The Hogwarts Library

Books by Hazel Emory Antler

Story Chapters Reads
Going to Hogwarts by Hazel Emory Antler 5 219
Just a novella on Stygian Hippogriff going to Hogwarts...
  219 Reads • 5 Chapters
Hogwarts Monthly News Needs YOU! by Hazel Emory Antler 4 239
Have you ever wished to be a part of a News group? Well, you're in the right place!
  239 Reads • 4 Chapters
My Diary (Hazel Emory Antler) by Hazel Emory Antler 9 190
Well.. I don't know why I decided to write this. Maybe it's because I feel like it'd be fun, or maybe posting your diary in the library for all to read is a growing trend or something. Anyhow, I don't mind if you keep on reading!..
  190 Reads • 9 Chapters
Hogwarts Monthly News NEEDS YOU! by Hazel Emory Antler 4 260
Have you ever wondered what to do in HIH? Sure, there's classes but surely there's other things you can do too? Lucky for you, you're reading this! You can join the 'Hogwarts Monthly News' group- and there's other positions open than just journalists, so don't worry, you don't have to write! Come on, read on!~
  260 Reads • 4 Chapters
H.E.A's Articles by Hazel Emory Antler 3 117
I've been in the Hogwarts Monthly News group since... Well, late February of 2024. As well as now being the head, I'm also a marketer, proofreader, journalist and editor. I thought it'd be nice if I gathered all the articles I'd written and stored them in this book, as well as who edited and/or proofread them. So, come on! Flip the page...
  117 Reads • 3 Chapters
Hogwarts Monthly News (Issue 5) by Hazel Emory Antler 24 306
Hello readers! May has come and gone. What a wonderful month has it been, what with so many celebrations and students enjoying themselves. However, not everyone's smiling. Sienna Lockwood, the hardworking founder of Hogwarts Monthly News, has retired. There have been some other departs too. I won't say anything else, though. You've got to keep on reading. Nevertheless, the team worked tirelessly…
  306 Reads • 24 Chapters
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