Rose Weasley

Meet Rose Weasley, the daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley. Rose Weasley must face the challenges of life, with the help of her friends. (Please note, that this story in a book in the writing. A new chapter will be posted, after it is completed.)

Last Updated






On The Tracks

Chapter 1

Harry Potter Fan fiction- Rose Weasley

I do not own
any of the characters. All copy rights to J.K. Rowling

Chapter one-

She ran her cart as fast as she could to platform 9 ¾. She had
never been late in her entire life. Until today, her dad decided to take the
flying car, and everyone knew that wasn’t a good idea. The train was leaving in
five minutes, hardly enough time to get on and leave. Her parents, and Hugo
rushing behind her, she ran right through the barrier, not even stopping to
look for any muggles that might see her.

“Rose! Please slow down!” Hugo yelled from behind her.

“Don’t you see Hugo, we are going to miss the train! Now, where is
mum and dad?” She strictly yelled

In no time, Hermione and Ron caught up to them.

“The flying car. Really Ron?” Hermione shook her head

Hermione straitened the kids’ robes, and smoothed Rose’s long
curly brown hair.

“Do you have your-” Hermione started

“Yes, I have my books, my wand, reading glasses, quills, ink,
scrolls, library card, journals, my trunk, potions, my owl, and everything else.”
Rose finished

Hermione chuckled.

“Wait… where’s Midnight!” Rose stuttered

“That stupid cat of yours?” Ron said

“Yes! Don’t play like you don’t know where she is, dad.” Rose

“Oh I know your cat, but the thing is I think I might have tossed
it in the garbage, and left it there to die.” Ron said

“You did what?!” Hermione yelled.

“Just kidding.” Ron pulled a black cat, with a white underside,
and big blue eyes, from behind his back

“Ronald! No time for jokes. Stop giving us such a startle.”
Hermione said furiously.

“Now, Hugo. You have all of your things? Don’t lose that rat
again.” Hermione said turning to her son.

“I won’t.” Hugo said

Hermione smoothed Hugo’s shaggy red hair. “We really need to give
you a haircut.”

“Oh, c’mon! I loved my shaggy hair. Doesn’t he look handsome, just
like me?” Ron said

“Oh, sure. Like anyone ever commented on your hair.” Hermione
rolled her eyes.

“Two minutes!” The conductor yelled from the front of the train.

Rose hugged her mum. “I’ll miss you.”

Hermione smiled. “I’ll miss you too, sweet thing. Remember to get
all A’s in class okay?”

“Oh mum. I was planning on doing that in the first place. I can
ace those classes like a piece of cake.” Rose smiled

“Bye dad.” Rose said hugging her dad. 

Ron held her face in his hands. “You look so much like your mother,
Rosie. If you’re always going to be like her, we might need to buy you a bigger
head to fit your brain.”

Rose laughed. “Thanks dad.”

“Take good care of your brother. It’s only his second year. He’ll
need a fourth year, like you, to look after him.” Ron hugged his daughter one
more time. “And stay away from that Malfoy boy.” Ron teased

Rose rolled her eyes, knowing he was only making another joke.

Scorpios the nicest boy she knew, unlike his parents, and his
older brother. In fact, he reminded her of her dad. He was funny, sweet, and “dorky”.
The only resemblance he had of his dad, was his short platinum blond hair, and
blue eyes. Everything else was different, his personality, his skin was a
normal tone, and instead of pale, and he was in the Gryffindor house, at
school. He was her best friend, along with Lily Potter, Albus Potter, and
Celeste Longbottom.

The train gave a loud whistle and puff of steam.

“We better be going.” Rose said

She hugged her parents, and ran to the train, unloaded, and
entered the train doors with Hugo. Hugo separated and sat with his friends in
his compartment. Rose hurried to the back, where her friends always sat. Sure
enough, Lily, Albus, Scorpios, and Celeste sat in the compartment. Rose slid
back the glass door.

“What took you forever? You almost missed the train?” Albus said

“My dad insisted on using the flying car, and sure enough, we got caught
in traffic behind a gang of flying motorcycles.” Rose said sitting down “I’m
here though aren’t I?”

The train jolted to a start, and slowly picked up the pace.

Rose slid back in her seat. 
“What did you guys do this summer? I didn’t get a letter from anyone of
you, like you promised.”

“I did too send you a letter.” Lily said tucking her long strait
red hair behind her ears.

“I didn’t get one.” Rose said in a bossy tone

Lily fiddled her fingers in her pocket, and pulled a neatly folded
note. “Oh. I guess I did forget to send it.”

Rose smiled and shook her head, as she reached forward to take the

“Thanks Lily, I’ll read it later. But the rest of you…” Rose said

“I didn’t have your address.” Scorpios said, excusing him self

“I think a long conversation about the summer with your friends,
is much more… interesting, then a note. All it really is, is a piece of paper
written on with ink and a feather. Of course, the letters is the only thing
that means something, unless you just look over it not even trying to see the
every detail, in the note. Don’t you think? I think as a friend I should tell
you how my summer is, in person.” Celeste said in her usual dreamy daze. Her
big blue eyes staring into nowhere, as if she wasn’t really there, and was
staring right into your feelings inside of you.

Celeste was just like her mother, Luna, with her long platinum
blond hair, her pale skin, soft dreamy voice, her dreamy daze, big blue eyes,
and her very deep thoughts.

A witch, rolled her big cart of candies, and treats past the

Albus jumped up, and opened the glass door, grabbing the witch’s
attention. The witch turned her cart around, and headed back to Albus.

“What would you like to buy, young wizard?” The witch asked

“I’d like a chocolate frog, and a box of Bertie’s bot beans.”
Albus answered, handing the woman two sickles

“I’d like a box of popper exploding rocks.” Scorpios said over his

“A bundle of Chocolate wands, for me and Rose” Lilly said,
remembering how much she Rose like those.

“A pumpkin paistie for me.” Celeste said

“You kid, have almost bought me out.” The witch said, collecting
all of their money, and handing the treats out

“Thanks Lily.” Rose said, as she took one of the chocolate wands.

It was a long ride to Hogwarts.

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