Harry Potter Dictionary

I am going through the Harry Potter books and writing definitions for any non-muggle words I find. I will also add words from lessons which do not appear in the books.

I will include spells, objects, places, potions, ingredients, animals, plants and historic people.

Feel free to use this dictionary if there are any words in your lessons or on this website that you do not understand or do not know the meaning of.

Last Updated







Chapter 9

Inferi - A dead human body which has been reanimated by a Dark Wizard using the art of Necromancy. They are gaunt, skeletal beings with no free will since they are puppets of the Dark Wizard who created them. They have great physical strength and are immune to bodily damages, yet will retreat from fire. They are different to zombies since they are artificially formed whereas zombies are probably naturally formed.

International Statute of Secrecy (1689) - Separates the magical world from the non-magical world. The government is responsible for hiding magical activity (including magical plants and animals) from the muggles. The Accidental Magic Reversal Squad will modify a muggle's memory if they have witnessed magic too obvious to be dismissed as a dream or hallucination.

Irish Phoenix - See 'Augerey'

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