This is about Jerry, a rp character Lizzie Tonks (A friend of mine) made for me. This is the story about him and he meets Ella Brennan, another rp character! If you like my book, you can owl me and thank you very much if you do decide to!! And remember, this book is still in progress!

Last Updated






~Tattle Tale~

Chapter 6
Jerry swished his wand and sent the Verdimillious Charm flying at the student who was opposite him. This was for the DADA class. They of course wouldn't use harmful spells though.
The student in front of Jerry, (who was called Lucas Liam), blocked the charm. Then he he muttered, "Locomotor Wibbly," and Jerry's legs collapsed.
"Hey, hey there," said Professor Penrose said to Lucas, "Don't do that." Then he waved his wand and Jerry's legs felt normal again. "Thanks," he muttered.
Professor Penrose smiled and said, "Class dismissed!"
Jerry got to his feet and walked out of the classroom. Lucas glared at him as he did. They were practically enemies.
"Hey, wait up!" someone yelled behind him.
Jerry turned around and saw Ella running up to him, with Alex behind her. As soon as he got to Jerry, he asked eagerly, "Can we see Flame?"
"Who's Flame?" someone said behind Ella's shoulder. She turned around quickly, to see Anna standing there. "Uh... hi Anna," said Ella nervously.
"Who's Flame?" asked Anna again. "It doesn't sound like a very human name."
"Well, that's what Ella's cat is called," lied Jerry.
Ella glared at him.
"Ella doesn't have a cat, she has an owl," said Anna. "Don't lie to me."
Jerry or the others didn't say anything.
"Well, don't say anything, when I'm you're friend then," said Anna and she marched off.
"Ooh, I feel bad not saying anything to her when she is my friend," said Ella, biting her lip.
"I don't want everyone knowing about Flame, okay?" said Jerry sternly.
"Oh, fine!" said Ella, but she marched ahead.
"So, can we go?" asked Alex.
"Oh, shut up will you, Alex?"

A few days later, Jerry Ella and Alex had visited Flame again, without any centaurs spotting them. They were just clambering back up to Hogwarts, when Anna was suddenly at there side.
"I saw you going into the forbidden forest," she said. "A creature is in there, I know it!"
Jerry couldn't stand it any longer. Anna had been tagging along behind them and shouting at them to tell her about Flame.
"Okay, we'll tell you then! But you have to promise you won't tell anybody!" said Jerry.
Anna hesitated then said, "Oh, fine I won't then! Now tell me!"
So Jerry told her all about Flame briskly.
"Ooh, I can't wait to meet him," said Anna excitedly. Then she skipped ahead of the other three.
"I feel much better now that we've told her about Flame," said Ella. "And she was my friend."
Jerry went to bed much earlier that night. He was tired because they had played quidditch again and had stayed with Flame a long time. And tomorrow they would be meeting the whelp again because Anna had begged and begged for them to.
Jerry then fell into a deep sleep.
In the morning he woke up from shouting. He rubbed his eyes and got quickly out of bed. The shouting was coming from outside the Gryffindor common room. So Jerry ran out of his dormitory and speedily out of the common room, to find Anna, Alex and Ella. Her face was white and she was staring at Anna.
"How could you? You PROMISED not tell!" yelled Alex at Anna.
"What? What's happened?" asked Jerry blankly.
"She told her stupid friend about Flame!" Alex shouted.
Jerry turned to Anna, anger building up inside him. "You know we don't trust Noah!" (Anna's friend, btw).
"Hey! And Alex, he's not stupid - and you should trust him!" said Anna, glaring at the three of him.
"Well, we don't!" said Jerry. "And now I'm sure he's going to tell one of the professors!"
"No - he wouldn't," said Anna, though in a manner of uneasiness. "Well, I don't think he would."
"If he does, it's all your fault," said Alex sharply.
"Hey Alex - don't," said Ella.
"I don't care if I say anything mean to her right now," said Alex.
No one said anything. Then Jerry said to Ella and Alex, "Let's go." Then without looking at Anna once, he marched away.
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