Herbology Notebook - Year One

written by Elizabeth Black

Here are my notes from my first year of Herbology! In the last chapter I included links to all my other note books! Be sure to check those out!

Last Updated






Lesson Seven

Chapter 7
Dangers of Plants
- different types of hazards
- uniformly classified and identified for easier communication between witches and wizards of different backgrounds and ability levels
- Wizarding Herbs with Irritating or Perilous Specialties, or W.H.I.P.S.
- standardized way to communicate about hazardous magical plants, what to expect from these kinds of plants, as well as clear guidelines from the Ministry of Magic as to laws about such plants
- not apply to non-magical plants.
- The Ministry requires everyone who may be working with plants to be educated in the W.H.I.P.S. classes
not getting taken by surprise by any of these plants is not working on them alone,
- six official classes of dangerous plants
- some plants may fall under more than one class
- keep in mind that as with nearly all magical fields, there may be more undiscovered abilities that magical plants have which have not yet been documented
- things may change.
- currently debating adding a seventh class

Class A: Odorous
- plants in the odorous class can affect people, animals, or even other plants by releasing odors in the form of a powder or gas
- one should wear a mask, use a Bubble-Head Charm, or take other similar precautions
- can have different abilities and can fall into into three subclasses

Level One
- most severe and indicates a plant that puts you in immediate danger of death
- include that the powder or gas will cause difficulty breathing, and will lead to asphyxiation and death in minutes
so it’s not necessarily something that has to be year-round
- mandrakes have also been put into this class

Level Two
- slightly less dangerous, but can still cause death
- in the form of poison and other elements whether inhaled as a gas or powder.
- odors or spores of these plants can irritate the the respiratory system
- may find a way under the skin or into your eyes
- Smogwood, is an example of a plant that fits in this class
When you feel ill after working with plants, be sure to seek medical attention right away, as permanent damage could be occurring even if your symptoms disappear.

Level Three
- mildest class of odorous plants
- paralysis -- persons will lose the ability to protect themselves once affected by the plant
- may leave the victim open to other attacks
- Antidotes should always be kept on hand
- some plants can just cause disorientation or confusion
- disorientation can still lead to potentially disastrous or deadly mistakes
- spider flower. Not to be confused with their non-magical cousins,

Class B: Physically Aggressive
- plants which may intentionally cause damage when feeling threatened or to obtain food
- wide variety of abilities that can fall into this class,
- strangulation, biting, cutting, and general pummeling
- Many flesh-eating plants fall into this class
- ability to strangle is usually found in magical vine-like plants
- used as a self defence mechanism, or for capturing and consuming prey
- Devil’s Snare is an example of the latter
- Plants with teeth may bite, though I really hope that is obvious
- When you are bitten you can easily become subject to other conditions like venom.
- there is a second danger you will face shortly after
- it is very rare for immediate death to occur from a bite
- Fanged Geranium,
- nasty poison that causes human skin to swell, bubble, and in some extreme cases, turn reddish with white spots
best way to avoid the dangers of biting plants is simple: dragonhide gloves
- large numbers of biting plants, dragonhide jackets and trousers would be a better
- plants with sharp leaves that can cut through your clothing and skin
- can be sharp enough to cut into arteries, and, well, there are too many places you don’t want a deep cut
- Some of these plants will keep to themselves unless touched, while others are very territorial and will attempt to fend you off if you get within a few feet of them
- Spiky Bush, which will shoot its own sharp projectiles towards you to cut you
- a good pair of dragonhide gloves is all that is needed, though plants that shoot projectiles may also require evasive action or even the Shield Charm
- also plants that pummel, punch, ram, or hit

Class C: Toxic
- plants that are toxic to humans
- only one that has been allowed to overlap with non-magical plants due to the fact that any plant is toxic in the right amounts
- are many Ministry of Magic regulations regarding how much of any plant may be used in a potion to avoid issues with toxicity
- further classified via a four level system based on the amount required to reach a lethal dose
- rating of four are so poisonous that contact with your bare skin may be cause for alarm
- plenty of plants that have rated at level one are still frequently used in potions or consumed raw
- Plants have to be significantly toxic -- enough to set them above the rest -- in order to receive even the lowest rating
- two general types of toxic plants
- there are poisonous plants that either contain or are covered in toxic chemicals released by touching or consuming a part of the plant
- venomous plants, inject toxins directly through needles, fangs, hairs, and the like
- Venomous Tentacula is an example of the latter, whereas belladonna is an example of the first

Class D: Infectious
- come in two subclasses: naturally infectious and diseased
- Naturally infectious plants are able to spread viruses and other conditions even when in peak health. An example of this is Coughagus Ivy
- Diseased plants, on the other hand, have contracted an illness, and are now prone to spreading it. There is no specific plant that falls under this class as it is conditional
- Some diseased plants can spread illnesses across scientific kingdoms, to humans or animals,

Class E: Burning
- cause slow-to-rapid destruction of skin, fur, or any other material they touch
- Some burning plants are even able to wear through dragonhide
- main problem with these plants is how they burn through many layers of skin and further
- have strong acids or bases in them, which they will release when disturbed
- cause very serious burns, which require attention from a healer
- a chemical burn and a regular burn cause similar damage
- Fire Seed Bushes
- Spells must be applied to keep the burning seed aloft until it cools sufficiently to be handled with dragonhide gloves
- Freezing plants have stinging hairs which will cause a sensation similar to nettles, which we discussed in Lesson Five, however, they will slowly freeze your skin
- Seek medical attention immediately if you believe you’ve come into contact with these plants.

Class F: Reactive
- refers to how some plants and plant materials react to other materials, as well as how they react when touched
has heavy regulations about how some of the more reactive plants can be transported, in case of contact with undesirable stimuli
- it refers to a material that causes a reaction -- in this case, usually an explosion, though acrid and poisonous puffs of smoke are also possible.
- Gunpowder Gloriosas
- sometimes there are dangerous discoveries made
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