Fallen Kingdoms

written by ● Miles ●

Four Kingdom's once thriving with life. Fallen Haven, Kingdom of the Humans. Fallen Clover, Kingdom of the Elves. Fallen Heart, Kingdom of the Fairies. Fallen Rose, Kingdom of the Mermaids.

Last Updated






Chapter 1 - Zaira (When they meet)

Chapter 3
Zaira sat under a tree on the edge of her village, she was reading a book.
Luna dressed up carefully, with plain clothes and her hair tied in a ponytail. The princess’s elvish features were prominent now, her pointed ears and delicate features.
She came across a girl sitting under a tree, and quite sure no one would recognize her, she introduced herself. “Hi, do you mind if I sit here? I’m Alea.” She introduces herself under her middle name. “What book are you reading?” “Hi! I'm Zaira! I'm reading 'Master of the Arts' . It's a spell book. I'm trying to memorize this spell." Zaira said with a smile, looking at the elf in front of her.

“Cool. What’s the spell for?” Luna asked curiously, sitting down by the girl since she didn’t seem to mind. "It's to," She hesitated, "It's just a little something to help my dad out at work. He's a merchant." She said finally. She looked around trying to find something interesting to say. "You know, I've never seen you around before. Are you new here?" She asked, trying to change the subject. Luna wasn’t sure what to say. “Um, kinda.” She finally said, hoping Zaira wouldn’t take it any further. If she did, Luna didn’t want to make up some crazy story but she didn’t want to reveal her identity yet, though she would have to. Maybe Zaira wouldn’t make it a big deal at all. That would be.. Great. "Really? Come one! I'll show you around!" She grabbed Alea's hand and pulled her up, away from the tree. Luna grinned, relieved, and happy Zaira was so keen to be friendly.

She followed Zaira who seemed to be heading into the town. "I'll introduce you to my friend, Gear! He's awesome. I'm sure you'll like him!" Zaira said with a smile. She skipped down the road, a little ways ahead of Alea. Luna was pleased she would get to know more people, and happily followed Zaira, smiling at how she skipped ahead. Zaira stopped in front of a shop and waited for Alea to catch up. Luna jogged the last few meters to where Zaira was. She had stopped in front of a shop. “Cool!” "This is Gear's workshop. I think I saw his dad leave just a few minutes ago. Come on in!" She said happily, slowly opening the door

Now most people when they walked into Gear's workshop would think, 'wow he must be building something serious' and they would be right except for now. Well for some people it was serious especially for a little boy and Gear. Gear was currently working on one of the village children's broken toy. It was a little toy soldier that when you wind it up, it plays a little song and starts marching. Gear smiled at the little trinket as it finally started to march and sing again. He shouted for a little boy to come in as he grinned happily, "Thank you, big brother!" Gear waved his hand, "Anything to make you kids happy. Now run along now, your mother must be worried." He turned back to his workbench as he heard the boy say a quick hello to someone and the door closed. Gear heard the footsteps of someone approaching.

Yuki walked in, “Hello! I am Yuki Oakshield of Fallen haven! Pleasure to meet you!” She waved at everybody around the shop. She walked to the counter and curtsied, “Hello!” The man at the counter laughed, "Hello! Are you looking for Gear Copton? He's in his workshop if you are." The man realized he didn't introduce himself, "Oh right. I am Felix Copton. Gear's father." The man had an accent. Felix pointed to a door, "He's in there. C'mon on kids, let's go find your parents." He said as he walked out with everybody, leaving the front room empty.
“Okay, Thank you Mr. Copton,” she said, making her way over to his workshop.

“Hello? Is Gear Copton here?” She asked. Gear turned around, a smile plastered on his grease covered face. He moved his goggles down to his neck, "That's me. You're Princess Yuki, right?" Gear bowed. He unbuttoned his jump suit and tied his sleeves to hang around his waist. He twirled a small wrench in his gloved hands. “Yes, Princess Luna told me about you!” She said, cheerfully. “And no need to bow, and you can just call me Yuki!” She sat next to him looking at the wrench, so she picked one up. “What does it do?” She asks.

"GEAR!!" Zaira called from the front room after she opened the door. Luna followed after Zaira, looking around in wonder. She hadn’t been in a shop like it before “Are you Zaira?” She asked, curtsying. “I am Yuki Oakshield, of Fallen Haven!” As soon as Luna saw Yuki she knew she was in trouble. She had met Yuki a few times before, she just had to hope she wouldn’t remember what she looked like. Anyway, they obviously weren’t exactly people to care about being princesses since Yuki was there, thank god. She had been making it too big a deal "Oh, yes! I am actually." Zaira said with a smile, She curtsied back holding up the skirt of her imaginary dress. "May I ask what someone of your status is doing in our village?" She was unusually calm for someone speaking to royalty.

"AHHHHH! I'M SORRY FOR WHATEVER I'VE DONE!" Gear shouted before jumping on his workbench and covering his face. He held a wrench and pointed it at Zaira, "Please don't kill me." When Gear yelled, Zaira looked back at him. She walked over to him and pushed to wrench down. "Put that down you big doofus." She told him. She then turned back towards the two girls.

“Oh, you are Princess Luna right, Pleasure to meet you,” She said, curtsying again. “Gear is working on something!” She said, looking in awe. 'Yay' Luna thought with a sinking heart. No more Alea for her. "W-what?" Zaira stuttered. Looking back on who she thought was Alea. “I came here to come visit Gear, Father told me too,” Yuki said, looking at Gear. “I am also here to say sorry for all the chaos my country has caused!” She said, bowing to everybody.

Luna turned to Zaira, who was standing with her mouth slightly open. “I might have pretended to be Alea instead of Luna,” she admitted. “But Alea is my middle name, I'm technically not lying?” She tried, with a guilty smile. "I-I... Oh my gods..." Zaira started. "I held hands with thee Princess Luna.." Her cheeks turned slightly pink. “Can we go back to me being Alea?” She said hopefully, trying not to laugh at Zaira saying 'thee'.

“Sure, Princess Alea, or can I just call you Alea?” Yuki asked, very worried she might mess up. “Just Alea!” She said, grinning. “Don’t be worried” Yuki, Zaira and Gear all nodded. "Oh- um, ya. Sure. But Luna is such a pretty name." Zaira said that last part quieter.

Yuki shook Zaira’s hand. “Hey, Do you like Alea or something?” She whispered, looking at her blushing. "I- huh?" Zaira was shocked at Yuki's unexpected question. "Well, um. She's very pretty. She's really sweet too." Zaira confessed. Her face turned red. She giggled, “Okay, she is pretty.” She then quickly added, “Oh I don’t like her like that, just saying!” Zaira smiled softly. She then turned towards Gear.

Luna blushed when Zaira said she thought Luna was a prettier name, and she smiled to herself, before looking at the person Zaira had dragged her to meet. Luna was too engrossed looking at the shop to see Princess Yuki or Zaira, but she was still smiling at Zaira’s compliment, even if it was of her name

Gear cleared his throat, "Hey Zaira? Ol' pal? Why are they in my workshop?" He pointed at the Princesses. "Wait a second. Did my father let you in?" Gear started to ramble about how his father was supposed to tell him about these sorts of things. “Your father is super nice!” Yuki smiled. "Your father was taking some of the kids home, he's not here right now. Also, I was showing her around. Gear, meet Alea. Alea, meet my best friend, Gear." Zaira smiled as she introduced her two friends. Gear waved, "Heyo! My name is Gear! Nice to meet you!" “Nice to meet you Gear, “ Luna said, putting out her hand to shake. Or was that too formal? She couldn’t decide, so she decided not to. Gear turned back to his desk, seeing a broken doll that one of the kids left for him to fix. He took a screwdriver and started to try to fix it.

Yuki turned to Luna, “How is your kingdom?” She was trying to make small talk.
“Honestly, my parents try to keep me out of it, that’s why I go around as Alea. How is yours?” She said, remembering to be polite. “The human kingdom is doing terribly, the animals hate us, the people are trying to make war!” She sighed. “It’s all a huge mess!”

Since Yuki and Luna were talking, Zaira decided to play one of her old tricks. As Gear was fixing the doll, she ran up to him and jumped on his back. "Boo!" She yelled in his ear.

Yuki watched in silence. “Well, I should probably get going!” She said, feeling awkward. “Um, nice to meet you, Gear and Zaira.” She commented. She walked out of the workshop. “Oh.” Luna said, disappointed princess Yuki was leaving. “Bye!” “Goodbye!” She said, waving.

Gear tried to balance himself, "Zaira!" He almost tipped over. He caught himself on the workbench. A smirk appeared on his face as he hit Zaira's hand, "Tag!" He quickly dropped her on the ground and ran out of the building. Luna wasn’t sure what to do but wanted to join in so she sprinted after Gear, looking back to see Zaira "Oh, you're on!" Zaira yelled. She could be quite competitive. She ran after her friends, laughing.

Yuki walked around the place. “Wow, elves are so caring and energetic!” She said, smiling. She spun around as she saw two elf boys run. They were running towards Gear. Gear heard a chorus of yells and laughs, "Big brother! Big brother!" He gave off a little wave and ran over, "Heyo! My little munchkins!" She giggled as she saw them run to Gear. “You have brothers?” She said, looking at the two elf boys. “No. That’s just what they call me.” Gear explained to the princess. He yelped as he saw Zaira gaining on him. Zaira was almost to Gear, "Get your butt over here, Metalhead!" She yelled at him.

Seeing Zaira go for Gear, Luna pulled back, then she saw Yuki. “Hi again!” She said, pausing. “Hello!” She said, laughing as she saw them running. “Geez, The Fallen Clover kingdom is amazing!” “I’m sure the human kingdom is too,” Luna said, panting slightly. “Want to come visit?” She said, shuddering. “Geez, my Grandpa did so much damage..” She sat down, trying not to get herself dirty. She watched as the elves played. “Hey Luna, you know the prophecy where we have to go on a journey...?” “Um, yeah?” Luna asked, curious but as to where Yuki was going. Luna wasn’t one to worry about dirt, she sat straight down.

"Gotcha!" Zaira yelled as she lunged for Gear. Gear went down and hit the dirt. The children giggled and jumped on Gear and Zaira. "Ahh!" Zaira screamed when she fell down with Gear. The kids jumped on top of them. "AHH! Help! I'm being attacked by savage mini elves!"

“Well, what happens if we fail,” she said, watching Gear and Zaira play. “What will happen, to our kingdoms?” She asked.

"Zaira! Help! The munchkins are fighting back!" Gear yelled as the kids laughed and played with the two. "I'm trying! They're too strong!" She screamed and laughed at the same time. "Alea! Yuki! Help! They're going to get us!" Zaira screamed at them. She almost couldn't speak because of how hard she was laughing.

“I don’t really know. It says destruction, but that’s not really... specific.” Luna said, more somber than before, though her mood was lightened by Zaira and Gear shouting for help. The two princesses got up and walked to the group on the ground.

Yuki giggled and tickled the elf kids. She laughed even more as she was tackled. Seeing Yuki get pulled in, Luna did the same, tickling the kids then getting tackled too, laughing uncontrollably until her stomach ached. Yuki’s blonde hair was all over her face. “I love this place!” She said, smiling.

Gear shouted, "TELL MY TOOLS I LOVE THEM!" He then played dead as the kids burst out in a fit of laughter, "Big brother is silly!" "Oh no! You've killed him!" Zaira shouted as she was tackled by the little elves, "No! They're too strong! Tell my father that I love him, and Gear's dad too since he only cares about his damn tools!" She added the last part with a laugh before she played dead as well.

With a dramatic sigh Luna played dead, and like Zaira and Gear, gave her last words, “Don’t tell my parents how I died, but tell them I love them!” Yuki smiled, “Tell my baby brother I love him, and all my people.” She played dead, sticking her tongue out.

Little did Gear know that his father had snuck up behind him. His father put a finger to his lips signaling the kids to be quiet and started tickling under Gear's arms, "DAD! STOP! YOU HAVEN'T DONE THIS SINCE I WAS A KID!" With the kids quiet, Luna got up, and seeing Gear flail around as his dad tickled him made her relapse into yet another laughing fit. She giggled as she saw him. She got up and flicked the dirt off of her. “How cute!” She said, watching him laugh. Zaira too, stood up. She had tears streaming down her face. She was laughing so hard she had started crying.

Gear's dad helped him up, "Alright. Who's hungry? Gear, it's your turn to cook by the way!" Zaira got a disgusted look on her face. “You better not make that pasta again.” She told him. “The pasta was delic-” “No, no. She’s right. It wasn’t horrible.” His father said blatantly.

Luna suddenly saw the time. “Oh great! I have to get back to the castle. Zaira, Gear, Yuki, nice to meet you all, but I have to go or else I will be killed by my parents. We should meet again soon!” She exclaimed, trying to make herself look presentable, brushing off the dirt and taking her hair out of its ponytail. "Bye! Come back as soon as possible!" Zaira told her. She tried to hide her disappointment. “I should also take a carriage ride back!” Yuki said. She waved to them, “It was fun playing, I hope we can meet next time.” She winked at them and then ran towards her carriage. Her servants almost fainted because of how dirty she was.

After Luna and Yuki left, Zaira turned towards Gear, a sad look on her face. "I should probably help my dad close up for the night." She said, “We’ll be over in an hour for dinner.” She then turned and started running towards her father's shop. Gear nodded, "C'mon dad." Gear and his father walking off
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