Fallen Kingdoms

written by ● Miles ●

Four Kingdom's once thriving with life. Fallen Haven, Kingdom of the Humans. Fallen Clover, Kingdom of the Elves. Fallen Heart, Kingdom of the Fairies. Fallen Rose, Kingdom of the Mermaids.

Last Updated






Chapter 3 - Jack (The quest for berries)

Chapter 5
Jack was sitting against a tree, taking a nap after a long training session, when he felt something shake his shoulder. Sheema shook Jack awake. "Wake up, Jack!" she said into his ear. "Mission from the King!" Jack groaned as he got up, picking up his sword. He fixed his scarf and turned to her. "Huh?" He asked. Sheema smiled, laughing as she rolled her eyes. "The King wants us to go into the mystical forest and find a plant he needs. He said he's making some sort of spell, but I don't know what. That's why we're not doing that, exactly." Jack nodded. "Lead the way" he said.

Sheema whistled, and the two horses ran to them. She hopped on the horse with no saddle and they rode to the forest. Jack sighed as they made their way to the forest. "This is gonna suck" he mumbled. Sheema ignored him as she showed him the picture. "These berries that he wants are destruction berries. The King wants them to destroy the other kingdoms. We are going to get these identical berries that do the opposite: Create life.' She passed him the other picture Jack nodded. "Sounds easy enough," he mumbled. Sheema's horse came to a halt, and Sheema grabbed onto his mane tightly. She didn't believe in saddles or reigns, so she didn't use them on her horse. "We're here,' she said.

She looked at the green land in front of her. "I haven't seen this green of land in so long." Sheema sat on her horse for a moment, breathing in the clean air, and then slid off. Jack stopped his horse and hopped off. He took a deep breath, smelling the clean air, before sighing. "C'mon, while it may be nice...we have a job to do" he said before walking ahead. Sheema nodded, feeling sick as she looked back at the castle. She ran to Jack. "Why would the King want to destroy this?" she asked. "It's beautiful!" Jack sighed again. "Did he say he wanted to? We can't just blame the king like that" he said. "Jack, he's killing more and more land everyday! I've asked him why, but then he said last time he'd banish me from the kingdom if I asked one more time. He said it was for the sake of our kingdom!"

Jack stopped walking and sighed, gripping his scarf. "Our duty is to the king and our people. I will fight and protect all of them, the king included" he said before glaring ahead. "I may sound cold or cruel but...I'll fight for our people, not some land. If the king brings any harm to our people...then I'll say something" he said before walking again.
When she didn't say anything Jack stopped and turned to look at her. "I don't agree with it either but...we have to remember our duty" he said. Sheema sighed. She knew Jack was right. 'Yea, you're right. Should we still switch the berries?" she asked him.

Aria sighed. 'Again?' she thought as she looked at the wilting flowers and plants. 'What was that king thinking' she thought. 'No respect for nature' she grumped as she sat down. Her light blue hair blew into her face as she started to slowly revive the flowers. The princess walked into the forest. “Well, technically it’s my grandfather’s fault, but my dad isn’t making it any better.” Aria jumped and turned around. "Yuki!!" she smiled. She stood up and walked over to her

Jack froze when he heard Yuki. He quickly turned and saluted at her. "Princess! Didn't see ya there" he chuckled sheepishly.. She walked over to the knights. “What’re you guys doing, I won’t tell Father, I promise!” She said, holding up her pinky. Jack sighed before hooking his pinky around hers. "Can't break it now" he smirked before sighing again.

Aria looked suspiciously at the knights. "What are you doing here?" she asked suspiciously. Her kingdom's territory hadn't become better ever since the devastation and she didn't trust anybody.

"We're collecting some berries," he answered. Yuki looked at the berries and looked at Jack. “Jeez, does my dad want other pie!?” She lay down on the grass, getting herself dirty, “He needs to start helping the kingdom!” Aria crossed her arms. "What kind?" She asked as she continued to revive the plants around them while staring at the knight. Jack sighed. "Destruction berries" he answered. She put up her hands and glared at him. "Seriously? Of all the berries, destruction berries!!" she shouted. She shook her head. "Nope, I refuse. You aren't taking any". Jack shrugged. "Fine with me, we can just lie and say they weren't here" he said. Aria rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms and muttered something about foolish men.

Yuki looked at them, “You guys know I am here.” She smiled, “I just need to convince my dad that we don’t need them..” "Or just take some berries that look identical but don't have destructive effects". Aria pointed out. "Umm" Sheema said. "I'm planning on replacing the berries, but Jack here doesn't want to." Jack nodded at both of them. "Both work" he said.

"Why?" Aria asked. "Who wants destruction? Besides you-know-who?" She sighed and her wings started shaking. Her wings always moved whenever she felt strong emotions. Jack sighed. "Look, can we just get the non destructive berries and leave? This mission sucks" he grumbled. Sheema agreed, nodding her head. "Fine" Aria glared at Jack and whispered something to the ground. A berry bush started growing and Aria quickly picked some of the non-destructive berries. She held out her hand. "Take them.” "Jack, I told you before, they look exactly the same as the destruction ones!" Jack shrugged. "I wasn't really paying attention," he admitted. "Thank you!" Yuki said.

“Oh right, Aria, I was going to visit your kingdom, is it okay if I do that?” She asked. “You see, I am visiting every kingdom to check up on everybody.” she explained. Aria nodded. "That is totally fine."

Yuki waved to the knights, “Bye you two! Don’t get in trouble!” She blew a kiss and then left to get on her carriage. "Wait! Princess!" Sheema called out desperately, jumping onto her horse and riding after her. Jack jumped on his horse and raced after them. Yuki looked at Sheema, stooping the carriage. “What is it?” She asked, looking through her window. "Are you going to other kingdoms?" Sheema asked, hope filling her up. “Yes, come join me if you would like, I am visiting the Fallen Heart Kingdom, where Aria lives,” she explained. She made space in her carriage, “You can come in!” Jack did a fist bump in the air. "Yes! Finally, some excitement" he said. “No problem, Sir Knight!” She said. “I am happy to do favors for our knights!”Jack nodded at her. "Thanks princess, I owe you one" he said. “It’s a favor, Sir Knight,” she smirked. “You don’t owe me anything, but I order you to have fun.” Jack chuckled. "Best order ever" he said, patting his horse.

Sheema patted her horse, Dutch. "Thank you so much, Princess. Is it ok if I ride Dutch, here?" She smiled as she patted the horse too. “Of course, Sheema, I must thank you and Jack for how much you have done for our kingdom!” Sheema's face lit up. "You are welcome, Princess!" “Oh and please, just call me Yuki!” She said, smiling. She started the carriage again. Jack chuckled. "Anytime princess" he said.

"Princess, I have to admit something." Sheem said as Dutch started moving. "It is Jack who you owe it all to. I've been trying to sabotage the King for a while, to stop the destruction. We've both trained hard and fought, but he's the one loyal to the King." She bit her lip, looking down. She never told anyone but Jack, and telling it to the Princess was something else.

“Thank you for telling me this,” Yuki said. “But he gets enough rewards from me, that is why I am also thanking you!” She got out of the carriage and stretched, “Let’s go!”
Jack sighed. "I may be loyal to him but I am also loyal to the people...I also don't agree with his choices" he mumbled. She ruffled his hair, “We never said you agree with him!” She walked around the kingdom.

Aira looked at the plants and smiled. "hopefully these don't get destroyed" she spread her wings and flew over to the village. Aria landed in her garden and smiled. She couldn't wait for Yuki to come. A sudden thought came to her. 'What if that knight came along' she thought. She groaned and landed on her back. "Ugh". She flew toward the entrance of the village and scanned the trees for any sign of Yuki.

“Oh I am over here Aria!” Yuki yelled. Jack pouted. "No need to yell" he mumbled, following them. Aria smiled and walked over to Yuki. Sheema playfully shoved Jack's shoulder from her horse. "It's alright, I know you would choose the people rather than the King." She moved Dutch over to Aria and Yuki. Yuki curtsied once Jack reached her, “I am sorry for yelling, Sir Knight.” She smiled, “I hope you accept my apologies..” Sheema laughed as Yuki apologized to Jack. Jack chuckled, getting off his horse. "Oh, never apologize princess" he said before smiling. "It really is beautiful here," he said. She smirked at Jack, “Oh, you should feel honored to get an apology from me.” “Sorry for not accepting such a prestigious honor" he said.

Aria gave the knight a scowl. "Welcome to the Fallen Heart Kingdom!" “It’s a beautiful kingdom,” Yuki said. “Much better than the Fallen Haven kingdom,” she crossed her arms. Sheema slid off her horse and curtsied. "It's my honor to enter your kingdom," she said, opening her eyes to stares, mesmerized by the field of green around her. Aira smiled. "I welcome you graciously to my kingdom.” Yuki smiled and looked at Aria, “Can I call you Aria? Instead of Princess Aria?” She smiled. "Yup, enough with the formalities." she laughed.

“Yay! I am friends with the fairy princess and the elf princess!” She said. “Just need to find the mermaid princess, haven’t heard from them in years,” Aira nodded. "I am starting to get worried." Yuki made a mental note to visit the elf princess later and to send a message to the mermaid kingdom. “Mhm, at least the prince should come out and say something..” Yuki muttered.

Aira sighed. "Lots of destruction North from here" she pointed North. "My brother went over there to assess the damage,” “You and Jack can do what you want, just don’t damage anything.” Yuki smiled at Aria, “We will have a princess meeting!” Jack chuckled. "Ok princess,” Aira smiled at Yuki. "All right!!!"
“So Aria, what do you think will happen if we do it complete the prophecy..” she said, nervously looking at the ground

"Ok," Sheema said, looking at Jack. "I have an idea."Jack looked at her. "What's this idea?" He asked with a smirk. Sheema smiled and brought him to the horses. Hopping on, she said, "We're going to help with the damage." She took something out of her pocket and showed him. It was Life berries. She'd had them for a while now, a gift from her late mother. She'd always kept them, waiting for the right time to use them. Jack smiled at her. "Sounds like a plan" he said, getting on his horse.

"I hope that this destruction stops and that we can finally have good peace." Aria said. “So, what will happen if we fail..?” Yuki asked. “What will happen to our people?” Aira shook her head and sighed. "I don't know. I don't want any of our people to suffer." she looked at the ground.

"Goodbye, princesses! We're off to travel, if that's alright!" Sheema called. Aira smiled. "Don't destroy anything" she called out. “Please don’t! Come back safely!” Yuki said, waving to them. Jack chuckled. "We're Angel's! We couldn’t hurt a fly!" He called back. Sheema smiled and laughed out loud. "We sure won't!" Aira rolled her eyes. "Right..." she waved to them. Jack laughed. "Heard that!" He yelled before following Sheema.
“Take care of Jack please!” Yuki yelled. Sheema waved at the princess, and looked at Jack, trying not to laugh hysterically as they rode into the woods. Jack pouted. "I'm not a kid," he mumbled.
Sheema laughed at him, spreading some berries on the ground as they rode across the woods, staying close to where the princesses were.

“Okay, now, let’s go tour your kingdom!” Yuki jumped up excitedly. Aira smiled and pointed to a big oak tree. "That's where the children learn about our past. That oak tree has been around for a very long time". “That’s beautiful,” Yuki sighed, looking at the tiny eleven gathered around. "C’mon, I have to show you the whole village." she grabbed Yuki's arm and pointed toward the village. “Okay!” She said, following Aria. Yuki sneezed, “Sorry..somebody must be talking about me..”

Aira showed Yuki the small houses, the fountain, the waterfall, and the berry patch. She smiled as they came to their last stop. "This is the community garden. Everyone plants something in here when they reach 15. It's full of memories." “Wow, so pretty! Fairies are so cool!” Yuki said, looking at the beautiful garden. Aira pointed to a blue patch. "That’s mine.”
She sighed. "But, you know in the prophecy, it says that every one of us has to sacrifice their most important thing to them. That is my important possession,” "Mine is a locket the knights gave to me!" she said. "I am sad I have to give it up.." "We should get back to the knights," Yuki said, looking at the darkening sky.
Aira nodded. "It is getting dark." She took one last look at her plant and walked out of the garden.

Sheema stopped. "Jack.... Did you hear something?" she asked, looking around them. Jack nodded. "Yeah, stay alert" he said, glaring.Jack sighed. "I'm sure it's nothing," he said before hopping off his horse and looking around. After looking around for a bit, Jack saw that nobody was there. "Good" he mumbled. Jack sighed as he stared at the sky. "They should get back soon, almost night" he mumbled.

Yuki met up with Jack and Sheema. "Well, Fallen Heart seems to be in good condition!" She smiled. Jack nodded. "Yup, beautiful as ever. Makes me wish Fallen Haven was this nice" he chuckled. Aira smiled, "If nobody else tries to destroy anything, we will be in good shape,” Jack chuckled and gave a salute. "Didn't destroy anything, just as promised" he said. Yuki rolled her eyes. "You have the berries right?" Jack dropped the salute and gave her a serious look. "Of course" he said.

Aira nodded. "Journey safely.” Jack chuckled. "I'd be a terrible knight if I couldn't protect the princess," he said. "Bye Yuki, I might visit you soon!” Aira called. “Bye Bye!” Yuki called back, stepping into her carriage. Jack gave a dramatic grasp. "What about me? I was good the whole time!" He said, putting a hand on his chest. Yuki smiled and kissed his cheek. “Good job, Sir Knight! And that was a friendly kiss by the way!” She said, smiling at him. Jack chuckled. "Hey, I got a kiss from a beautiful princess, a friendly one still works for me" he smiled back. “I see, you are very humble!” Yuki said. She hugged Aria one last time and then left for home. Jack chuckled. "Being humble is in the job description" he joked. “Is it now? Well, I don’t see making trouble in the job description, yet you do,” She joked, “Please explain, Sit Knight.”

Aira waved. "Wait!! Take this with you and plant it somewhere!!" She picked some pink flowers and gave them to her. “Thank you! Please take care, Aria!” She said, smiling. Aira smiled. "Stay safe!!!" Jack shook his head. "Trouble? Never heard of the word. I prefer...adventurous or outgoing" he chuckled. “You too!” Yuki said to Aira. She smirked at Jack, “You also always come back with a response, why is that?” Aira smiled at the knight and Yuki's conversation and sat down near a tree as fireflies surrounded her.

Jack chuckled. "That's what I was asked in the academy. I dunno why really" he answered. “Well, it makes conversation interesting, just don’t talk back too much,” she said, laughing. “What a King like trait!” She sighed. Jack chuckled sheepishly. "My bad, I'll tone it down. And I'd be a great King, I'd tell amazing jokes to everyone" he said.
“Well, continue to amaze me, and you might become one,” she said. She smiled as she saw Sheema, “I hope you don’t feel like a third wheel..”

Jack chuckled. "Oh? Well, I'll continue to do that" he winked.She smiled, “Don’t get cocky, it’s up to my father you know? Besides, you are my best friend and nothing more.” Jack chuckled. "I know my place princess, it was a joke. Besides, the King would definitely disagree" he smiled. “Mhm, he would, but my father is very unskilled in ruling,” she said, sighing. “God, I hope my prince isn’t an annoying man...” Jack gave her a smile. "I bet your prince will be great. I bet he'll be just like how you and the other princesses gossip; handsome, smart, funny, and with terrible hair. I'll even make sure he treats you and the people right" he said with a laugh. “Mhm, I do hope he is somebody like you!” She said, laughing. “Maybe we should switch places,” she said, smiling.

Jack pretended to think about it before giving her a smirk. "Make the dress red and it's a deal, I'll even let you use my scarf" he joked. She smiled, “Okay!” She looked at the castle, “Wow, time does fly when you are having fun!” Jack chuckled. "Fun is also in the job description" he said. “I see, I should check what it takes to be a Knight,” she said, stepping down from her carriage.
Jack hopped off his horse and nodded at her. "You should, just make sure to ask me though. I'm the fun one" he joked. “Maybe, I’ll change it, to say *doesn’t cause chaos*,” she joked, touching his nose. Jack chucked. "Me? Cause chaos? Never" he said.

Aria sighed and watched the carriage go past. 'I better get home' she thought as she walked back to the village. As she was walking back, she felt like someone was watching her. She twirled around and stared into the darkness. She heard someone walk up to her and twirled around again. The person bonked her on the head and Aria fell, unconscious. Aria woke up and saw someone dark looming in front of her. "What do you want?" she snapped. "Stop trying to foil my plan" the person spat. "I know that you gave fake destruction berries". She glared at the figure as it went away. She started shaking and immediately started to fly, hoping that the group wasn't at the kingdom yet.

She looked behind her and quickly zoomed over to Yuki's kingdom. She spied the carriage and zoomed down. She panted. "He knows that I gave you fakes!!!" she said. Jack froze. "What?" He asked. "I was walking back and some dark figure told me to stop foiling his plan," she explained. Jack sighed. "I'll...I'll take the blame. I'll tell them I suggested it" he said. Aira followed Yuki and shivered. "That was creepy". “Come inside,” Yuki said, leading her to the castle. “Jack, can you check the area?” Jack nodded before checking around. Jack looked around, making sure he was near them just in case. He gripped the handle of his blade and glared.

Yuki hugged Aira and led her into her room. “Do you want a drink? You can explain with a nice cup of tea!” She said, rubbing her back. She nodded. "Thank you so much," she said quietly. “No problem,” she said. She asked for some tea, thanking the maids as they left. “Okay, Do you want to tell me the story?” She sighed. "So I was walking back to the village, when I heard someone following me. I looked back and saw nobody. When I turned around again, this dark figure slapped me. When I woke up, the figure said to stop foiling his plans" she shivered.
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