The Hogwarts Library

The Library's Most Popular Books

Story Chapters Reads
A History Of Hogwarts by [No Name] 11 18,241
This book tells of the exciting history, traditions and happenings of Hogwarts a School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.<br /><br />The Book is still in progress!
  18,241 Reads • 11 Chapters
Hogwarts: A History by Anastasia 2 16,763
Hogwarts: A History, also known as Hogwarts, A History, is a book concerning Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and its history that was written by Bathilda Bagshot
  16,763 Reads • 2 Chapters
Friends: A Slytherins Guide To Bribery, Extortion, An… by [No Name] 7 15,774
This life-changing book will take you through: the simplest and quickest means to obtain friends; the ways in which said friends can be used to your advantage; and the proper way to cash in on the investment you have made in these companionships.<br /><br /><br />*Please note that this book is the work of a true Slytherin, though editing was outsourced to a Ravenclaw. As one does.
  15,774 Reads • 7 Chapters
Harry Potter Spells by [No Name] 1 15,584
Has all the harry potter spells, owl me if i missed on at Harry Potter At
  15,584 Reads • 1 Chapters
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch by Ginny Dumbledore 5 15,131
A perfect first book for your transfiguration collection. You will learn basic transfiguration spells and technique.
  15,131 Reads • 5 Chapters
Horses by Morgana Misanthrope 2 15,072
This book will teach you many things about horses from breeds to colors, riding to showing, and much more!
  15,072 Reads • 2 Chapters
The Complete Weasley Family Tree by Madison Elphick 2 14,947
Exactly what it sounds like! This is literally the ENTIRE Weasley Family Tree from Molly+Arthur down!
  14,947 Reads • 2 Chapters
Think Lovely Thoughts: The Patronus Charm by Mira Wellington 9 14,890
The Patronus Charm; you can learn how it works, how to cast it and what yours means!
  14,890 Reads • 9 Chapters
Hermione Granger: A Biography by Grace Maria 2 14,827
Come explore the life of the powerful witch, Hermione Granger, before Hogwarts and as she defends it through the end of the Second Wizarding War. The brightest witch of this age and the next, muggle-born Granger is an idol for witches and wizards everywhere who conquered quests meant for the most experienced wizards starting in her very first year at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  14,827 Reads • 2 Chapters
First Years Book To Astronomy by Victoria Morris 18 14,715
  14,715 Reads • 18 Chapters
The Most Accurate First Year Schedules by Amber Phoenixfeather 6 14,708
This book is filled with the first years schedules, from Gryffindor to Hufflepuff to Ravenclaw to finally Slytherin. A lot of work has went into making sure these schedules are as perfectly accurate as can be. Some of the times are based on real times of Scotland, for example breakfast and dinner, while counting some of the things we see in the movies.
  14,708 Reads • 6 Chapters
A Guide To Defense Against The Dark Arts by [No Name] 4 14,701
This book is a guide to the Dark Arts; in this book we will learn about the Dark Arts and how to protect yourself from them. This will cover the Unforgivable Curses and Horcruxes, so be prepared! This will also go over defensive spells and objects that will render you invisible, such as the Invisibility Cloak.
  14,701 Reads • 4 Chapters
The complete book of spells (A-Z Dictionary) by Zasha Tonks 28 14,559
This spell book informs you of all the spells in the Wizarding World and what they do. Impress your course teacher with advanced spells from charms to defence against the dark arts and much more. WARNING: This spell book does include All spells from legal to illegal
  14,559 Reads • 28 Chapters
The Seer's Guide To Seeing by Venita Wessex 10 14,048
A beginner's guide to the many-faceted field of divination.
  14,048 Reads • 10 Chapters
Cursebreaking for Curse-Breakers by Hermione Potter 19 14,002
This textbook should be in possession of every student attending Cursebreaking. However, Hogwarts stores copies which can be found in the Specified Magic Section of the library.
  14,002 Reads • 19 Chapters
25 Severus Snape saved Harry Potter by Leon 1 13,930
I take no credit for the text cause the text was taken from a video .
  13,930 Reads • 1 Chapters
Acertijos de Ravenclaw by ... 2 13,605
La colección completa de acertijos del dormitorio.
  13,605 Reads • 2 Chapters
Death Eater by Cadmus Gaunt 12 13,539
My Personal Journal as a Death Eater ( I will not mention to some Characters names in case of their safety)
  13,539 Reads • 12 Chapters
Magicis Planetae Et Stellarum by Polgara 13 13,073
  13,073 Reads • 13 Chapters
Hogwarts House Traits by Mira F Granger 4 12,591
This book will tell you the traits of all hogwarts houses: Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Slytherin
  12,591 Reads • 4 Chapters
A Light To The Darkness by Sophie McD 24 12,527
This is a dramione fan fiction. The golden trio return to Hogwarts to repeat their 7th year because the hunt for horcruxes stopped them from being able to complete their magical education. Many other students from their year have chosen to return as well, including none other than Draco Malfoy an ex-death eater. But will the students forgive him or will they all still hate him? Harry and Gin…
  12,527 Reads • 24 Chapters
Fred Weasley x Reader (y/n fanfic) by Olivia Adams 4 12,479
if you're as in love with fred as i am then you might want to read this <3
  12,479 Reads • 4 Chapters
A Guide to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic by Adelaide Dubois 6 12,393
Adelaide Rothschild is a French-English student of Hogwarts. Due to her mother's French heritage and family past at Beauxbatons, she has come on campus many times, sometimes even living there for weeks on end. A Guide to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic allows for Hogwarts students to glimpse what life is like for their French counterparts. Disclaimer: Not everything said here is real. Some piece…
  12,393 Reads • 6 Chapters
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self Protection by ภครђ ק๏ttєг 5 11,813
This book provides insight and information on various dark creatures, it also contains some defensive spells, such as the Knockback Jinx.
  11,813 Reads • 5 Chapters
The 4th curse by Roland Targaryen 11 11,761
We know that there are 3 unforgivable curses: The Killing Curse(Avada Kedavra) which kills its target in an instant. The Cruciatus Curse(Crucio) which tortures the chosen target. The Imperius Curse(Imperio) which can be used to control somebody. These have been the 3 unforgivable curses... until now. Read the lines of this book, as a new curse is raising to existence and innovates the…
  11,761 Reads • 11 Chapters
Ancient Runes I - Hogwarts Standard Textbook by +Bertrand Macnair+ 8 11,752
Welcome to Ancient Runes! This book will guide you through basic and helps you as supplementary readings for ACR201 and ACR301. This book is unofficial and used for self-study and references only.
  11,752 Reads • 8 Chapters
A Practical Guide To Dragons Ebook Edition by Vesper 4 11,379
This is an eBook transcription/summary of A Practical Guide to Dragons. This book is filled with everything we've learned about dragons- the fearsome chromatics, the dazzling metallics, it's all here!
  11,379 Reads • 4 Chapters
The Planetary Seals Of Solomon: An Introduction by Michaela Verde 10 11,264
The meaning, use, and power of planetary pentacles from The Greater Key of Solomon.
  11,264 Reads • 10 Chapters
The Scamander Family by Mallory Scamander 11 10,789
This is a book for those wondering the history of the Scamander family. The best wizarding family in the world!
  10,789 Reads • 11 Chapters
1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi by [No Name] 11 10,761
The all new- revised and update- herbology textbook is here by your favourite publishers: Dusklight Publishers! Are you interested in Herbology? Do you want a helping book which can cover your year 1 lessons very precisely? Just give a look to this book which is based on year 1 herbology. This book is just for reading and not for plagiarizing in the tests. Publishers: Dusklight publishers( a prin…
  10,761 Reads • 11 Chapters
Numerology And Grammatica by Lukas Karuzos 3 10,390
A helpful and complete guide to the complex art of Arithmancy.
  10,390 Reads • 3 Chapters
The Dueler'S Handbook by Penrose 6 10,152
  10,152 Reads • 6 Chapters
Hogwarts : A History (New Edition) by Shakira Marvolo Riddle 8 10,138
This book is rich with detail about the history of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. " Hogwarts: A History, also known as Hogwarts, A History, is a book concerning Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and its history that was written by Bathilda Bagshot. This Book is Complete and Unabridged.
  10,138 Reads • 8 Chapters
How to: Write a letter to someone from your Desired R… by Jazel Riddle 3 10,116
ill be explaining how you can write a letter to them without having to shift
  10,116 Reads • 3 Chapters
Magick Moste Evile by Taylor Riddle 3 10,071
Personally note that this isn't to be taken lightly, the dark arts can be dangerous for both victim and caster. You have been warned. If you're faint hearted, or plain curious I suggest you leave.
  10,071 Reads • 3 Chapters
Puff Pride... Why Hufflepuff Is Not The Duff House! by [No Name] 6 9,984
This book contains all the good things about Hufflepuff!!! Includes information from J.K. Rowling found on Pottermore
  9,984 Reads • 6 Chapters
Wandlore to the Core by Tiago. 4 9,879
This book is written by Tiago., a young wandlorist and experimental wand researcher. It contains information gathered from history around the world and personal experiences, summarizing interesting facts about the history of wandcraft and wand properties, some of them never told by other wandmakers.
  9,879 Reads • 4 Chapters
Hinny after the war by Sophie L 1 9,837
Harry and Ginny are dating again after the Battle of Howarts! This book is written for HINNY fanfiction lovers...
  9,837 Reads • 1 Chapters
Unfogging The Future: A Guide To The Fine Art Of Divi… by Ash Hellshire 9 9,705
Unfogging the Future: A guide to the Fine Art of Divination is a book of instruction on the ancient practice of predicting the future. This book will help guide and prepare you through the different ways of divination.
  9,705 Reads • 9 Chapters
A Genealogy Of The Noble And Most Ancient House Of Bl… by [No Name] 10 9,653
This text by wizarding historian Roland Sewaley covers the lineage of the House of Black, tracing the family back to its origins and outlining the members and their relations up to its last member. Also, given that there are no more male-line descendants, Mr Sewaley details the disowned members and the continuation of the genealogy through their branches of the family tree. This is a good read fo…
  9,653 Reads • 10 Chapters
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