An Enchanted Castle

written by ♡Aℓσнα♡

Mya had always thought that her parents divorced when she was a baby, that's why she lived with her father. But one day, when she got lost in the woods, she found her true identity, and something magical.

Last Updated






Mya's True Identity

Chapter 3
Mya ran. She ran for what seemed like hours! She checked her watch, but it wasn't on her wrist! 'The darn woman must've stole it', thought Mya.
But Mya stopped, she was tired. After all, she had gotten bad sleep and she had ran about two and a half miles right now. She found a comfy spot again, and fell asleep.


When Mya woke up, it was in the afternoon. Mya walked and walked. But then she stopped. Were those people? "Their probably just more evil people.", Mya said. But there was something about those people that made Mya believe that they weren't evil. Mya kept walking.
Now that she was a bit closer, she saw that there was a stream filled with fresh, sparkly water. And there were pink trees that had just sprouted blossoms. Cherry trees! And the grass was so sparkly green, it almost looked fake! But it was beautiful! And so magical. And behind those people, was a castle. An enchanted one.
"Hello? Excuse me? My name's Mya and I'm lost. There was an evil witch that was trying to kill me. And yes, I said, 'witch' like from all those fairy tales. But could you help me, please? Me and my dad were hunting when I got lost. A nice old woman took me in. But then she turned bad. She tried to kill me! Please, I beg, help me.", I said, starting to cry at my last sentences. The men and woman next to the stream nodded, looking at each other. "My name's Alain. We will help you. This is my brother Hector and his wife, Mirabelle. Don't cry. We're here to help.", said a handsome boy, a little older than Mya. Mya blushed, embarrassed, and wiped her tears. "Thank you", she said. Alain smiled. "We'll take her to Annysia.", a man said. Everyone nodded, smiling. Mirabelle walked toward Mya, put her arm around her, and smiled. Mya smiled back. She could tell these people had love. Unlike that evil witch.
"Here we are. The castle home to one of the most powerful witch.", said Hector. Mya stopped walking. "Witch? Oh, no, I'm not gonna encounter a witch again. Never. I told you about last time, right? I'm done with witches! ", said Mya, running back to the village of where the stream was. She heard people calling her back. But she ignored them. She was going to find her way home once and for all. But then Mya stopped to a halt. There, in front of her, was Alain. "Boy do you run fast!", Alain commented. "Move!", Mya said, mad at him. He had apparated in front of Mya when she had reached the stream. "But I have to tell you that you're misunderstood. There are nice witches in the world too you know. And this one, she's a good one. She does good deeds all the time. She's the founder of this village. She even looks like you.", Alain said. Mya looked at Alain, Alain looking back. Then Mya looked towards the castle. Then she fell to the floor, tired and weak. "Mya!", said Alain. Mya fainted.


Mya woke up. By her side was Alain. He had dragged her to the stream to splash water on her face so she could wake up. Mya coughed. "Thank you. I'm sorry, I'm just really tired. I ran a lot today you know.", Mya said. Even then, she wanted to sleep. So that's what she did. Without asking, she dropped on Alain, and slept on him.


"She's awake! Finally!", said a cheerful voice. It sounded like Alain. "How long have I been asleep?", said Mya, completely energized and sitting up. "Five hours. You really must've been tired!", said Mirabelle. Mya laughed, looking at Alain. "How old are you anyway? And where"s your parents?", Mya asked, concerned. "I'm sixteen. My parents died six years ago by a witch. It must've been the same witch that had almost killed poor you.", Alain answered. "Really? I'm so sorry! My parents divorced when I was two years old thirteen years ago", I said. "No they didn't. It's just that your mom had to take care of the evil witch that had almost killed you's sister. Her sister was even more evil than the one you encountered you see. Took me until a month ago to get rid of her.", said a beautiful woman. She looked familiar. "Are you?-", Mya began. "Your mom, yes. I indeed am. You are the daughter of Annysia Mistfone Silverstone", Mya's mother said. She began to tell the whole story.
"Me and your father were very happy together. Even happier when you got born. I had every intention of raising you with Micheal. But then Persephone came. I had to kill her in order to keep you and your father safe. And I didn't want you to know that you were magical like me. Otherwise, you would want to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic, even though it was too dangerous. Especially since you were my daughter, it would be even more dangerous! Please understand. And I had to tell your father to tell you we divorced because I couldn't think of anything else. But know that we never actually divorced. And the rustling you heard yesterday in the woods near your home, it was me about to visit you since Persephone was killed. I wanted to fill you in on everything, but i didn't want to scare you. So I found your father the next hour. And he said that you were lost. So then I went to find you, but I saw you running towards the castle. So I apparated there since I knew you would come. That's the story. ", Annysia said. Mya gaped. "And you live in that hut because to keep you away from Persephone. Otherwise, you were living here in the castle. And, now that the world is safe, you may move here with Micheal and Jean.", Annysia finished. Mya hugged her mother, her mother hugging back.
Then Mya looked at Alain. She got out of bed and went to hug him, Alain hugging back. "Thank you Alain. Your the first friend I ever had. And the best one", Mya said, tears in her eyes. "Well, I'm glad you got a friend at an enchanted castle.", he said, smiling.

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