Life of Rubeus Hagrid

written by Leon

When Rowling started writing the Harry Potter series ,she had an image engraved in her mind .It would be realized in the final book .The image was Rubeus Hagrid carrying the dead body of Harry Potter in the Forbidden Forest to the Hogwarts castle.Now you understood some information about Hagrid .Let`s learn more about him.

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Chapter 1
Hagrid is a very fast aiming character being an eight foot and kind-hearted man .So I am going to explain his origins starting from his birth to what happened to him after the series ended

Rubeus Hagrid was born in 1928 to Mr Hagrid , a wizard who was described as a tiny little bloke ; and Fridwulfa a giantess , making Hagrid a half giant. He grew up in England near the Forest of Dean where he acquired a very unique accent."That ain`t no ordinary cut on your forehead ,Harry". His mother was one of the last giants in Britain and she left Hagrid and his father ,when he was around the age of three. Hagrid later said "she wasn`t really the maternal sort it`s not in their nature is it? Didn`t know what happened to her ,might be dead for all I know". Hagrid `s father was heartbroken when his wife left him . Being a half giant when Hagrid was only 6 years oldd he was able to lift his father up and put him on top of the dresser when he got annoyed with him. This used to make Hagrid`s dad laugh hysterically.Even as a kid Hagrid had a fascination with magical creatures and saw them in a way that most people didn`t .When Hagrid got older ,he got his letter from Hogwarts, which made his father very proud and happy. When he arrived at Hogwarts , he was sorted into Gryffindor House . Hagrid enjoyed his first year at Hogwarts.But his second year his father passed away . During his third year at Hogwarts , Hagrid snuck a baby acromantula into the school. He named this acromantula ,Aragog . Being an acromantula , when Aragog would get older ,he would grow into a very large spider .That same year the Chamber of Secrets was opened by a student named Tom Riddle ,who would later be known as Lord Voldemort .The Chamber of Secrets was said to have a giant monster in it and that monster would get rid of the muggleborns in the school.Eventually a girl named Myrtle was killed by the beast .Because of this the school was threatening to be closed down . Tom was frantic when he heard this and he realized he had to do something .Tom then found about Aragog and turned Hagrid in as the person who opened the chamber and said that Aragog was the monster . Tom blamed that Hagrid set loose of the monster that killed Myrtle: (Tom) " The dead girl`s parents will be here tomorrow .At least Hogwarts can do is make sure is the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered ." ( Hagrid ):"It wasn`t him .Aragog never killed no one ever." Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts , was forbidden to use magic ,and his wand was snapped.Tom received an award for services to the school for catching the culprit behind the attacks ,while Hagrid was left framed as a orphan and was marked as a criminal. Dumbledore ,the Transfiguration teacher at that time,was the only one to think that Hagrid was innocent and he convinced the Headmaster at that time ,Professor Dippet to allow Hagrid to stay at the castle as the Gamekeeper and remain a resident of the school. Even though Hagrid`s wand was snapped and he was forbidden to use magic,he still occasionally preformed magic using his pink umbrella that Harry suspected had his broken wand in it .There is a cool theory that Dumbledore might have actually used the Elder Wand to fix Hagrid`s broken wand .We know of course that Harry did this in the final book when he repaired his broken wand when he was master of the Elder Wand.The theory then goes on that Dumbledore told Hagrid to keep his broken wand in his umbrella to avoid suspicion .Nothing about that .Theory is a canon of source.I just thought it was a cool and plausible theory .Hagrid would continue to work as a gamekeeper for many years and lived in a small hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.He was able to do many jobs that most people that couldn`t even as a child ,because of his large size.And the fact that he was a half giant.He also protected and cared for Aragog who was kept deep in the Forbidden Forest.Dumbledore made sure that Hagrid was treated well while he was professor at Hogwarts and when he was appointed as the headmaster many years later.He would ensure that Hagrid was treated even better. This made Hagrid extremely loyal and appreciative of Dumbledore ,who he saw as a father figure .Dumbledore eventually gave Hagrid the resposibility of taking the first years across the Black Lake ,the first night that they arrived at Hogwarts .(Hagrid ):"First years ! This way, please! Come on now! First years ,don`t be shy!" When the Wizarding World war started ,Hagrid being loyal to Dumbledore joined the Order of the Phoenix .Voldemort allied himself with many magical creatures including giants.But Hagrid stood by Dumbledore to oppose all of Voldemort`s allies, including going against his own kind.The First Wizarding war ended when Voldemort`s fell at the hands of Harry Potter . Harry was just 1 year old at that time and was left at his with his parents ,Lily Potter and James Potter killed by Voldemort dead on the floor .Hagrid was the one that Dumbledore sent to rescue Harry from his home and bring him to his aunt`s and uncle`s house. (Mnerva McGonall)"Do you think it is wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" (Dumbledore) :"I would trust Hagrid with my life". Hagrid met Sirius Black at the house and Sirius asked to let him take Harry because he was his godfather.But Hagrid said no because he was on Dumbledore `s orders.He then confronted Sirius about losing his best friend .Sirius then gave Hagrid his flying motorbike to get Harry to his aunt`s and uncle`s house safely .It was too late! It was later thought that Sirius was the one who betrayed Lily and James to Voldemort and Hagrid was disgusted with himself for not doing anything when he saw him that night ."I confronted that murdering traitor I will tell you ,if I get him before Pettigrew did, mess around with a wand ,I would rip him from limb to limb ."Hagrid then went back to his normal game keeping duties until he was again sent by Dumbledore to get Harry.But this time it was 10 years later.He was sent to give Harry his Hogwarts letter and help him get the the things that he needed for school .The day Hagrid went was Harry`s 11th birthday and Hagrid brought Harry a homemade birthday cake (Harry): "Thank you".(Hagrid):"It`s not every day your young man turns eleven; now is it".Hagrid was in a shock when he found that Harry knew nothing about being a wizard or anything to do with Wizarding World ,which outraged Hagrid.(Hagrid ): " It`s an outraged. It`s a scandal !".Hagrid was the one to tell Harry the truth about who he was (Hagrid):"You are a wizard,Harry". (Harry):" I`m a what". Harry`s uncle insulted Dumbledore ,which didn`t sit well with the man who owed Dumbledore everything (Hagrid) : "NEVER INSULT THE NAME OF ALBUS DUMBLEDORE IN FRONT OF ME" Hagrid tried to turn Dudley (Harry`s cousin) into a pig in retaliation to Harry`s uncle but not have finishing his magical education ,he only managed to give Dudley a pig`s tail .Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley to get his school things and introduce him to the Wizarding world .He expressed his desire to own a dragon .(Hagrid) : " I`d love a dragon ." (Harry) : " You`d like a dragon" .He also bought Harry a -snowy-white owl for his birthday that Harry named Hedwig .On top of retrieving Harry and helping him get his school things ,Dumbledore gave another task to Hagrid .It was to pick up the philosopher`s stone from a vault in Gringotts.He was then to bring it to Hogwarts to ensure that it wasn`t stolen .That very same night ,Gringotts was broken into by Professor Quirrell ,who was serving Lord Voldemort to retrieve the stone .But Hagrid had already picked it up by the time he got there .When Hagrid dropped Harry back off the Dursleys ,he returned to Hogwarts with the stone .He and the other professors made a bunch of obstacles that would protect the stone .Hagrid helped with the first obstacle y lending his three-headed dog ,Fluffy who was guarding a trapdoor that would next obstacle . A month after this Hagrid escorted Harry and the rest of his class across the Black Lake ,the first night that they arrived at Hogwarts .During that year ,Hagrid became close to Harry and his friends ,Ron and Hermione and the three often visited him in his hut . One day, Hagrid went to a bar called Hogshead and Hogg`s Mead the Wizarding town next to Hogwarts and he met a hooded man ,who we was an audiece would later find out as Quirrell once again serving Lord Voldemort trying to get the stone .Hagrid never saw Quirrell`s face .We never knew who it was but Quirrell gave Hagrid an unhatched dragon something that he had always wanted to sweeten him up .This broke the law as dragon trade is illegal in the Britain .On top of that ,Quirrell bought him a bunch of drinks and started asking about his three-headed dog ,Fluffy .Hagrid accidentally revealed the way to calm Fluffy down is to play music , giving Quirrell the crucial informationon how to get to the philosopher stone. Hagrid`s dragon egg hatched and he named it Norbert .Within a week of it`s birth ,it grew three times of it`s birth.Bit both Hagrid and Ron and almost burned Hagrid wooden house down .Harry, Ron, and Hermione not wanting Hagrid to get in trouble for having an illegal dragon, devised a plan to give Norbert to friends of Ron`s brother ,Charlie who worked in Romania .Hagrid was extremely sad to see Norbert go .Harry went after the Philosopher`s stone based on the information that Hagrid had given to him ,to ensure that Quirrell wouldn`t get it for Lord Voldemort .Hagrid thought that Dumbledore should have sacked him ,but instead he took one day off,which he spent collecting pictures of Harry`s parents and friends and put them in a nice book that he presented to Harry at the end of the term.The following school year ,The Chamber of Secrets was opened again and a few kids were petrified including Hermione .Because Hagrid was thought to be the culprit the last time it was opened ,the Minister of Magic ,Cornelius Fudge came to get Hagrid to take him to Azkaban (Cornelius Fudge):"Albus look here ,the record is against him .I`v got to take him ." (Hagrid):"Take me where? Not to Azkaban prison?" Dumbledore tried to fight for Hagrid ,but it wasn`t successful . Harry and Ron cleared Hagrid `s name by finding the truth about Tom Riddle being behind both openings of the chamber .So Hagrid was freed from Azkaban ,the following school year .Because Hagrids` had been cleared and he was no longer a criminal, Dumbledore was able to promote Hagrid to be the Care of Magical creatures professor .On top of being Gamekeeper had many lessons that were far over the years .His first lesson, he showed Buckbeak a Hippogriff which Draco Malfoy `s arm ,which led to Draco`s father trying execute Buckbeak . (Hagrid):"Buckbeak been sentenced to death"Back once again,Harry along with Hermione came to his aid and saved Buckbeak along with Sirius Black,who would look after Buckbeak from then. Hagrid also had a series of lessons with blasts and it`s fruits led to many injuries and burns for students.During Harry`s fourth year ,the Triwizard tournament was held at Hogwarts ,which introduced Hagrid to Limp Maxime ,a woman even bigger than Hagrid .She was the Headmistress of Beauxbatons ,one the schools competing in the tournament.They became very close and had a romantic relationship .One night Hagrid brought up her being a half giant,and she extremely offended and stormed off leaving Hagrid heartbroken .If that wasn`t enough ,Rita Skeeter ,one of the wizarding reporters used her secret of being an animangus to overhear the conversation .It means that she can turn into a beetle whenever she wanted to overhear a conversation .She heard the conversation between Hagrid and Maxime and about Hagrid being a half giant and. She wrote a story about it in the Daily Prophet .Hagrid disappeared for several days and didn`t teach his classes or do his gamekeeping duties ,because he was so upset by the article .He tried to turn in his resignation to Dumbledore because Dumbledore was receiving many hate full letters for hiring a half giant.But Dumbledore refused to accept his resignation .Dumbledore along with Harry ,Ron and Hermione told Hagrid ,who was crying that they didn `t care that he was a half giant and that he was the same Hagrid that they know and love .Once again Hagrid is grateful to Dumbledore along with Harry ,Ron and Hermione for getting back to his feet .Hagrid thought that Maxime was the one who told Skeeter that he was a half giant .He felt very betrayed and wanted nothing to do with her .Hagrid eventually had to make up with her though,because Voldemort had returned to a full body .Dumbledore sent Hagrid and Maxime on a mission over the summer to recruit the giants . The Order of the Phoenix hoping to get them on their side before Voldemort and his Death Eaters allied with them just as they did in the first wizarding war.The last of the giants in the world lived up in the mountains ,but they couldn`t go straight there because they were being followed by the Ministry ,who were turning against Dumbledore and all those allied themselves with them .They pretended that they were going on a holiday to France until they gave the Ministry agents the slip .It took them a month to reach the giants in the mountains because they couldn`t really use magic to get there .Dumbledore had told them how to approach them and it goes straight to the Gerd or the chief of giants and present them with a gift ,first gift that they have presented was everlasting fire .The next day they went back and gave them an indestructible goblin made battle helmet.They were in a cave waiting to give the gerd the final and third present they saw the head of the gerd that they have presented the first and second presents at the bottom of the lake .There was a new gerd and when they approached him with the last present that they had ,he picked Hagrid up by the leg so he was hanging upside down .Maxime reacted quickly and pulled out her wand and hit both of them with the spell directly in the eye of the giant and it dropped Hagrid immediately ,but they were in trouble.They had the thing that giants hate the most about wizards ,they used magic against them .They ran for and had to lay low ,but they refused to give up especially Hagrid who didn`t want to let Dumbledore down .(Hagrid ) :"Dumbledore is relying on us" . While they were laying low they saw Death Eaters coming every day with gifts of their own .One of the Death Eaters was the one that was supposed to execute Buckbeak two years earlier ,which did nit sit well with Hagrid .During the night the Death Eaters went looking for Hagrid and Maxime after the new the gerd told that they were also in the mountains too. Hagrid and Maxime changed their plan and instead of going straight back to the gerd ,they started to recruit some other giants who did not like the new gerd and got a dozen of them to agree to ally with them .But the new gerd went through all the caves that the other giants were hiding in and beat them badly .After that they wanted nothing to deal with Hagrid and Maxime .They had failed their mission The journey though wasn`t a complete loss but while talking to the giants Hagrid found out that his mother had died years ago but he found out that he had a half brother named Grawp .Grawp was mistreated by the other giants because he was significantly smaller than the others .Because of this Hagrid decided to bring Grawp back to Hogwarts ,which Grawp was sort of resistant to. This resulted to him hurting Hagrid when he lashed out violently.It took Hagrid many months to get Grawp back to Hogwarts and he told Maxime to leave without him not wanting to put her in danger .When he and Grawp returned to Hogwarts after Hagrid took many beatings from Grawp. Hagrid was described as this .Hagrid `s hair was matted with congealed and his left eye had been reduced to a puffed slit amid a mass purple and black bruises.There were many cuts on his face and hands some of them still bleeding and he was moving gingerly which made Harry suspect broken ribs. Hagrid kept his half brother in the Forbidden Forest and looked after him .while he went back to his gamekeeper duties and teaching care magical creatures .Doleres Umbridge a ministry employee by Cornelius Fudge to watch the school ,eventually took over Dumbledore`s and she put Hagrid on Probation .He introduced Grawp to Harry ,Ron and Hermione so that they can watch him in case he was fired by Umbridge who strongly disliked half-breeds .Hagrid was accused of putting nifflas and Umbridge`s office and she even tried to forcibly remove Hagrid from Hogwarts and possibly even arrest him .She brought several ministry officials to his hut in the middle of night .But Hagrid refused to go quietly and he took all of them single-handely .They tried to stun him ,but it didn`t work thanks to his thick giant skin .Hagrid `s dog Fang came to his aid but got stunned which angered Hagrid the most .Hagrid then picked up the man who had stunned Fang and threw him 10 feet away .He then picked up Fang and then started to run .Professor McGonagall came out to tell them to leave Hagrid alone and was hit by four stunning spells at once badly injuring her .This enraged Hagrid who ran back and hit two more of the ministry officials so hard that they were knocked out .He then ran off the grounds holding his stunned dog in his arms .He hid in a cave in a cave outside the the town of Hogsmeade and envaded capture of from the orders or Dark wizards catchers .He hid there for the rest of the year until Dumbledore came back as the headmaster and Hagrid was welcomed as the gamekeeper and professor of Care of Magical Creatures .Hagrid`s acromantula Aragog fell ill that same year and eventually ,which deeply upset Hagrid .He had a funeral for him and buried him next to his hut .At the end of the term Death Eaters entered Hogwarts grounds and Severus Snape killed .Hagrid`s hut was caught on fire in the chaos of the Death Eaters escaping and he ran in to save Fang .He and Harry then worked together to put the fire out before it burned the hut down completely .Hagrid was heartbroken when he heard about Dumbledore`s death because Dumbledore was like a father to him .At his funeral ,Hagrid cried as he carried Dumbledore`s lifeless body to the tomb .The summer that followed ,Hagrid was a part of the team of the Order of Phoenix to escort Harry away from his aunt`s and uncle`s house on the same motorcycle he had brought Harry many years before (Hagrid):"I brought you here 16 years ago ,when you were no bigger than a Runkie boat.It seems that I should take you away .Then Hagrid returned to Hogwarts for his gamekeeping and professor of Care of Magical Creatures the following term .He threw a support Harry Potter party in his house which led to him to go on and hide .Hagrid stayed in hiding until the Battle of Hogwarts,where he and his brother Grawp fight for Harry in the order .Hagrid was eventually captured by Death Eaters while trying to protect Aragog`s remaining children and was brought into the Forbidden Forest .He watched as Harry met Voldemort ,to allow himself to be killed .(Hagrid): " Harry ,what are you doing here".Hagrid just like everyone else ,thought that Harry was dead and Voldemort ordered Hagrid to carry Harry `s dead body on the way .Back at the castle ,he yelled at the centaurs for not helping in the fight .When they got to castle ,Neville Longbottom stepped forward and the fighting resumed .Hagrid`s herd of thestrals and centaurs that Hagrid yelled at for not coming ,came to aid in taking Voldemort and his Death Eaters down .Hagrid threw Macnair one of the two Death Eaters that he saw in the mountains and the person who was supposed to kill Buckbeak,hard against the wall .Eventually the battle came to an end when Harry killed Voldemort and he everybody else celebrated the victory . Hagrid continued to work as the gamekeeper and are of Magical Creatures professor .He was still there when Harry`s son Albus came to Hogwarts. Hagrid was the one who brought both Harry and the audience into the Wizarding World .He truly cared about people in his life and those who are close to him we deeply appreciate the kind -hearted half giant
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