The deathly hallows explained

written by Leon

The deathly hallows explained : from creation to ultimate fate Sorry if you have any complaints

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Chapter 2
The story begins with the 3 brothers or the Peverell brothers cheating death and death pretends to congratulate each one of them with a prize.
Antioch Peverell the eldest one asked for a wand more powerful than any .The second brother Cadmus Peverell asked for a stone to bring the love of his live back from the dead and death gave him a stone which could do just that. Finally Ignotus Peverell asked for a way to leave that day and not to be followed by death for the rest of his life . So death gave him a part of his own invisibility cloak .Just has death had planned the objects he had given , led Antioch and Cadmus to there deaths . Antioch bragged of his invincibility and was killed by someone who wanted the wand for themselves. Cadmus ended up committing suicide to join the love of his after the stone had given her back, but it wasn't the same he was unable to touch her and she was miserable being among of the living .
Ignotus Peverell however lived the rest of his life hidden from death just as he had planned, until he passed the cloak down to his son and greeted death like an old friend . The legend says that if you possess all 3 of the Deathly Hallows ( the wand ,the stone and the cloak) you are the master of Death .When Harry asks Dumbledore the Peverrel brothers were real " oh yes replied Dumbledore " I think so .Whether they met Death on a lonely road,I think it is more likely that the Peverrel brothers were simply gifted , dangerous wizards who succeeded in creating those powerful objects .The story of them being deaths own Hallows seem to me the sort of legend that might have sprung up around such creations" So what came out of the 3 deathly hallows ? Both the stone and the cloak were kept in the family and were passed down generations after generations .
For the cloak it was passed down to Ignotus Peverell's family until it had no more male heirs ,so it was eventually passed down to the daughters which eventually led to the Potter family and one of the female heirs married Hardwin Potter and his son James Potter I'll continue with that in a moment . After Cadmus patrolled, the ressurection stone was fitted to a ring and that ring was passed down as a family heirloom for the Peverrel family ,and events led to the Gaunt family , as the ring was passed down no one knew the true nature of its abilities and what it was capable of as one of the Deathly Hallows. Eventually it was passed to Marvalo Gaunt who was Tom Riddle's or Lord Voldemort's grandfather .Marvalo passed the ring to his son Morfin . When Voldemort was still at Hogwarts , he stole the ring from Morfin and used it to make one of his horcruxes.He then hid it in the house of that his grandfather ,uncle and mother had lived in and put magical enchantments on it to keep it safe. The reason these two hollows are so interesting is because they link the hero of the story and the villain of the story .Because both hallows ,the cloak and the stone were passed down to both Harry's and Voldemort's family ,we know that Harry is a descendant of Ignotus Peverell and we know that Voldemort is a descendant of Cadmus Peverell, Ignotus and Cadmus were brothers , meaning that Harry and Voldemort are descendants from the same family ,which means that they are actually related .While the stone and the cloak were kept in the family ,the elder wand was not . Antioch Peverrel ,the original holder of the Elder Wand killed a man in the bar ,who he had a quarrel with in the past and drunkenly bragged about his power. Now as I said earlier he was killed in his sleep and the murderer took the wand making it leave the family . The way wands work in the wizarding world is if you win a duel,overpower the previous owner ,or if you kill them ,you become the owner of their wand and the wand will serve you. As we learnt in the first book "The wand chooses the wizard Mr Potter. It is not always clear why" . If you aren't chosen by the wand or if you didn't defeat it's previous owner of the wand , it won't work correctly for you ,which would be important later on The man that killed Antioch became the rightful owner of the wand because he killed the previous owner. The wand was passed through various owners later throughout many years ,usually through violent means .The wand had many names other than the Elder Wand ,throughout many years of being passed from owner to owner such as the Death Stick or The Wand Of Destiny. The are many things rather throughout wasn't in history of the wands bloody trail .The first recorded mention of the wand in wizard history after Antioch Peverrel was Emric the Evil who was a aggressive wizard who terrorised the South of England in the Middle Age He was slaughtered in a ferocious duel by Egbert the egregious who took possession of the wand after the defeat of Emric the Evil . A century later a wizard named Godelo was the next known master of the wand .He used the wand as a guide to learn and let the one teach him about Dark Arts .He used that information to write a book called Magic Most Evil ,that was a book about dark magic .Godelo was locked in the attic by his own son who left his father to perish ,so that he would have possession over the wand . The next owner of the wand was a wizard named Barnabus Deverill in the 18th century . He used the wand to make a reputation as a fearsome warlock .He was killed by a wizard named Loxias who was the next owner if the wand and was the one who named it the Death stick. It is unknown exactly who killed him because he was so well known that many people claimed to have killed him including Loxias's own mother .Now we get some more recent history. A wizard named Gregorvich had the wand in 1800s . He 's a wandmaker so naturally he was intrigued by the wand and tried to duplicating it's power. He spread the word that he had the wand and was trying to replicate it hoping that he would bring more business. This came into the attention of a boy named Gellot Grindelwald who snuck into Gregorovitch's shop , stunned him ,ensuring mastery over the wand ,took the Elder Wand and jumped out of a window . Gregorovitch never knew who stole the wand . A little bit before that ,Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore had become close and they bonded over the pursuits of the Deathly Hallows . This eventually led to the death of Ariana , Dumbledore's little sister and Grindelwald fled eventually and that's when he went to get the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch .Grindelwald used the wand as he became one if the most dangerous and well known wizarding tyrants .Dumbledore answered the pleas of the Wizarding World to face Grindelwald and stop his reign of terror .Dumbledore defeated him in the battle and gained possession of the Elder Wand .Dumbledore was always fascinated in the hallows even in his late years .Although he had five up pursuits of the hallows when he saw James Potter's cloak , Dumbledore asked if he could borrow it to examine it . It was far older and far more perfect than any invisibility cloak Dumbledore had ever seen and he knew it was one of the Deathly Hallows .James was killed shortly after Dumbledore asked to borrow it . Dumbledore was now in possession of two of the three Hallows.Ten years later when James`s son Harry came to Hogwarts , Dumbledore was still in possession of the cloak and he anonymously gave it to Harry for Christmas to ensure that it would continue to be passed down in it`s rightful family .Many years later Dumbledore discovered Voldemort`s secrets about his Horcruxes and he found the ring with the resurrection stone in Voldemort`s grandfather`s house. He got past the magical enchantments and took it. When he realised it was the resurrection stone ,his obsession with the Deathly Hallows took over , he put the ring on completely forgetting that it was a horcrux . It poisoned him and Snape stopped it fro spreading past his hands , but Snape told him that he only had a year to live . Dumbledore then destroyed the horcrux with the Sword Of Gryffindor . Because he was still in possession of the Elder Wand and because he was going to die anyway , Dumbledore devised a plan to have Snape kill him. In this plan it ensures that Snape would not defeat Dumbledore because Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him ,so there will no true owner of the wand beccause no one would have beaten Dumbledore and the wand`s dangerous power would never be abused again . Unfortunately it didn`t go as planned ,Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him.This meant that Draco defeated Dumbledore and therefore Draco won possession of the Elder Wand , the wand however was buried with Dumbledore until Voldemort took it out of his grave.Later that year, Harry overpowered Draco ,who was the rightful owner if the wand and since Harry overpowered him ,it made Harry the rightful owner of the Elder Wand because he had beat it`s previous owner .Harry was now the master of the two of of three Deathly Hallows ,the cloak and the Elder Wand. Before his death , Dumbledore took the snitch that Harry caught in the first Quidditch game and put the resurrection stone inside of it . He then put it in his will to Harry . When Harry got it , he saw a message on it that said "I open it at the close".Right before Harry was going to let himself die , he realised what the message meant , he spoke the words "I`m ready to die " and the snitch opened to reveal the resurrection stone . Harry was now in possession of all three of the Deathly Hallows making him master of death . There`s a theory that Harry didn`t die in the Forbidden Forest because he was the master of death owning all three of the Deathly Hallows ,which is an interesting theory but unfortunately it`s not the real reason why Harry didn`t die , which many people don`t know because it becomes such a well known theory .The real reason why Harry didn`t die was actually explained in the chapter Kings Cross in the final book . When Harry is hit by the killing cures , he sees Dumbledore who explains the exact reason why Harry didn`t die and it has nothing to do with the Deathly Hallows or being the master of death. Dumbledore says it`s because of the protection that his mother gave him when she sacrificed herself to save Harry when he was a baby . The agenda was supposed to work until he turned seventeen due to to him calling the Dursleys his home as long as he lived with Petunia who shared Lilly`s blood the protection lived on .The protection was supposed to go away when he turned seventeen and no longer called the Dursely`s house his home , however the protection doesn`t go away the way it was supposed to . This is because Voldemort used Harry`s blood to come back in the Goblet Of Fire . Dumbledore says " his body keeps her sacrifice alive, and while that enchantment survives , so do you " . So because Voldemort put Harry`s blood in his own body , the protection lives on inside of Voldemort , continuing Lily`s protection for Harry , which is why he didn`t die . Another cool theory centered around the Deathly Hallows is that Snape , Harry and Voldemort are representations of the three brothers . Voldemort died for power just like Antioch ,Snape died for love like Cadmus and Harry greeted Death like an old friend like Ignotus . In the end ,because Harry was the true master of the Elder Wand which Voldemort was still using ,the wand backfired on him because it refused to kill it`s master at the time , but ultimately led to the downfall of Voldemort in Harry`s and Voldemort`s final fight .
So what happened to the three Deathly Hallows at the end of the series ? For the stone ,according to Q&A, Rowling said that Harry dropped the stone in the Forbidden Forest and the stone was pressed into the ground by the Centaurs , while they were charging into the Battle of Hogwarts . The cloak was kept by Harry and he would pass it down to his own son , as for the Elder Wand, Harry used it to fix his own original wand that had been broken earlier in the final book . Normally a wand is unrepairable ,but since it was the most powerful wand in the world and Harry was the true owner of the wand , Harry was able to repair his own wand successfully .Harry then snapped the Elder Wand into half to make sure that no one is ever able to abuse it's power again . Harry gave up the power to be the master of death ,something that not even Albus Dumbledore could resist ,showing how incredible and pure - hearted the hero of our favourite story is .

The End
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