that they are borne of fire. Their life can be extended by using pepper. Otherwise, their lives are only as long as that of the fire which birthed them. An analogous phenomenon is the shedding of skin, which muggle-world salamanders can do. Salamanders can thus be seen as a metaphor for reinvention, rebirth, and transience.Having a Fire-Dwelling Salamander as your Patronus means you find comfort in rebirth. You wholeheartedly embrace the idea that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and if you get knocked down, everyone knows you'll get right back up again. You radiate great strength and resilience no matter how bad things get. Should your soul ever be chilled by the winds of despair and hopelessness, your Patronus will appear to rekindle your faith, bounding around you as embers of light bound off of it. The embers will light up the night like stars that will then dissolve into your skin, and all at once, your eyes will be bright again with the kind of rare inner fire that only you possess. When faced with immense discomfort, they may make significant changes to their lives. They may choose to move to a new place, make new friends, or change their career. Under the right circumstances, these are all healthy ways of removing toxicity from one’s life.

41. Fox
Foxes are famously depicted as tricksters, representing cleverness and adaptability. The animals themselves also tend to be very solitary creatures, though occasionally they’ll live in small, close-knit family groups, and they can live just about anywhere – in forests, in cities, whatever. Having a Fox Patronus means that you find comfort in defying people’s expectations. They’re really not malevolent creatures, but they aren’t really seen as benevolent either…but this kind of conflicting reputation isn’t a problem for you. Your enemies not having a good fix on you is a good thing, and it really doesn’t matter to you what the haters think, anyway. When you are at your lowest, trapped with no escape and with no hope of surmounting the odds, this guardian will be there to remind you that you were born to be the exception, and that only you truly know what you can or cannot do. Having this trickster as your patronus means you find comfort in being underestimated. This sounds bad, but when it is time to strike, people won’t see it coming, and will be shocked at how well you can take on the task ahead, and their shock will translate into respect for you, your work ethic and you love being told how great you are at something, especially when you know they didn’t think you could do it!

42. Fox Terrier
This is a small yet fearless dog that loves being outside and around people. If you have this Patronus, you are spunky and loyal. They often attack smaller birds and chase them through the air, a feature that makes them the perfect Patronus. A fox terrier patronus could mean that you find comfort in companionship. Fox terriers worked alongside their owners to hunt foxes as a team; dogs, as a whole, are friendly and loving creatures, who require a lot of attention and care and thrive on interaction. You cherish connections and communication, but there’s nothing like the close bond that exists between best friends, siblings, or parent and child. You have a few immensely strong relationships, and those that exist you hold near and dear to your heart, as you’re always there for that person and you know they are here for you as well.

43. Ginger Cat
A cat patronus is one of the strongest symbols of a personal and spiritual roller coaster that one could receive! It represents the need to ballance the physical and the spiritual/subconcious part of your life, if you fail to do so you could end up living in a 'in between world' so to enable focus and achieve your goals you must find this balance. A witch or wizard with a cat patronus is an intelligent one ( and they know it!) and refined and fiercely independent. Although they may have many friends, they may not need constant socialisation. They need their 'me time' to keep them selves content emotionally. Having a ginger cat as a patronus means that you likely find comfort in continuity. You like to have a planned out schedule, and you aren’t a huge fan of giant events that come in and uproot your life. You like to enjoy life without having to worry about what might go wrong. This does not mean that you are boring. It just means that you like when your life is organized and steady, not a giant, haphazard mess. As a patronus, the ginger cat will be there whenever you lose control. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs. We can’t control them, and they make a mess out of something that we worked carefully to obtain. The ginger cat is there to help you get back on your feet after one of these curveballs. Your patronus will help you in battle whenever something unexpected happens, and it will make sure that you are always able to get back to your feet and continue to fight and do the things you love. You do best when there is a lot of activity around you and will always jump right into the heart of it. When your life takes a turn for the worse and everything turns to murky shadows, this Patronus will leap gracefully from your wand, bounding over your enemies’ heads and then back to your side. It will then curl up around your shoulders, hissing at your opponent, and through its misty white fur will come bright and sharp awareness that will help you wake up from the nightmare.

44. Goshawk
You find comfort in situations that challenge you and allow you to independently achieve. You may have workaholic tendencies that make you unable to loosen your grip on a project or ask for help because you are proud and passionate enough about your goals that you want to do it all by yourself. The nice thing about your singular focus, however, is that you are incredibly responsible and reliable – whenever something needs to be done, your friends and family can always count on you. If you should ever find yourself crippled and unable to escape the darkness encroaching toward you, this Patronus will soar out of your wand with a fierce cry. Its claws will slash at the dementors, beating them back, and then it will slash again, and again, and again, in swooping attacks. It won’t give up on you – and so you will be emboldened to not give up on it, either. Your independent nature and introverted tendencies make you someone who is content being alone, and sometimes prefers it. When it comes to achieving, you can be quite reckless, willing to take risks that others are not willing to take. This can be a huge advantage, making you stand out in whatever you do. You are extremely determined when it comes to your goals, and will do practically anything to achieve them. Although you are not quick to trust others, you are also fiercely loyal to those you do love and will do anything to protect them.This makes you a very reliable, valuable friend. You can come off as aggressive, but really you are just confident in your own abilities,( rightly so, as you are known for your intelligence and skill) and it shows. All of these traits make you a fearless, adventurous person and someone anyone would be proud to work beside. Stay confident and fabulous and your patronus will be there for you in your darkest moments… reminding you of the independent, determined person you are.

45. Granian Winged Horse (very rare)
A Granian Winged Horse can represent an owner who is stronger minded, the owner of this patronus will never give up on there opinion no matter how much others try to change there mind. The granian winged horse is a creature exclusive to the Potterverse, and as such, there is little information about it. For now, we know it is a variety of Winged Horse, or horses that can fly and they are related to the Thestral. The Granian winged horse is one of the four known breeds of winged horses. The Granian is the fastest of them all. It’s coat is grey, as the name already says. They were mostly used to send messages before Floo calls, enchanted mirrors and owl mail where invented. Granians can be quite slender in build, they are almost entirely muscle, and are surprisingly hardy, and well able to survive the Scandinavian winters of their native lands. Of all things however Granians are most known for their speed, able to outpace most other breeds, even on ice. There have been attempts to breed this so-called “ice dancing” into an assortment of crosses, however it seems the trait only remains in those with two Granian parents. Move quickly and rise to the top.These creatures need to have a regular Disillusionment charm cast on them regularly, and you can compete in a Winged Horse race with one, and the Granian variety is well renowned for their speed! Having this oddity for a patronus means you find speed comforting. You can’t stand being stuck in traffic, or being held up for any reason! You’ve been known to huff a little when the elevator needs to make more stops than yours, and don’t like lines at all! This patronus shows that you are willing to move fast in any and all things. Challenges, jobs, relationships or school. It might mean you are stubborn and you refuse to let anything go. The granian winged horse is an extremely ambitious and intelligent, with goals set for themselves that others would deem impossible.

46. Grass Snake
Having a Grass Snake as your Patronus means you find comfort in escape. This fits very comfortably with Slytherin's love of self-preservation, but even with this, you are notably less likely to start a fight than many of your housemates. You are sensitive and flexible and will work hard to avoid direct confrontation. The grass snake is soft-spoken and kind. They’re down-to-earth, trustworthy, and friendly. Because of this, others try to walk on them, and use them to their advantage, but a grass snake is a great judge of character, and knows what is best for them and others when it comes to relationships. Like a snake shedding its skin, you likely have had your fair share of personal change and growth. Whether this is something simple, like cutting your hair, or something larger, like changing a harmful mindset or re-organizing your plan for your future, this is an incredible ability to possess and recognize. It takes a lot of strength to understand that you, as a human being, are constantly changing. That your ideas, values, and sense of self are never constant. Being able to change who you are, being able to transform into a happier, healthier person, is something that a lot of people struggle with. How strong you are, my friend, to be able to live so fluidly! You are doing the best you can to accept your place in the world and you understand that you might not be there yet. You understand, and you’re willing to give yourself more time to get there. As a patronus, the grass snake will be there for you when you have trouble shedding your skin. Sometimes, change is hard, sometimes it hurts. As the owner of this patronus you can also be incredibly feisty and strong minded, you are incredibly wiling to use the intelligence of others to make your opinion heard. Since you are always able to speak your mind, it makes your ability to share your intelligence and knowledge that much easier, it even makes you excited to share your intelligence.

47. Great Grey Owl (unusual)
Having this particular owl as your patronus means you find comfort in solitude. People are fine, and you like your friends and family, but nothing is better than being alone for you. You’re more productive on a solo project (group projects are literally your worst nightmare), or when your door is shut and nobody is home to disturb you. Like the owl, you can be distant and seem wise beyond your years. The great grey owl patronus is cast by strong spirits who know who they are. Even with a strong personality, they are capable of incredible social mimicry. This means they are capable of adapting many different personality traits. This isn’t necessarily to please others and fit in, it just allows them to socialize easier. They are charismatic and friendly, but this doesn’t always mean they are extroverted. These witches and wizards are very bold. They will stand strong for what they believe in or for those they love and are very fierce protectors. It can come across as a shock seeing as how they normally camouflage their personalities in social settings. They will quickly abandon the act to defend their beliefs. Those who call a great grey owl are very free spirited, but they will break their backs if they need to. They are strong both morally and in battle and make excellent duelists. You can thank their competitive nature and bold attitudes for their skill of dueling. These are definitely witches and wizards you want on your side.

48. Grey Squirrel
Having a Gray Squirrel for your Patronus means that you are comforted by the idea of having everything and anything you could ever need. That knowledge not only makes it easier to go off on daring adventures but also to escape from danger. The grey squirrel is a master at patience and hard work. Their dedication to a cause they see fit is admirable to say the least, and they are loyal to the end, whether it be to a trustworthy friend, or a new project. Sometimes they may become obsessed with one thing and forget about other matters, but you can be sure that their heart is always in the right place. Having a squirrel protect you in patronus form indicates an aggressive guardian, as they will attack easily, though they are affectionate and loyal to an owner and will make sure to share their supplies of food to make you happy after an attack, providing they haven’t forgotten where they stashed it. Enemies are quick to judge your kind nature and supposed inability to fight back, and therefore will judge your patronus as being too small to defend you, but fear not, they will, and people will quickly learn not to cross you again.

49. Greyhound
Having a Greyhound Patronus means you find comfort in nobility. Your Patronus also stands for faith, bravery, and devotion – in other words, chivalry – and so it is not just nobility of blood, but of spirit. The greyhound is primarily a racing dog, and they’re extremely agile, light and lazy dogs, but unfortunately, many don’t recognize them for their true value as a companion, and only care for them if they can make money. Having this docile canine as your patronus means you find comfort in feeling people appreciate and recogniZe your achievements. While you aren’t nearly as likely to boast, you do still like to feel like people care about you, and love you for your work and who you are as a person. Like a greyhound, you can race with the big dogs, but you also love lying on the sofa, and basking in the sunshine. You don’t want people to think you are up yourself about your achievements and accomplishments; you prefer people to hear about it, and congratulate you, then move on and give you a hug because they care about you.

50. Hedgehog
Though a hedgehog is a pretty small animal, it can represent an owner who is not only happy go-lucky and kind, but is very well spoken, and confident about there opinion. A hedgehog patronus also represents an owner is very optimistic and has a very positive outlook on life. Hedgehogs are small, earthy, self-sufficient creatures, symbolic of fertility, energy, protection, and intuition. Their natural resistance to snake venom is also why some cultures ascribe them the meaning of “good triumphing over evil.” It takes time to coax your patronus out of his shell, because he too will be scared by your adversary, but if you treat him well through his life, he will quickly turn and attack with his spines, which your enemy will hate getting all over themselves, giving you a chance to overwhelm the enemy. Make sure your reward your little guy with some food, a nice cuddle and a belly rub after he has helped you, he has done his very best! Having a Hedgehog as your Patronus means you find comfort in birth and new beginnings. You are someone who loves starting new projects and new adventures. When you get stuck and it feels like everything has come to an end for you, this guardian will appear and bring with it endless possibility…the kind that will revitalize your spirit and make you feel like you’ve been reborn. Then, like the hedgehog, you will be able to resist whatever venom is thrust your way.

51. Heron (J.K. Rowling’s Patronus)
The heron is a creature of grace. It stands for wisdom, eloquence, and self-reliance. Your patronus being a heron suggests that the traits of wisdom and individuality are particularly strong in you. You are likely an old soul, and seem to possess words of knowledge that help you out in your time of need. In many different cultures, the Heron is a sign of prosperity, curiosity, determination, and perseverance. Herons are carnivorous birds that tend to sit motionless until they find a target, and some species use bait or add items to water as well. Having this bird as your patronus means you find sitting back and waiting for opportunity most comfortable, and you like to take it easy. You are one of the many who likes to keep chill, wait for people to come to you and have it a little easier. Of course, you’ll go get it if you must, but you find it easier when it comes to you, but you have to work to make it happen once the opportunity does come. You are someone who is patient and flexible, able to go with the flow and easily get your bearings when in a new place. When you’ve lost your way and all paths lead to doom, your Patronus will soar from your wand with a saintly glow, its wings cast wide over you as it soars down upon your opponent. In its gleaming eye will be strong, resolute wisdom, and it will be unafraid of the dementors before you, because it knows no fear.

52. Hippo
The hippo is a unique and versatile animal, and those with it’s patronus are the same. They have the ability to adapt to most situations and be comfortable, even though to other’s they may seem somewhat out of place. They have a good way of blending into the scene until they want to be noticed, at which point they make their presence more than known, giving an impression that lasts. They are friendly to most, though if provoked their bad side is one of the nastiest there is. Those with this unusual patronus are truly unique in character. People with the Hippogriff are fiercely loyal to those who earn their trust, often willing to go the extra mile for those who they care for. If you have a friend with the Hippogriff it is likely they are the most Loyal to you above all others. Those with the Hippogriff patronus are often very proud and self assured. They do not forgive insults easily. Occasionally this pride can drift into arrogance and cause friction with those around you. The characteristic which makes it so rare to find people with the Hippogriff is the large heart. Not many people have such a large loving heart as those with this patronus, something very special indeed.

53. Hippogriff (very rare)
Having a Hippogriff ptronus means you find comfort in respect. This means that it is important that others respect you for who you are. In fact, you just wish that everyone would show eachother mutual respect. Little courtesies, manners, and thinking before you speak are all things that you wish everyone would do. When people don’t treat you or those you love with this respect, you can become very frustrated. And even though you believe everyone deserves to be respected, you will not hesitate to protect yourself or those you love fiercely in cases where you feel threatened. You have an extremely good intuition about those who are possible threats and this makes you even more protective. You are a proud, reserved person who believes that everyone needs their space and privacy. Those who don’t know you may find this to be cold or closed off, but those few in your inner circle know that this is simply your way of being polite and considering others’ wishes. Those who you are close to know you are loyal and affectionate above all else, and they can always count on you in a bind. And as your patronus’ association with Apollo suggests, once you get closer to people you do indeed become a beacon of light, beauty, and honesty in their life. For, though still reserved at times, when you get close to people you are happy making them laugh and helping them out wherever you can. This makes you a great friend to have, and someone that is enjoyable to be around. Remember, in times when you feel undermined, disrespected, and threatened, your patronus will always be there to bring you back the respect and control you need to feel safe and satisfied. This patronus will ensure that you will persevere through even the most impossible battle. With the hippogriff swooping out from your wand to push back enemies, no mountain is too high, no fight is unwinnable, and no goal is unreachable.

54. Hummingbird
Having this gorgeous little bird as your patronus suggests you find comfort in moving quickly and always looking for something better. You like to be done with things quickly, which sometimes means you don’t devote all the attention you need to. Schoolwork has always been rushed to get it done so you can go have fun instead, and so has anything you can rush, like some video games, you rush through the dialogue to get to the game, and then by the end, you’ve missed lots of small details and you need to start again. The Hummingbird reminds you that going fast in life is fine, as is making noise as you go, but sometimes you do need to slow down and enjoy this ride that life is. The Hummingbird may live the fast life, and it seeks the sweet things in life, and so do you, but make sure to check in with yourself too. Unlike many people, you don’t mind change, and instead find inspiration and purpose in it. You believe that as long as things are always moving and healthy change is occuring, growth will also be inevitable. And, to you, it is important to be constantly growing as a person, adapting your beliefs and becoming a more fulfilled person as time goes on. This can make you somewhat flighty in some ways, and you may be inclined to travel or step out of your comfort zone. Despite this, you understand the importance of balance and can be content if you need to be (for a while anyway). You’re a very energetic and positive person, who always seems to find a reason to hope and be inspired. All about going with the flow, and letting the wind blow you where it will, you are a definite free spirit, and you find joy in that freedom. All of this makes you one of the most fun and unpredictable friends to have, and a creative, bold team member. You have a natural charm that people can’t help but smile at and often you inspire others to live more freely. Just remember when you feel constricted, your patronus will always be there to bring you the movement and freedom you need to be your most authentic, expressive self. The hummingbird is a very carefree patronus, and shows a free spirit. These are those who want to enjoy every aspect of life and emrace it to it’s full potential. They are social, but they also need an amount of time alone to try and find their own path. They are sensitive and influenced easily by what others say about them. They try to act as though they are independent, but they take every compliment and insult they recieve with extreme consideration. They want to please everyone.

55. Husky
Having this goofy, talkative fluff ball as your patronus means you find being loved by everyone you meet comforting. You creak with fear when you find out someone dislikes you, and you thrive around people who love and care about you. Just be your usual, ball of cute, sunshine face self, and people will flock to you, and your fear can be silenced. Dogs in general represent bravery, protection and devotion. Huskies in particular also symbolize change and journeys, which is fair since they’ve been used as sled dogs for generations. Having a Husky as your Patronus means you find comfort in the journey. People with your Patronus are very “in-the-now” people, living every day one day at a time, and you show this off perfectly. You focus a lot less on endings and much more on experiences. It’s likely your ambitions are a little less concrete and more emotional than some of your classmates, because you’re the sort of person to love possibility and running through every new door that opens toward you. Should you ever find yourself lost and directionless in the ice and snow of despair, this Patronus will come for you. It will leap out of your wand and, like a real sled dog, lead you out of the woods and back to yourself. Every day is an adventure, and every day you live to the fullest! You just love life! The passage of time doesn’t scare you, because there is excitement and possibility around every corner. Sometimes, however, there are times when you get lost in the woods and your adventure becomes much scarier and darker than you could’ve predicted. Whenever that happens, though, you can be well assured that this guardian will come find you and rescue you from the cold. It will never abandon you, and its presence will fill you with the determination and optimism that before its arrival felt so far away.

56. Hyena (unusual)
A Hyena patronus can represent a wizard/witch who is cunning and clever. As well as that this wizard/witch is able to disguise themselves as a clown by being funny/silly/crazy to be able to hide there true motives from others. Surprisingly this patronus can represent someone who is very smart and can think/trick there way out of any problem; whether you’re able to think there way out of any situation or playing a trick to get out any situation. Having a Hyena as your Patronus means that you find comfort in nonconformity. You are not someone who does something just because “that’s how it’s always been.” No one tells you what you should or shouldn’t do, and if anyone tries, well, their griping will fall on deaf ears. Having this patronus means you find comfort in being around your ‘pack’. Your pack may be your large family, or a tight knit band of friends! Could even be a study group, but you love being around them, and find yourself feeling sad or vulnerable when you’re away from them for an extended period of time. You love and would do anything for them, including going out to eat, like the hyena would with their hunts, having a sleepover with friends in your ‘den’ and laughing with them, also like the hyena. You are the sort to both join a dojo and take a cooking class – to wear leather and lace – to punch your worst enemy in the face with one hand and help another person to his feet with the other. You are both strong and weak – gentle and ruthless – cool as a cucumber and hot as a tamale. Should you ever find yourself cornered and shut away, forced to hide yourself from the world, your guardian will burst from your wand with a large barking laugh, for it is completely unafraid of fences or wagging fingers. Its laughter will course through your veins, making your heart bubble up with strength, and soon you’ll be laughing too as you take down your enemies with a flick of your wand.

57. Ibizan Hound
Ibizan Hounds reach quite a perfect balance, with their grace and charm not constricting their ruggedness and toughness. They are quite clownish and love entertaining others, but can be very stubborn and independent as well. Ibizan Hounds are very likely to escape from enclosed areas and are quite adept at it, thus they should never be kept in kennels. They are quite prodigious with children and other dogs, and are not excessive barkers. They are active and athletic, and are easily capable of jumping fences to escape to freedom. They are also good climbers, and have been found to be able even to undo baby gates. They are generally sweet dogs, though rather mischievous. You find comfort in your independence. You likely are a very amiable person and love making people happy, but you spend time with people on your terms. You’re not the sort of person to roll over and play dead – if you’re in a social situation that you don’t want to be in, you’re “peacing out” of there as soon as you can. Should you ever find yourself trapped by internal walls that seem too thick and tight to escape from, your Patronus will sweep out of your wand in bounding jumps, leaping over those walls of blackness to protect you against the dementors that are bearing down on you. It will bite at them, making them shrink back, before bounding back over to your side. Don’t you see? You’re free! And with your freedom in sight, you now have the motivation you need to cut down these demons that invade your dreams. Strong-willed to the point of being stubborn sometimes, you value your freedom and creativity and hate being restricted in any way. Because of this, you are quite an adept problem-solver, combining your determination and creativity to make sure you finish what you start. You are also quite sensitive to the feelings of others, and know how to identify and handle a situation when someone is feeling down. Like your Patronus, you are quite a calm and steady person, and are not very likely to have sudden outbursts of emotion.

58. Irish Wolfhound
The owner of this patronus can be incredibly confident and outgoing, most owners try to be protective and loving of those who care about them. Having this gigantic dog as your patronus means you find being useful comforting. Like the dog, you like to be utilized by others, even when it seems silly, or you don’t entirely agree with what they need. You'll drop your first appointment to help a friend. Take some time to think first, and while it’s great you want to help, you don’t have to help if you don’t want to, and the wolfhound wouldn’t want you to be unhappy either. Having the Irish Wolfhound for your Patronus means that you find comfort in strength – not boisterous or physical strength, but the quiet, unassuming kind that only rears its head when it is most needed – the kind that comes from inner stability. Your Patronus will be there to protect you when you have the need of it and will instill in you the same strength it expresses: a grounded, quiet, fixed assertiveness. You are down-to-earth and fixed in your morality and will always stand by what you think is right. You may not be very vocal or extroverted but you are always true to yourself. When the demons of anxiety and terror come a-knocking, this guardian will guard you from harm and bring with it a rush of strength that will help you ground yourself and stand tall.

59. Jaguar
The jaguar is a bit more secluded and less influenced than other wild cat patronuses, as they tend to use themselves as an individual more as an anchor. They do not rely on groups, but rather tend toward nature and inspiration through it. They are quiet but indulgent, wanting to absorb themselves into things that make them relax. Stress is a terrible trigger in their life, because their lack of ability to rely on others makes them unsure what to do with it.

60. King Cobra (unusual)
Having a King Cobra as your patronus means that are strengthened by logical thought. This means that you are at your best when you have time to think things through before immediately acting. Like a King Cobra, instant confrontation is something that you try and avoid, instead, you make use of your time in order to plan things out and give yourself an advantage. Thinking and planning in this way also makes your “bite” all the more deadly, as whenever you act on one of your ideas or plans, it tends to be much stronger than if you had acted on the spot because of all of the time you put into making sure that everything falls into place correctly. Having a King Cobra as your Patronus means you find comfort in grace. You are someone who is cool and calm under pressure, but beware to anyone who crosses you, for your mouth is just as venomous as your guardian’s. Still, you try to keep your composure as much as possible, because you feel better when you are in control of your strong passions. When you are in control of yourself, you can then use those passions wisely and resourcefully, using just enough to get your way and not letting anyone take advantage of you or your feelings. Should you ever lose control and feel your emotions spin out of control, hurling you into blind darkness, this Patronus will come and find you. It will slither from your wand and straighten up, baring its fangs at your enemies and fixing it with an eye that could kill. Soon its arrival will wash over you, bringing with it incredible calm, and you will once again be in control – then you will straighten up and stand up with all the power and pride of a royal, and the world will quake before you. As the owner of a king cobra patronus, you are soothed by the idea of change. You can easily adapt to changes, big or small, and you are sometimes the biggest advocate for them. Just as a cobra, you understand that change can either come with rewards or with consequences. Not only that, but you are certainly not afraid to take big leaps in life; you love to make change, not just experience it. Take great strides in your life with your head held high; it won’t take long for you to get far. As a patronus, the King Cobra will be there for you whenever you need protection. Sometimes, no matter how hard you fight, the enemies are just too strong and powerful. Your patronus will be there to make sure that no one can hurt you, and it will feed you strength so that you can get up and continue fighting. With the King Cobra by your side, you will always have the time to brush yourself off, take a breath, and think things through. When you strike, it will be together. Together, you will strike hard. Together, you will strike true.

61. Kingfisher
Having a Kingfisher as your Patronus means you find comfort in appearances. You are someone who values the way the world sees you, and you are very careful in how your are presented. This can sound manipulative, but in truth it helps you hide away a lot of your insecurities and put forward a happy or strong face when you have most need of it. You have a tight rein on your temper and a strong sense of self, and you use those things to put out a persona that people can admire and aspire to be more like. It’s very likely you’re one to hide your problems from people so as not to worry them. You can be incredibly selfless as well as incredibly proud. If your reflection cracks and you suddenly find yourself thrown into a pit of hopelessness and misdirection, this Patronus will come for you, flying around your head like a halo. Its white feathers will fall around you, disappearing like mist into your skin, and you’ll see yourself looking confident and strong and capable of anything. As your guardian, the kingfisher gives you his powerful eyesight, helping you to pick out specific pieces of your surroundings. You tend to become especially defensive when you or your friends are picked on by others, and you will not stop until they apologize and leave you or your friend alone. Your colorful personality is a gift from your guardian, helping you stand out and make a difference in your habitat, magical or otherwise.

62. Lamb
An individual with a lamb patronus has a sort of natural innocence about them, and have a very serene diposition. They are kind to most, though they tend to have a difficult time reaching out and expressing themselves. They have a shy aspect of them that is not only social, but inner, which makes them hesitant to do many things. That said, they are very patient and calm creatures, which allow them to be workable with this nature.

63. Leopard/Leopardess (unusual)
As a patronus a leopard/leopardess can represent an owner who is very independent. This can also represent an owner who is secretive and graceful. Having a leopard as your Patronus means you find comfort in class. You are a resourceful, respectable person who many people can esteem and look up to, and you like having that reputation. Being respected is very helpful in getting you to your goals, which are likely people-oriented. You put value on heritage and love following in the footsteps of the great people who came before you, whether they are family members or just your idols. When you get lost in the woods of self-doubt and chaos, this Patronus will come for you. It will leap out of your wand with grace and poise and remind you of how much you can accomplish just by keeping a regal bearing. Fake it ‘til you make it, right? And with this Patronus by your side, you will most assuredly make it, and to the outside world, it will look perfectly effortless.

64. Lion/Lioness (unusual)
You find comfort in the idea of changing the world. You like to be the leader in situations and do best when you are the one directing everything. You are strong, confident, and fair and this makes you incredibly good at leading others. People are naturally drawn to your kind, responsible, hardworking nature, and you have many friends. You are highly spontaneous as well and this makes you very fun to be around. You are constantly leading others into high-energy adventures and encouraging them to go after what they want. Most importantly, you use this sway over others and love of leadership to try and make the world a better place. Even when you aren’t trying to be a positive influence, you are unafraid to go after what you want tenaciously, and can’t help but inspire others to do the same. Going along with this, you are also a hopeless romantic and idealist and always shoot for the stars, even though sometimes it looks impossible to others. Sometimes this determination to win can make you seem intense to others, but once pointed out you are quick to work things out and correct any misunderstandings. All of this makes you someone with a huge potential to succeed in most areas of your life, simply due to your sensitivity to others needs, confidence, and determination. In times when you feel lost in the world and as if you aren’t making an impact in others lives, you’re patronus will be there to remind you of your idealist ambitions and the positive influence you have over others.

65. Little Owl (unusual)
A little owl patronus can represent an owner who is extremely well spoken, and definitely not afraid to speak there mind, especially when they feel very strongly about the topic. A Little Owl patronus can represent an owner who is very sarcastic, and unwilling to take the mean things that people say. A Little Owl patronus can also represent an owner who is very independent, and doesn’t need other people to stand up for them, but does kinda want that sort of support from others. You comfort in quiet knowledge. This means that for you, the more you know the more secure you feel. You thrive off of intellectual stimulation and thought and often philosophize.You like to have knowledge before going into scary situations and are always well prepared. You are not the type of person to boast that you know everything, but people recognize the wisdom and kindness in you, and often consult you for advice. A sincere and honest person, people can always trust you to give them kind, thoughtful suggestions and tell things the way they are without being mean about it. As such an insightful, introverted person, you can spend alot of time in your own head, and this can make it hard for you to socialize with others at times. But, you love those you are close to very much and would do anything for them, even though sometimes you need your space to think and create. Hardworking, intuitive, and dependable, you will do well in whatever you undertake to do. In times when you feel underprepared, lost, and misunderstood, your patronus will be there to bring you back the calm knowledge and insight you need to feel secure and confident in who you are.

66. Lynx (unusual)
You find yourself perfectly comfortable with adventuring on your own, or perhaps with another close friend. You don’t like commotion or business, but you still have the wanderlust that haunts many people in your house. You love to explore the lesser known places of the world, and you’re always searching for something new. Cities are probably not your thing, you prefer wilder, untouched landscapes! You’re logical and resourceful, and you take care to think things through before you act (in most cases!). A lynx patronus can represent an owner, who is very individualistic and eccentric. As well as that the owner of a lynx patronus can represent an owner that is observant, intelligent, and curious. Of course, we all should go with our instinct sometimes. You like to be around quieter, more intelligent people that you’re sure you can trust. You’re great at keeping secrets, and find it very difficult to rely emotionally on someone without establishing a strong connection. You’re an introvert, but that doesn’t mean you don’t love to get out there and see the world! People value you for your reliability, intelligence, and curiosity. The lynx also models responsibility and maturity, compared to the recklessness of its friends the raven and coyote. No matter where life takes you, you can feel confident with the lynx at your side.
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