This is about Jerry, a rp character Lizzie Tonks (A friend of mine) made for me. This is the story about him and he meets Ella Brennan, another rp character! If you like my book, you can owl me and thank you very much if you do decide to!! And this book is completed! I really hoped you enjoyed it! And this is only the first book - there is going to be a second! :D

Last Updated







Chapter 4
Jerry woke up on a rainy day. He groaned. This was a bad day to do a quidditch match. But he clambered out of bed.
When he got down to the Great Hall, clutching his broom, he met Ella there.
"You are going to quidditch as well?" she asked. Her mood had impressed a lot.
"Yeah," replied Jerry. After he had a cold egg, he walked down to the quidditch pitch and met the Gryffindor team there.
"You guys are late," said Eliza Green, the Gryffindor quidditch captain.
Jerry or Ella didn't say anything.
"Okay guys, I know this isn't a great day to play, but we have to do it. Okay?"
"Okay," said William Carson, rolling his eyes.
Eliza ignored him but instead said, "And we're playing against Slytherin. Now mount your brooms."
Everybody did and Jerry kicked into the air. He was Chaser. Then he saw Henry Parker holding the quaffle. He jeered at Jerry and flew faster to the goal hoops. But then as he neared them, and was about to throw the quaffle, a bludger hit him right on the nose. Henry dropped the quaffle in pain.
Jerry dived for it and caught it. He grinned and headed for the goal hoops. He threw it but the keeper kicked it away.
Jerry groaned. He heard the commentator speaking, so he knew the Slytherin team must've scored. Jerry groaned again. Then he saw Michael Quentin holding the quaffle. He was frowning as he headed for the goal hoops. He dodged a bludger, then threw the quaffle.
"Please miss!" Jerry said to himself quietly, but the keeper just didn't mange to stop the quaffle from going into the goal hoop.
"Slytherin scores again!" yelled the commentator. "Fifteen to zero!"
Jerry got frustrated. He then saw a Gryffindor player and a Slytherin one both trying to get the quaffle. But thankfully the Gryffindor player just got the quaffle.
The Slytherin player glared furiously at the Gryffindor, who went forward to the goal hoops.
"Come on!" Jerry yelled. "You can do it!" And the Gryffindor player did. She scored.
"Yes!" Jerry shouted.
The Slytherin was furious. He made such a horrible face at the commentator when he said, "Gryffindor scores! Fifteen to ten!"
Jerry hoped that Ella would just catch the snitch for she was the Gryffindor seeker. Then he saw her. She had seen the snitch. Her hand was outstretched and her eyes fixed directly on the snitch.
"Come on - you can get it," Jerry said under his breath, though no one could hear him when he said it loudly. He watched at watched Ella, and the audience stared at Jerry, shocked because he wasn't trying to get the quaffle. Then Ella had got it - the snitch.
Cheers and whistles broke from the Gryffindors and Ella held her hand up triumphantly, clutching the snitch in her hand.
"YES! YOU GOT IT!" shouted the Gryffindors.
Ella grinned and pointed her broom towards the ground, then landed perfectly onto the ground.
Jerry landed as well and shook Ella's hand while saying, "Well done Ella!"
"Thanks," she said breathlessly, and then the other Gryffindors crowded around her.
Jerry grinned and then laughed as he saw the delighted face of Eliza Green. "Well done, Ella! Really, you played well!"
"Thanks!" said Ella again.

At dinner time everyone was still congratulating Ella about the match.
Jerry sat eating his dinner while Alex sat next to him, not saying anything.
"What's up?" asked Jerry.
"Oh, nothing," replied Alex causally
"Uh... I think you're thinking about the dragon - aren't you?" asked Jerry.
"Well... yeah, I am."
"Just don't worry about it."
"I'm not. Anyway, I'm going to have an early night. Good night." And he went off.
Then suddenly someone said, "Why is Alex gloomy?"
Jerry jumped then realised it was Ella speaking to him.
"Oh, he's not... Anyway, I don't think he is. And congratulations," said Jerry.
"Yeah... thanks," said Ella. "I wish people would stop saying that though. It's just a match I've won."
"Yeah, I guess so," said Jerry.
"Anyway, I came here to... tell you something," said Ella suddenly.
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