The Hippophile

Okay, the first thing you're probably thinking is, "What is a hippophile?" Well, I can tell you, of course. A hippophile means a horse lover, look it up for yourself. Anyway, I'm not going to tell you about the story - read and find out! Thanks - btw, if anyone likes my book, it would be a pleasure for you to say, because I love your feedback! Thanks again!

Last Updated






The Surprise

Chapter 7
Freya was up very early the next morning with Alezan. Rose had gone the other day and Freya was very sorry she had. She did miss her friend, whose birthday was coming up! But poor Rose was at the orphanage, where she'd have to have her birthday, of course!
Freya felt annoyed. She had gone over to the orphanage before, asking Miss Raven if Rose could come to the farm, but Miss Raven had refused.
Freya was brushing down Alezan down, for she hadn't been able to before. Then she would give him a ride. She hadn't galloped or cantered with him before, but she did want to. If she mentioned this to James, he would say fiercely, "No doing, Freya. What if Alezan just suddenly bucked you off?"
But Freya would protest, saying, "He would never do that to me, but maybe to you," she would add cheekily.
Then James would get angry and storm off, saying, "Fine, get trampled, Freya!" But Freya would just laugh.
Just then, James came out. "I know what you're thinking of doing," he said.
"I know," said Freya. Then suddenly she burst out, "Hey! Actually, I could ride down to the orphanage now and see Rose!"
"Well, it's not up to me," said James. "Hurry up and ask Tim. I'm gonna come with you."
Freya groaned. "Of course you have to!" But she ran off to tell Tim, shortly returning shouting, "He said yes!"
"Good," said James, who had already saddled up Alezan and Bruin. "And I think you'll be able to mount Alezan by yourself now, without the help of the fence or me."
"Of course I can get up easily now by myself," said Freya, rolling her eyes. "I practised." She mounted Alezan quickly.
Soon they were already up to Grate Road, where the orphanage was near there.
"It's my friend's birthday tomorrow," said Freya then. "And she has to spend it at the orphanage. Ooh, I do hate it now. You will too, James, when you see it."
Then the orphanage was in sight! Freya trotted quickly up to it, then unmounted. James did the same. "Should we just, um, knock?" he asked.
"No!" said Freya and she just marched up to the orphanage door and tried to open it. It was locked. "Of course it would be!" said Freya. "Silly me! Cook always locks it so no children can get out." So she knocked loudly on the door. After waiting a minute, a croaky voice shouted behind the door, "who is it?"
Freya recognised the voice from Cook. "Open up, cook!" Freya shouted. "It's just me, you know and James!"
"James? Who is he? And I'm not going to let you - Freya in. I don't want you in here again. You always make trouble."
"Aw, come on Cook! Please! It's Rose birthday today and I want to see her! Let me IN!" Freya started to become furious, but suddenly a sharp but gentle voice said, "Cook, let them in, or I will myself."
Freya immediately knew the voice. It was Miss Raven's.
The door unlocked and there stood Miss Raven and Cook, who looked very disgruntled.
"I suppose you came because it's Rose's birthday," said Miss Raven. "Come inside." She noticed James and Freya quickly said, "That's James. Uh, he sometimes comes to the farm."
"I see," said Miss Raven quietly. Then suddenly there was a shout and thumping down the stairs. Rose appeared. "Oh, Freya! You came! I just knew you would!"
"Now you just be quiet," snapped Cook, but Miss Raven frowned at her and said, "It's her birthday!"
Cook rolled her eyes.
Rose hugged Freya and then saw James. "Oh hi," she said.
James raised his hand in reply.
"Come up to my room," said Rose. "You too, James."
"Uh - okay," said James.
While they were on their way up, Freya said, "Well, I haven't been here for ages that it seems quite new to me."
"Really? Nothing has changed. And anyway, how is Alezan?" Rose asked.
"Oh, he's fine. He's just outside the orphanage now."
"Ooh, can I go and see him?"
"No, I want to see your room again."
"I can't believe you really can't remember," said Rose. "And here it is now." Rose opened the door to her room. It wasn't the greatest room, because she lived in a orphanage, of course. But two posters were hung up on the wall, of dogs that Miss Raven had bought for her and there was a piece of paper on here bed, labelling, I DO HATE ORPHANAGES.
Freya laughed, then said, "Rose, I think you should do something with us for your birthday."
"Well, I don't know. Do you think that Miss Raven would allow it?" Rose asked.
Freya shrugged.
For a while they all talked together until James said, "I think we better go now, right Freya? It's getting dark."
Freya sighed but she said, "Okay. Bye Rose. Happy Birthday." She tried to say it cheerfully, but she felt sorry for Rose. She didn't even get to do something for her birthday!

When they had got back to the farm, and had just seated down to eat dinner, Freya said, "Mrs. Thornley, I think we should do something for Rose."
"Well, yes. That's a good idea," said Mrs. Thornley. "Why, we could do a birthday party surprise for her tomorrow!"
Freya nodded. "Yeah, let's do that. Rose would like that."

The next morning Freya got up early. Mrs. Thornley was already up, getting things ready for the surprise. Decorations hung on the wall and presents were under a small table.
"Just hiding them there," said Mrs. Thornley. She was in the kitchen making the food ready.
Freya was surprised. Already she was making the food?
"You see, I rode on Bruno this morning to the orphanage and asked Miss Ruin, no what was her name again! Oh, I mean Miss Raven. I asked her if Rose could come soon. And she said Rose may."
"Thank goodness!" sighed Freya. "Rose is probably cook-a-hoop right now!" She laughed.
Mrs. Thornley laughed as well. Then she glanced at the cook and seeing what the time was, she exclaimed, "Oh my! The time has flown! Rose is going to come in five minutes! Freya dear, please set the table for breakfast. Oh my!"
Freya grinned. She felt all excited suddenly. Rose was coming!
She quickly set the table and right after that, a loud knock was heard at the door. Freya as quickly as she could to it. Rose was finally here!
Freya opened the door, and there stood Rose, beaming. "Hello Freya!" she said quietly.
"Oh, happy birthday, Rose!" cried Freya. "Come - come inside!"
Rose stepped inside. She saw how beautiful the dining room looked and she cried out in happiness. "Oh, thank you Freya!"
"Oh, it was mostly Mrs. Thornley," protested Freya, grinning.
"Ahh," yawned someone. Tim had just come into the dining room. "Ah, well, hello Rose," noticing Rose.
"Tim, it's her birthday," whispered Freya.
"Oh, I see. That's why she came so early. Well, happy birthday," said Tim, smiling at Rose. "Sit down - I suppose Mrs. Thornley has something for you to eat."
Indeed Mrs. Thornley had something delicious. She came into the dining room, holding a big pot. She put it on the table and said, "It's Puttanesca."
"Oh goodness! It's my favourite!" cried Freya. "It seems like everything is going to happen wonderfully today!"
When they were all seated at the table, it seemed like Freya had ate her food in a second. "Uh.. Mrs. Thornley, may I just see Alezan? And also if it is okay with Rose."
"Oh, it's fine with me," said Rose, wiping her mouth daintily with a napkin.
Mrs. Thornley nodded, so Freya went outside and into the barn.
Oh, how wonderful Alezan looked from here. His golden chestnut body shone brilliantly, and his white mane was beautiful.
Freya ran to him and kissed his velvety nose. She would never let anyone take him away and she would love him forever and ever.
Now Freya thought that the time had come for her to finally gallop him on this wonderful day. So, without bothering to put on a saddle or reins, she climbed easily onto his back, and rode him out of the barn. The wind waved gently and Freya gazed into the sky. Gripping Alezan's mane, she galloped away. All was peaceful. The thudding of Alezan's hoofs, the chirping of the birds, the gentle wave of the trees, Freya was happy. She was joyful. She closed her eyes, and rode on.

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