The Brilliance Of That Idiot

written by Athena

A book from Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom's alternating POV! When everyone thinks your strange, different, odd and even an idiot all you want to do is hide, but someone is always there to help you get through it. "Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness." (I will keep adding chapters so if you like this book, please add it to your bookshelf!)

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Chapter 20
The whole next day I was worried about my meeting with the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I was always looking around trying to catch a glimpse of Professor Adams. But I had never met them before so I didn't know who I was looking for. Nobody would answer my questions about Professor Adams. Not even Luna.

"I'm sorry Neville, but I can't talk right now," Luna had said when I asked her, "I have to go to the library, I've got a big essay due soon." And with that she left me standing in the middle of the corridor. I walked grumpily toward my next class, Care of Magical Creatures. Unlike most of my classmates, I had not given up this class. I usually had a pretty good time in Care of Magical Creatures. It was fun to help Hagrid with the animals. They were almost like plants, you needed to take care of them or else they would die. Well... maybe not the some animals Hagrid showed us. It was more like if you tried to take care of them, you would die. But it was still rather enjoyable for me. I walked across the grounds alone, I saw some bins sitting on the ground in front of a grinning Hagrid.

Please don't let it be more screwts! I thought anxiously to myself. As I drew nearer I saw that the bins were in fact full of meat. I looked around for some sign of an animal, surely we were going to learn about a creature and not just... meat! I was about to ask why there were bins full of meat rather than some animal when Hagrid began to explain. "We're learnin' abou' dragons today!" He said happily. Many students looked around in alarm then gazed, squinting their eyes, into the Forbidden Forest as though convinced that they were going to a dragon stomping around.

Hagrid laughed, "No, no, don' worry, I haven' actually got any." He said comfortingly. All of the students looked back at him curiously. "This here," Said Hagrid, pointing to the bin that was nearest to him, "Is full of dragon food. They eat meat." He said vaguely. "What kind of meat?" Asked a slytherin girl. "Any meat."Said Hagrid looking at the girl, "Mighty carnivores they are."

The lesson was actually rather good. He went over the uses of dragon blood, and told us the difference between dragon meat and the meat that dragons eat. He told us why dragon dung was used as a fertilizer, though I already knew why because Professor Sprout had explained to us in Herbology. He even had some pieces of a dragon egg shell for us to look at. But he wouldn't answer when someone asked where he had gotten it.

Afterwards I remembered my meeting with the DADA professor. I walked into the castle and sat down at the Gryffindor table beside Ginny who was talking happily to Harry. I sat eating for a while until, "Neville! You should get to Professor Adams's office, it's 7:16!" I stood up and resentfully exited the Great Hall. I walked down the corridors until I reached the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office. I glanced nervously down at my watch, it was 7:28. I knocked on the door, dreading the time when I had to enter.

"Come in." Said a woman's voice. I was surprised, I had expected Professor Adams to be a man. I quickly recovered from the shock and opened the door. The office walls had been painted white. There were 5 pictures hanging on the walls. One of them I recognized to be a picture of a patronus. It had taken the form of what looked like a fox. I looked at the second painting, this one was a series of colorful patterns. I turned my gaze to another painting, there was a young girl with blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail standing beside a boy with dark hair. Standing behind them was a woman who looked as though she was in her 20's, she had a kind face and dirty-blonde hair. Standing beside her was a man of around the same age with red-brown hair. They were all smiling. As I looked at the next picture I saw it was the same family. The last painting was of an old man and woman. I looked at the shelf and saw a small fox figurine.

"Hello, I assume you are Neville?" The woman's voice asked. I jumped and looked around, but I couldn't see anyone. Suddenly a woman appeared out of nowhere. "Sorry about that, I was practicing my disillusionment charm. I haven't used it in a while and I'm a bit rusty." It was the kind faced woman from the third picture. She looked very much the same, she was still very young. "I'm professor Adams." Said the woman brightly. "Neville," I said. "Great! Please take a seat." Professor Adams said gesturing to a seat.

She didn't seem angry at me for missing her class yesterday. I sat down, "So, I just wanted to meet you so that I could sort of give you a bit of a summary of the lesson you missed." she said. I nodded. "Ok, well I started out with introducing myself. I'm Sadie Adams, I graduated Hogwarts four years ago and immediately became an auror. I worked my way up through the ranks at the ministry until I was one of the top performing aurors. I was offered this job and was excited to be able to teach students all about battling the dark arts. My partner," She gestured to the man with red-brown hair in one of the pictures, "Is a professional Quidditch player. Yes, he's a chaser for the Falmouth Falcons. So he's often away from home. Which is why it was perfect for me to take this job because it requires me to be away from home for most of the year too." I sat there in amazement. My DADA teacher was dating a professional chaser, she was one of the best aurors that the ministry could offer, she couldn't get much better than this!

Professor Adams smiled, "Those are my parents." She said smiling fondly and gesturing to the painting of the old man and woman. "And that's me, my partner and my siblings." she said pointing at one of the paintings of her, her partner and the two children. "Which chaser is your partner?" I asked casually. "James Miller." She replied. "Ok, now we need o get to why you're here. Why didn't you show up?" She asked. I hesitated, for a moment I was going to lie and tell her that I hadn't been feeling well. "I lost track of time." I answered truthfully.

She smiled and then started to explain the lesson I had missed, she then assigned me the homework and sent me on my way. I walked out her office and Luna came racing down the corridor. "What were you doing in there?" She panted, "I was-" But she interrupted me. "Never mind, follow me!" And she took off, running down the corridor. I ran after her, wondering what could be so urgent.
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