Foxface's Perspective of The Hunger Games

written by Jess Granger

Have you ever read or watched (or both!) the Hunger Games? Did you ever wonder what was going on on the minds of the other contestants? In this book written by Jess Granger, she imagines what is going on in the mind of Finch "Foxface" Stuart.

Last Updated






Day 2 of Training

Chapter 6
The next morning I awake to a knock on my door. "Come in," I say sleepily. To my surprise, I see Patrick in the doorway. "Sorry to wake you up early but Lyma told me to get you up so we can watch the reapings," he says. I look at my clock, it's 7:30 am. "It's not that early," I tell him, "I usually got up earlier than that in District 5." He shrugs and walks out my room, closing the door behind him. I notice an Avox sitting next to me. She hands me some clothes and I put them on. Training doesn't start until 10 am so I put on what the Avox hands me. I'm wearing black leggings, a blue t-shirt and white trainers. I plait my hair into two braids and head into the living room. Porter, Lyma and Patrick are sitting on the couch already. Lyma turns on the TV and flicks to the replays of the reapings. It starts with District 1. The boy, Marvel, volunteered but the girl, Glimmer, didn't. That surprises me because usually the Careers volunteer. The TV moves to District 2. The boy, Cato, and the girl, Clove, both volunteer. The two from 3 are reaped. There names are Amber and Noah. Then it moves to 4. Again, no-one volunteers. The boy, named Sebastian, and the girl, Ellie, are both quite small. Then I see our reaping. I notice when they call out my name my mother gasps. Patrick's name is called out and I see us shake hands. It's hard to believe that the reaping was 2 days ago. We move onto 6. I can't remember their names but I do remember they look pretty tough. Then it's 7. The boy, Zasha, looks very confident as he walks onto the stage. The girl, Rakau, looks like she's trying to hold back tears. Then we move to 8. I'm not concentrating so I miss their names. Then we move onto 9. The girl, Demetria, looks like me. Lyma also comments on her appearance. We're so distracted by the girl that we miss the boy's name. Then it's 10. Patrick asks me if I know the girl from 9 but I shake my head. I missed both of the District 10's tributes names. I focus my attention and see the girl from 11. Her name is Rue and the boy is named Thresh. I open my mouth but Lyma says shh and I close my mouth again. District 12's reaping is the most exciting. Katniss, the girl, volunteers for her sister. I don't think anyone from District 12 has volunteered, ever! The boy, Peeta, is reaped and the TV turns off. Again, Porter and Lyma are talking about District 12. Patrick rolls his eyes and gets up to have breakfast. I follow him. We're having waffles with ice cream. The Capitol is plumping us up so we live longer during the games. Now it's 8:00 am we still have 2 hours until training so I go to my room and watch the recaps of the tribute parade. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On the way down to training, I ask Patrick if he's made any alliances. "U-u-uh n-n-no. W-w-why would you ask that?" he asks nervously. I shrug and I notice Patrick relax. Does he really think I'm that dumb? I know he has an alliance with the boy from 10. The elevator doors open to the training room. Only the tributes from 2 are there. They whisper to each other as we walk in. Today as we walk in Atala tells us to do whatever we want while the other tributes arrive. Little by little the other tributes arrive. District 11 was the last to arrive. Atala addresses all of us. Again, she tells us not to fight while looking at Cato and the boy from 6. Katniss suppresses a laugh. Atala send us off. I head towards the section of the throwing knives. Clove is already there. The targets light up and she throws the knives. She doesn't miss once even when she threw to backwards! I shakily pick up a knife and throw it a target. It misses but not by much. Clove laughs but I try again. This time it hits the target but slightly off to the left. Clove rolls her eyes and walks off towards Cato. I practice for a few more times. I get better as I go but I'm never going to be as good as Clove. Someone taps me on my shoulder and I turn around. It's Ellie, the girl from 4. She asks me politely what my name is. "Finch," I say to her. She nods and skips away. Weird. My attention is then drawn to Thresh. The Careers are talking to him but he's shaking his head. Probably declining to join their pack. That might be a mistake. They will probably target him now. Atala then clears her throat. "All tributes please line up in front of the gauntlet," she says. Some of the tributes look around. The Careers start walking towards platforms with gaps in between. I guess we are supposed to run on them, jumping between platforms. The tributes follow the Careers and we all line up. Somehow, I'm towards the front. At the front of the line is Zasha. He runs across the gauntlet and is off in less than a minute. He's a fast runner, that's helpful in the arena. Soon, it's my turn. I run across but slip slightly on one of them. I recover and keep running. I take at least 2 minutes. Once we have finished, we have to go across monkey bars at another station. I climb across very slowly. I make it to the other side before hearing a scream and a thud. I look towards the floor and see the boy from 8. I look down to the floor. I take a step back. I didn't realise how far down it was. I look back down to the floor and see the boy holding his leg. I can see he's trying not to cry. Peacekeepers run over and help him stand up. I notice he's limping. That will be a major disadvantage. More Peacekeepers usher me and the other tributes onto another station. I move to the survival station. I try not to make a fire but nothing happens. Then I try to make a trap, this time I manage to do it. Soon the day ends and we have another meal. I sit quietly as the Careers chat loudly about how great they were. I can't believe we have only have one day of training and interviews before we get thrown into the arena. Sleepily, I go up to my room. I barely realise what I'm doing. All I remember is my dream of cinnamon buns and birds.
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