Lesson 9) Review and Portfolio

It's here! The final lesson for Disney Lit Weeks.

Having organized this activity for HiH, I would like to thank everyone--professors, PAs, and students--for their participation in Disney Lit Weeks. It's been an incredible ride and it wouldn't have happened without all of you.

Disney Lit Weeks will remain up until August to allow everyone the opportunity to go back and do more EC assignments.

With the help of my staff, I'll be putting together an HiH Disney website (wordpress) in order to showcase some of the stellar work that we've had the absolute privilege to look at over these last few months. For those of you who wish to be considered for the display, please be sure to fill out this form



Brief Review

As we discussed during Disney Lit Week 1, in Lesson 1, while there are many facets to Disney's stories, there are two common threads to his works: the orphan motif and the trope of magic. In Professor Turing's class, you learned more about Disney's use of the orphan and you also had the opportunity to discuss the theme of magic in your Extra Credit assignment.

As you recall, Disney had a particularly harsh childhood on account of his family's economic situation and his father's inability to provide emotional support. Many of Disney's stories, therefore, depict a hero or heroine who overcome great obstacles and find their place in the world.

Along with this, Disney's films also depict both light and dark magic; the magic trope serves both as a didactic (instructional) and entertainment function. In our Magical Literature class, we will be exploring this idea more thoroughly. If you've enjoyed our discussion of magic, be sure to consider taking my class.

No matter what story Disney studios took up, each one seemed to be aware of its own place in the literary tradition--be it fairy tale or classic. No matter the story, one thing continues to remain certain: each film reminds us of that "fine, clean, unspoiled spot deep down in every one of us that the world has made us forget" (Disney).

Your assignments include a review Quiz for this specific week and an Extra Credit assignment that involves submitting a creative showcasing or portfolio of all your work submitted to Disney Lit Weeks. This portfolio should include at least one additional piece of work that can be anything you want, as long as it showcases your love of a particular Disney film or Disney as a whole.

Thank you again for all your work and please be sure to fill out the form if you wish to be considered for the HiH Disney website!


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