This is War (In Progress)

Monica Abbey, a sophomore, has a nice life. She's a good level of popular. Her best friends, Mallie O'Brien and Eben Davis, are the most amazing people she could ask for. Everything's going fine, until Eben suddenly betrays Monica and leaves her for popular girl Veronica Schulte. Monica and Mallie (plus Mallie's clingy boyfriend Archer Tuesday) hatch a plan to knock Eben down and get Monica to the top. Jake Easton, the most popular kid in the school, is quickly wooed by Monica, and slowly, she pushes past Eben. Only, being queen of the school is not exactly what it seems. Jake becomes more to Monica than she ever planned for him to be. And popularity isn't the saving grace it seemed to be. What does Monica really want? And how will she find that before the masks and charades completely take over?

Last Updated






Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter Two
I lay on my bed, Mallie sitting next to me.

"So it didn't work?" she asks.

"I don't know if it did or not. I'm thinking that I should not get all jazzed up tomorrow, and see how he reacts."

"You're probably right. Well, Monica, I have to go meet Archer for dinner, but I hope everything will go well! See you tomorrow!" She blows me a kiss, walks out my door, and leaves me on my bed, exhausted.

I wake up the next day ten minutes before school starts to my mother calling,

"Monica! Monica Abbey, you are going to be late!" I jump out of bed and quickly put on jeans, a cropped sweatshirt, and my Nike slides. Then, I grab my backpack and a homemade muffin and run out the door.

I live four minutes from school, and so walking isn't that hard. I rush to my homeroom without visiting my locker. The bell rings just as I slide into my seat. Mrs. Cass calls roll, and of course I'm first. I can never be late- they will know immediately. It's one of the cons of being first on the list. Anyway, once homeroom ends, I have to rush to my locker and grab everything I need before heading to Chem. I barely make it to class on time, and slouching down in my chair, my breaths come out heavy and labored.

"Locker broken or something?" This is Jake. He's probably never rushed, from the tone of his voice.

"No, I was almost late to homeroom, so I couldn't stop by my locker until just now. But I'm not late!" I half-raise my arms in victory.

"Well, you look utterly spent," Jake tells me.

"I was in shape yesterday, I promise! I don't know what happened."

"You're exhausted, that's what."

"How can you tell?"

"The dark circles under your eyes."

"Oh, I knew I should have put makeup on today!"

"No! No, you look fine without it," Jake says. I look at him,


"Yeah. I like you better without it." That makes me smile, and then I say,

"Hey, it's got to have been fifteen minutes. If Mrs. Alex isn't here, you know we get to leave."

"You're right." The Vice Principal walks in. "It has been fifteen minutes. Usually, we'd send someone else in, but we've decided to let you six go. You are all responsible enough that we trust you. Be back in time for next period- tardies will be counted." Jake lets out a whoop and then turning to me, says,

"So my house is a two minute walk from here. I know you're already in love with Cocoa, so you can come meet her! Also, I have a bunch of gaming systems set up in my room, so we can play something if you'd like."

"Oh, the only video game I play is Legend of Zelda. And I actually enjoy watching others play rather than play myself."

"Breath of the Wild?"


"Breath of the Wild is my favorite video game ever! You can watch me play, I'm good with that," Jake laughs.

"Okay then, lead the way," I say. We walk out into the hallways, laughing and talking. We pass Mallie's Geometry class. She sees me walking by with Jake and blows me a kiss. As Jake and I watch, Archer grabs her from behind and pulls her into a kiss. I roll my eyes and walk away before we have to hear the teacher's yelling.

"He's really clingy," I explain. "To be honest, I'm surprised she's still with him." Jake laughs,

"Obviously, you and Mallie have different views on what is endearing."

"Oh, I think Archer is endearing. He just kind of… stole my best friend from me in a way. I only get to spend half the time I used to with Mallie, because Archer has taken up the other half. It would be fine if I had a boyfriend, too, but I'm over here as a Single Pringle still," I say. We go outside into the fall air, the golden leaves swirling on the breeze.

We reach Jake's house in a matter of minutes. Actually, it's not a house- it's a mansion.

"I think you forgot to mention that you're rich?!" I exclaim in surprise.

"Oh, yeah," he winces sheepishly. "My dad owns most of the businesses in this city. People say he's going to be the next Bill Gates. Sorry that I didn't tell you… most of my friends already know, so I didn't really think about it." I wave away his explanations,

"It's fine… just shocking at first." Jake smiles and unlocks the front door, motioning for me to step inside.

I nearly gasp. A huge staircase stretches up in the middle of a gigantic lobby. High arches lead into other rooms.

"You live here?" I spin in a circle, and I'm sure there is a look of amazement on my face. Jake finally clears his throat.

"Not to be rude or anything, but I don't need people in awe of my father's stuff. Why don't we go up to my room? It's the least extravagant part of the house. Like, even the bathrooms are fancier. And Cocoa's up there!"

"Ok," I agree, "let's go." We walk up the grand staircase, me running my hand over the perfect railings.

"Come on, slowpoke!" Jake calls when he reaches the top. I laugh and run up the rest of the way. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a door on the left. He spreads his arms wide,

"Welcome to my room. It's not much." My jaw drops,

"Excuse me? This is triple the size of my room!" He looks at me in disbelief.


"Yeah. Some people aren't rich, Jake," I say.

"I knew that. But next you're going to be telling me you don't have any maids!"

"I don't." Jake gasps, and then bursts out laughing.

"I love the look on your face everytime I pretend to be a spoiled, rich kid. I'm not that dumb! I know people don't live like this." I blush,


"Well, anyway, let's play a video game."

"I'm not that good at any video games."

"Do you want to watch me play? I have Breath of the Wild."

"Okay, that's fine," I say. He sits me down in front of his giant flat screen tv, and then grabs a pet carrier from the table. He hands it to me and sticks in the Zelda disc as I unlatch the carrier. A little kitten that looks exactly like the picture Jake has crawls out into my lap.

"Awwwwww!" I squeal. "You are so cute, Cocoa!" She meows in response, rubbing up against my stomach. Jake chuckles,

"I think she likes you, Monica." Then he turns his tv on and starts the game. He's currently in Rito Village.

"I'm getting ready to go tackle Vah Medoh," he says.

"Well, why don't you?"

"That's a good idea, Smartie," he laughs. Then he says, "That's your new nickname. Smartie."

"Okay, Jake. I see how it is. Why don't you go tackle Vah Medoh? I'll be your moral support." Jake laughs and settles down on one of the floor pillows scattered around. I sit down next to him, subtly brushing against him. That same little jolt lights up inside me, and Jake seems to relax a little. He enters the Divine Beast, his thumbs toggling the joysticks with expert speed. Soon, though, my tiredness takes over, and I drift off to sleep on Jake's shoulder.

A little while later, Jake shakes me awake.

"Hey, Smartie. It's ten minutes till this period ends. We've got to get going."


"Yeah, we do."

"No we don't," I say, my face still hidden in his shoulder.

"Look, Smartie, I'd love to let you sleep all day but I can't! You've got to get up."


"Because," he slips his arms under me and picks me up bridal style, "it's time to go to school again, Smartie."

"Not school again," I groan.

"Wow. I should not have let you take a nap." I roll out of his arms and onto my feet.

"Let's not be late," I say, giving Cocoa one more pat. Jake smiles,

"That's my girl!" He links his arm with mine, and we leave his mansion behind, making it to school with three minutes to spare. I say goodbye and start to head to my locker, but Jake quickly gives me his phone number. He winks,

"Hit me up, Smartie." I smile and walk to class.

Mallie whispers to me during American History,

"So, Jake Easton?" I smile and pass my phone under my desk to hers. She reads the conversation that we've had… and just remember that it's been twenty minutes since we walked into school with our arms linked.

Monica: Hey, Rich Kid.

Jake: That's the best you could do? Smartie is way better.

Monica: You're right. You beat me at everything!

Jake: Except Chemistry. You have an A, right? I have a B-.

Jake: I should probably bring my grade up.

Monica: Lol. I have a 98. What number have you?

Jake: 78. :(

Monica: Hey at least you're rich.

Jake: It's better on the outside than it actually is.

Monica: Awwwww my Rich Kid is getting all poetic.

Jake: If anyone is writing poetry, it's you, Smartie.

Monica: That was harsh.

Jake: Love you 2.

Monica: Haha yeah right.

Jake: I do.

Monica: No you don't.

Jake: Yes I do.

Monica: Sweet, Jake. Sweet.

Mallie looks at me.

"All that in twenty minutes?!" she exclaims. I sigh in happiness. Mallie looks at me,

"So do you think he'll ask you to the Homecoming dance? I mean, you fell asleep on his shoulder!"

"That was an accident, Mallie!"

"A pretty lucky one. I'd call you Smartie, but let's keep that as Jake's nickname for you." I smile at her and squeeze her hand. Just as she winks at me, our teacher snaps,

"Monica Abbey and Malibu O'Brien! Can you please join us for class today?"

"Oh, yes sir!" I say. Mallie jumps in,

"We're very sorry!" He grunts and turns away, and Mallie immediately turns to me and giggles. Her hand squeezes mine again, and I quickly grin at her. At lunch, go find him, she mouths. Archer and I are going to be… busy. I take this to mean they will be kissing in a corner somewhere, and I grin at her and raise my eyebrows. She raises hers right back. Then I laugh, whispering,

"I don't care what you and Archer are doing… just don't get in trouble, okay?" Then the bell rings, and we have to leave for separate classes.

At lunch, I grab my brown paper bag and walk into the cafeteria. I look around for Jake, but I don't see him. It also appears that my luck for today is running low, because who walks up but Eben Davis. Veronica is right behind him. She talks first,

"Hey, Monica, dear. Did all your little friends desert you?" Eben laughs,

"Yeah where are precious Mallie and Archie?"

"Shut up!" I say. "Why does Veronica even like you? All you've got is a rundown house and a neglectful dad." Eben glares at me. Veronica turns to me and says,

"Eben has this thing called good looks."

"I wouldn't want to be loved just because I'm pretty," I say. "Real things actually matter to me." Veronica stares at me, saying,

"Hello, Regina George!" I scoff.

"Puh-lease, I'm so much better at this than Regina George."

"Yeah right, Smartie." All of a sudden, I hear Jake's voice,

"Hey, I'm the only one who gets to call her that." Veronica smirks at me,

"Monica has a little nerd friend!" Then she turns and sees that it's Jake, and her jaw drops.

"You're friends with JAKE EASTON?"

"All the cool kids are, Schulte. Keep up." Then I turn and walk away, Jake's hand steering me towards his table. I look back once, and see Eben and Veronica staring at me, humiliated. Monica; one, Eben; zero, I think proudly.
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