Foxface's Perspective of The Hunger Games

written by Jess Granger

Have you ever read or watched (or both!) the Hunger Games? Did you ever wonder what was going on on the minds of the other contestants? In this book written by Jess Granger, she imagines what is going on in the mind of Finch "Foxface" Stuart.

Last Updated






Days 3 & 4 of the Arena

Chapter 18
I wake early the next morning. It's still quite dark. Dark enough for me to steal some more food from the Careers. I sit up, trying not to hit my head on the roof of the cave, and rub my eyes. I still feel tired but I'm just going to have to deal with it. Before I leave, I eat some food. I carefully climb out of the cave, checking for nearby tributes. Once I'm 100% sure no-one is there, I start walking towards the Cornucopia. I can see the Career pack lying on the floor. The boy from 3 is on guard. That's good. It's easier for me to steal then. I creep closer. The boy from 3 looks up and I hide behind a nearby tree. He looks away. I quietly move closer. When I'm not far from the Cornucopia, I sprint behind the boy and hide behind the Cornucopia. I don't check to see where the boy is. I can hear movement coming towards me so I quickly move further around. I see a bag that looks sort of full and grab it. I sprint to the forest area that's closest to me. I hide behind a tree and wait for the boy to stop searching. Eventually, he stops. The sun is starting to rise now. I need to get back to my cave. I need to be careful though, or I'll be spotted by other tributes. The Career pack is so close any loud movement could attract their attention. I run and hide behind the next tree. I use the same technique until I'm halfway to the cave. The Careers start to rise now and I know they will head towards where I'm now. Without thinking, I sprint all the way back to the cave. It's not that far but I'm tired after running. I climb into the cave but leave a little bit of light coming in so I can see what's in the bag. I tip out the contents. Inside isn't much. It's 2 apples and a bit of cheese. The bottom of the bag is filled with rocks. Ugh- I don't know if the Careers or the Gamemakers did this but either way it's annoying. At least I have some food though. There's only a bit of bread left. I ate more than I thought. I need to ration myself more or I'll die of starvation. I wonder if the Careers will notice that a bag is missing. Suddenly, I come up with an idea. What if I fill the bag with the rocks and put it back where it came from. Then it wouldn't look like anything is missing. I put the food I got today in the other bag. I fill one bag with rocks and close it up. I'll have to wait until the Careers go tribute hunting before I put it back. I swallow and realise how dry my throat is. I haven't had anything to drink. While I'm there I should probably grab an empty bottle. If I find some water I can fill up the bottle. If I find water. I see the sun start to set so I put the leaves back in place. I lie down and close my eyes. I fall asleep almost instantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When I wake up the next morning, I open the leaves to let the light come in. It's still quite dark but that's fine. I'm about to climb out the cave to search for water when I hear footsteps coming towards me. I cover the leaves over the mouth of the cave. Just as I do, people stop a couple steps away. I hold my breath. "Which way are we going?" says a male voice. "I can see smoke over there," says another quieter voice. "It looks like a big fire," says the male voice. There's a chatter of agreement. "Let's go check it out. If it's a big fire then a tributes must be around. No point starting a fire for no-one," says a female voice. "Yeah, but they could be burnt to a crisp," says a different voice. "Well we should at least go check it out," says another male voice. "Fine," says the other male voice. "Let's go," says a female voice. "District 4 & District 3 you guys go ahead of us. We need to have a chat with Lover Boy," says a loud male voice. I wait until the footsteps are barely audible before I move again. I breathe out. I'm safe. I need to be more careful though. What should I do with my food? If the Careers come back this way, then they might look and here and see the stuff I stole. I could take it with me but that seems risky. I might have to dump it to get away. I guess I could bury it. That might be the best option. I climb out of the cave and look for some dirt. I turn left and walk towards the other side of the arena. Suddenly, I step in something muddy. Muddy means wet. And wet means water. Water! I can bury this here, get a water bottle and then I can come back and get my stuff and fill up my water bottle. I use my hands to dig a small hole. I tie up the bag very tight. I don't want to have dirty food. I put the bag in the hole I dug. I put it there and put some mud on top. I grab some nearby grass and try and blend it into the mud. Once I'm happy, I stand up and start walking to the Cornucopia. I can see it through the trees. As I walk, I look up into the trees to see if anyone is there. I don't see anyone. I stop looking up because I almost walk into a tree. As I get closer to the middle, I can see all the Careers supplies stacked in huge pyramids. I throw a rock towards the pyramids to see if anything happens. Nothing does. I need to be careful because the boy from 3 is good at using landmines. I'm sure that's what they'll do next. I carefully approach the pyramids. I can imagine the Capitol closely watching what I'm doing. They'll probably comment on my agility or my stealth. Or I hope. Next thing I know they'll be commenting on my death. I'm standing right in front of the pyramid now. I can see water bottles at the top of the pyramid. I'm too short to reach it. I could climb it but I'd have to be very careful. If the slightest thing moved, the Careers could notice someone had been. I notice a pile of branches to my right. I pick them up. I examine them. They've got lots of branches. I could use them to build a ladder of step-stool. I try and fit two branches together. They fit perfectly. I step on them. They don't snap or bend under my weight. "Pretty sturdy," I say to myself. I mesh the branches together and before I know I have a step-stool. I put it on the ground and stand on it. It bends slightly but not much. I reach to the top. On my tiptoes I can reach it. I grab 2 bottles and climb down. I drop the bag filled with rocks onto the floor. I pick up the step and tuck it under my arm. I head back towards the water. When I get there, I fill up the water bottles. It's not clean right now but I know how to purify it. I grab the bag I put there before. I move the step from under my left arm to my right arm. I head back towards the cave. I arrive at the cave and climb into it. I drink a small amount of water, not too much because it's not purified yet. I'll try and do that tomorrow. I put the step-stool at the back of the cave and put the bag on top. I rest my head on the ground. It's not dark outside yet but I need to get up early tomorrow. I'm a bit restless but I eventually fall asleep.
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