Never is Forever ♾ (2.2k words so far!)

written by Avery Vollen

Hermione and Draco return for an eighth year at Hogwarts and become Head Boy and Girl. Tom Riddle is alive once again, and tries to recruit Hermione for the Death Eaters. She has a startling answer, and plan, that features stealing, and saving, lives, double agents, and a Horcrux to guard.

Last Updated






One-Shot :)

Chapter 1
A/N I’m thinking about putting this on Wattpad, so please message me and review what you think!


Hermione POV

I exit my room in The Leaky Cauldron.
When I Obliviated my parents, I couldn’t get them back. They moved to Australia and had a little baby girl, named Hermione.
I’ve already ruined their lives once, I can’t do it again.

Nobody’s at the reception desk, so I place 4 galleons on the counter and leave. I stand at a bus stop and raise my wand in the air. Seconds later, I see headlights in the distance.

‘Points for timing.’ I thought.

I step on the bus and pay the fee.
“King’s Cross.” I say quietly.

Shortly after, I arrive at the station.
I make sure no Muggles are watching, then I run through the platform.
I get on the train immediately , as I have nobody to exchange goodbyes with.

Before I can get to my regular compartment with Harry, Ron, Ginny, and the others, McGonagall stops me.

“Please follow me.” She says,
and I do as she says.

We enter the Prefect compartment, although I don’t know why.
A smile appears on her face.

“So, Miss Granger, you are surely wondering why you are sitting here.” She states truthfully.
Sometimes I think she’s a Legilimens.
“You have been appointed this year’s Head Girl!”
She says. I’ve rarely seen her this excited, or maybe I’m just a boring person.

“Of course, that is if you will except the position and the responsibility that comes with it.” She adds.

“Of course!” I say.

“Wonderful!” She claps her hands together. “Now, Head Boy and Girl may give detentions and take away house points. I trust that you will not abuse this power.” She tells me, suddenly quite stern.

“I won’t.” I assure her.

A smile creeps upon her face once again.

“Well, you’d better be getting to your compartment.” She says, and with that I leave.


Hermione POV

I arrive in the compartment, and am first greeted by Ginny. She pulls me in a tight hug.
“Hey, Gin! Please let me breath!” I joke. She pulls away, laughing.

Harry and Ron come up and pull me in a group hug.

Ron and I dated for until about a month after Voldemort was defeated, but we just sort of fell apart.

Thank heavens it didn’t ruin our friendship, because that would’ve made things incredibly awkward.

Of course, some people don’t care about awkward, as Harry and Ginny now spent about 85% of their time snogging.

It oh-so-sickly reminds me of Ron and Lavender in our sixth year.

Didn’t even have decent conversations, just snogged all the time.

Except that Harry doesn’t look like he’s eating Ginny’s face.

That’s a big plus.

Ironically, once I finish my little thought gathering, I snap back to reality and see Harry and Ginny kissing.

‘Not the most pleasant of screensavers.’ I think to myself.

As we haven’t left yet, I look out the window and see the Bronze Trio.
(If you don’t know, the Bronze Trio is Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.)

What are they doing back here?
They were on the side that killed so many innocent people, and felt no remorse.

I guess they carried on Dumbledore’s ways of seeing the good in people.

But why couldn’t Dumbledore do that for himself?
Oh yeah, Snape killed him! I know it was planned, but Draco disarmed him and he didn’t know that!

It wasn’t just Dumbledore.
What about Fred?
And Lupin and Tonks?
What about Mad-Eye?
I didn’t know Cedric personally, but maybe I would’ve.
Maybe I would’ve if he hadn’t died so young.
If he hadn’t died as a kid!
Heck, we might’ve been best friends.
But now I’ll never know.

And they were on the side that did it.
That did it all!
Now they’re coming back to the place where it all happened.
I let a tear fall from my eye as I remember everyone.
All the innocent lives that were lost.
Some didn’t even need to die.
Harry said that when Cedric died there were three words spoken.
‘Kill the spare.’
It didn’t need to be him.
It didn’t need to be anyone.
When Harry killed Voldemort everyone thought that everything was fine.
But what about the people who already died?
What about them?
How is that fine?

All of a sudden the engine revs up. The train is starting.
Ginny notices that I’m crying.

“Oh, Mione, what’s wrong?” She asks.
“I just don’t know why they let them come back.” I say.


Everyone is silent for a moment, and I can tell that they’re all thinking about the war.

That’s the thing about war.

The war can leave you, but the memories haunt you forever.

The person who understands this most is Neville.

You might say it’s me, Hermione Granger.

You might say it’s Ron Weasley.

You might say it’s Harry Potter.

Well, anyone who knows Neville, or us, for that matter, would agree with me.

Neville could’ve been The Chosen One.

He wasn’t.

Not like that matters.

It doesn’t matter what title you have.

It doesn’t matter what recognition you receive.

What does matter is you.

Not some modified, Rita Skeetered, version of you, but you.

And that especially applies to Neville.

Neville was seen as a screw-up, but he killed Nagini.

Neville was seen as shy, but he is an amazing, social, person.

Neville was seen as scared, just to stand up to Voldemort when he very well knew he could’ve died.

Neville was seen as dumb, to be right about saying Voldemort would die in vain.

Neville said that Voldemort wasn’t to be feared.

No matter how many people say that wasn’t true, I still agree to this day.

When I’m thinking, there’s a knock at the door to our compartment.

It swings open before anyone invited them in.

Ferret and his entourage.

How wonderful.

“Out.” I hear, from Ferret himself.

I don’t know what possessed me to say it, what voices in my head persuaded me to say it, or maybe it was just the need to rant, and who better than the cause of the problem themselves?

“ How dare you speak to us like that!
Do you still believe in blood purity?!?
If you still think that your family has status you’re wrong!
All respect for your families were lost on the same day that lives were lost because of them!
Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like if you left our compartment!”

I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Maybe my words actually ran through Malfoy, or maybe he was just being the prat he was, when he got up and said,

“Whatever, Mudblood.”
And left the compartment.

Parkinson and Zabini trailed after him.


(At Hogwarts)
“Welcome back, students!
I do hope that this year will be a nice, quiet, one, without any distractions from what we came to do.
Now, let the feast begin!”
McGonagall says, cheerily.

I honestly do not know why she’s so happy.

“Oh, and one more thing, will Miss Granger and Mr Malfoy report to my office as soon as possible?”
And with that, she stepped down.

After receiving a number of curious glances, I get up and leave. Malfoy does the same.


Draco POV

I get up and leave, so does Mudblood.

We both head to the Headmistress’s office without saying a word to each other.

When we arrive, she motions for us to sit down.

“Have some tea.” She says.

“Um, no thanks.” I say, weirded out.

“I insist!” She says, this time more stern.

I take one, slightly scared of her.

“Now, I have called you here to tell you that you both will be Head Boy and Head Girl.” She says.


Hermione POV

I’m sorry, what?

I can understand why I would be Head Girl, but why would Malfoy be Head Boy?

Apparently McGonagall reads both of our quizzical expressions, so she says,

“We, meaning the Minster and I, thought that it would be a good idea for two students that were on different sides during the war to sort out their differences and work together as friends.”

I’m shocked and appalled.

“Not to be rude, but I think that I will have to decline the position as Head Girl.”
I say, in the least rude way possible.

“Me as well.” Malfoy says.

McGonagall sighs.

“Well, please think about it.” She asks/says.

“Sure.” I reply.

Malfoy nods,
presumably meaning that he’ll think on it too, and then we both leave.

“I have to go.” He mutters to me.

“I can’t let everyone know that I missed the feast for a tea party.” He remarks.

I stifle a laugh, and we go our separate ways.


Draco POV

I walk away, and sit at the table with my friends.

“Where were you?” Asks Pans.

“McGonagall asked Hermione and Me to be Head boy and girl.” I reply simply.

“I can’t imagine you, Draco Malfoy, as Head Girl.” Goyle says.

I don’t know if he’s joking, or really just that stupid.

“Oh my god, dummy! He was offered Head BOY!” Pans corrects him.

I decide to play along.

“No, Pans, I’m head girl! My god, haven’t you seen my collection of tiaras?” I ask sarcastically.

I guess she decides to play along, too, because she says,

“Oh yeah, I borrowed one last night is that ok?” She fake-asks.

I chuckle at that and go back to eating.

Hermione POV

I head up to Gryffindor dorms, with Ginny babbling on and on about Harry, which I didn’t care to listen to.

I walk into our cozy common room, the blazing fire warming up the large space.

I sit on a chair by the fire, as I am colder than if I had jumped into the depths of the Black Lake in the middle of February.

“Busy?” I hear a voice behind me ask, and I turn around to face them.

“No, just confused.” I reply.

“McGonagall made Malfoy Head Boy!
Out of all the candidates,
McGonagall chose one with a Dark Mark branded on his arm!
That’s completely unfair.
If something dangerous happens, he’ll probably be cheering them on!”, I rant.

“Maybe if Harry Potter was a candidate...” He says, and I smirk.

“Oh Harry, must you always be so childish?”, I ask in a mock-serious voice.

“Yes, yes I must.” Harry replies, smiling.

We wrap up our conversation, and I head to the dorm I share with Ginny.

I start blasting muggle music.

I play a song called Try Me, by some muggle musician.

I’ve lied many times
To you.
Don’t start start on me, you’ve,
We don’t share secrets.
We share the past,
That’s more than,
We have arguments now and,
You make our friends pick a, side.....

The song trailed into the chorus when Ginny came bursting in.

“What is it, Gin?” I ask her, my voice hurting from singing along loudly.

“I have THE BEST news!” , she screeched.


Draco POV

Blaise just texted me about an emergency.

I swear, if Pansy lost another diamond earring...

I walk inside the cold Slytherin common room to hear the sound of sobbing.

I investigate the sound, and it’s coming from the girls dormitories.


I would go up, but then the stairs’ll turn into a slide.

“Pans?” I ask.

The crying stopped.

“Pans, can you come down?” I ask.

Still, no reply.

About thirty seconds later, I hear footsteps.


She comes down and hugs me.

Then she asks it.

The question.

“Draco, do you love me?” She asks in between sobs.

I feel bad, but she deserves to know the truth.

“I do,.... but like a sister.” I reply, now equally sad.

She smiles through her tears.

I feel a pang of guilt.

“It’s fine.” She tells me.

“I knew you’d say that.”, she finishes, and with that she walks away.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Hermione POV

Ginny takes a deep breath.

“You’re going to be head girl, so you can elect ME as Assistant Head Girl!!!” She screams happily.

I feel bad now.

I wasn’t planning on taking it up, but Ginny’s been wanting Head Girl for years, and this is the best I can offer her.

That also means working with Ferret.

“Yeah.” I say,
with a weak attempt at a smile.

She doesn’t notice, being so excited.

“I’d better go to McGonagall and tell her that I’ll take the job.” I say.

“YAYYYY!!!” , Ginny says/yells.

I haven’t seen her this happy except the time she found out Harry was alive.


At McGonagall’s office


“Hello, dear!” She exclaims.

“Have you made your choice yet?” She asks.

It reminds me of a kid in a candy store.

“I accept the position.” I state, and that was that.


Draco POV

I feel bad for what I did to Pansy, but I’ve known her for too long.

I couldn’t lie to her.

I sit down, and my thoughts travel to being Head Boy.

I realize something.

Granger won’t accept Head Girl because I’ll be Head Boy, so that means I can accept the position.

I walk down to McGonagall’s office and I see the Mudblood leaving, presumably denying the position.

I walk in without the password, tailgating Granger.

“Hello.” I hear.

“Your thoughts?” She says, an excited expression on her face.

“I accept.” I say, and immediately walk away, my cloak swishing behind me.

I stop once I realize that I probably look like Severus.

I start walking again, hoping she didn’t notice.

I wonder who’s going to replace Granger as Head Girl.

••••••••••••The Next Day••••••••••••

Draco POV

Rrrrppp, rrppp, rrrppppp, BANG, BANG!

Someone’s making a racket at the door.

“What in bloody hell is it this ti-”


“I needa show you your new room for Head Boy.
Well, pack your things!” He said in his usual manner.

I do, and follow him.

We stop at a portrait with the four Hogwarts founders.

“The password is Obliatum Draconis.” He walks away.

At the mention of the password,
the portrait swings open.

The large living area is decorated in both green and deep scarlet.

A Gryffindor?

Eh. Anyone’s better than Granger.

I walk into one of the bedrooms, and it’s the same deep scarlet color.

I guess that this it where the Head Girl is staying.

I walk out, and into my bedroom.

It’s large and green.

I unpack my things and go to the living area to hang out.

I’m greeted by a disgustingly familiar face.

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