Percy Weasley and the Chamber of Secrets

written by Lizzie Scamander

Have you ever wondered what Percy Weasley thought during Harry Potter's adventures? Find out by reading this, if curiosity overwhelms you! IN PROGRESS!

Last Updated






Coincidents & Circumstances

Chapter 2
A day later we proceeded to visit Diagonally, the magical shopping center for wizards and witches, which is inaccessible to Muggles and conveniently contains all the necessary items you need to obtain to study at Hogwarts. We traveled by Floo Powder, a network which consists of moving to one place to another by standing in a fire place, scattering the Floo Powder around you, clearly saying the place you want to be transported to, and thus your conveyance is provided.
Harry Potter! Inexperienced with the magical world (which is surprising as he is a half-blood) messed up this terribly. He ended up turning out in Knockturn Alley, relatively near to Diagonally but there is no worse area which he could be taken to. Knockturn Alley is a dodgy, mysterious place which is customarily filled with suspicious persons, even not fully human, and Mother and Father have never permitted us to go there. Of course, as you may guess, Fred and George long to visit there, but they are absolutely forbidden. Mother was very worried when Harry didn't meet up with us at the chosen fireplace, and spent the whole half-hour of his absence fretting and fluttering about anxiously. We were just moving down the main street searching for him when who should we see but Rubeus Hagrid walking down the street with Harry at his side! We immediately demanded an explanation and he told us how he had found Harry in Diagonally and steered him here. Mother unnecessarily wasted time brushing him off until we finally got a move on. After visiting Gringotts, the Wizarding Bank, we all went out separate ways. I discovered, surprisingly, an excellent book in this little junk shop, called "How Prefects Gained Power". I immersed myself deeply in it, intrigued by the words before me. I was rudely interrupted by Ron and Harry, of whom both appeared skeptical of my choice. I was disgusted with them. After they wandered aimlessly off, still fuming I bought the book and headed toward Flourish and Botts, where Mother had arranged for us to meet after we completed our separate shopping.
It was absolutely cramped. There was hardly any space to slip through the crowd, but conveniently I am rather tall and was able to see a sign pinned up, which read, "Gilderoy Lockhart will be signing copies of his autobiography MAGICAL ME 12:30 - 4:30". Gilderoy Lockhart, the fashionable, popular wizard who is famed for his highly appreciated help around the globe, mostly of which are fixed of settling unpleasant magical dark creatures causing fright and disturbance in numerous countries. He is also famous for his books he helpfully writes to pass his knowledge onto us other wizards and witches so we can deal with such ourselves.
An eventful trip to Diagonally it was! Firstly Harry ended up coming out in Knockturn Alley and then Father ended up getting to a physical fight with Lucius Malfoy, a wealthy pure-blood wizard known exceptionally well in the Ministry of Magic. Mother was terribly disapproving, and scolded him the whole way back. Thankfully, Harry Potter did not get the destination muddled again, yet that was only one minor relief.

I laid my prefect badge last of all on top of the neatly folded clothes in my trunk, sighed approvingly in satisfaction, and then closed the trunk. I had not resisted giving it one last polish. I then grasped the handle of my trunk and lugged it downstairs. Mother, as usual, was getting considerably stressed, like she always does the day we embark for Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express. I placed my trunk by the door and almost stood on Scabbers, Ron's rat, which had previously been mine but which I had given up when Mother had bought me an owl, Hermes, in Diagonally yesterday. Oh yes, Hermes, I have forgotten to mention him. Pleased that I have been made a prefect, she bought me the bird as a present, rather like a mark of the making of my prefect.
He hooted and fluttered within his cage, disapproving of the confined space he was contained in, and longing for an opportunity to stretch his stiff wings. I stroked him through the bars, yet to no avail. Mother, unreasonably and unnecessarily irritated with the noise he made, pointed her wand at him and muttered impatiently, "Silencio!" Hermes continued to open and close his beak yet was incapable of issuing any sound. Furious, I turned to her and said heatedly,
"How dare you, Mother! Give him his voice back now!"
It ended up Father giving him back his temporarily lost ability as he struggled with Ginny's trunk as he crossed the yard, almost tripping on a stray chicken. I stormed into the car and slammed the door. I remained there until the rest of the family and Harry Potter had all packed their trunks in and joined me. Father had performed a charm so the Ford Anglia we traveled in had stretched inside and provided more room yet still appeared perfectly normal and ordinary on the outside. We had just set off when Fred yelled that he had left his broomsticks, and then George his ridiculous fireworks. We were almost on the motorway when Ginny shrieked she had left her diary. How forgetful everyone is! Father kept pleading with Mum to fly the car to the station, rather like Fred, George and Ron had done but she resolutely refused.
It was almost eleven when we reached the station. We all jumped out, hastily fetched trolleys, loaded our paraphernalia on and dashed to the brick wall where we could slide through onto the platform nine and three quarters. I went first, then the twins, and then Mum and Dad with Ginny. I presume Ron and Harry came through last, though I didn't see them. This did not bother me though. I was fixed on getting to the private prefect compartments near the end of the train. I tugged my trunk through the corridor until I reached the correct place, then I turned and joined the rest of the prefects. But who should I be confronted by but Penelope!
"Penelope!" I ejaculated, surprised and delighted. "Are you...?"
"Yes, Percy, but I didn't know you were one too!" Penelope beamed. Her long curly hair bounced about her shoulders and her eyes sparkled at me. "Come on, let's sit down."
I perched on the edge of my seat opposite her. Then we launched into amiable conversation, each feeling pleasantly tranquil and happy dwelling in each others' company. Around midday the lunch trolley came round. Mother had packed me sandwiches but I was extravagant with my money and bought us both chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes, pumpkin pasties, druble's best blowing gum, licorice wands etc. along with ice cold pumpkin juice. How coincidentally fortunate that Penelope should be a prefect just like me! I nibbled a chocolate frog absentmindedly as I admired her. How very lovely Penelope was.
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