Harry Potter Dictionary

I am going through the Harry Potter books and writing definitions for any non-muggle words I find. I will also add words from lessons which do not appear in the books.

I will include spells, objects, places, potions, ingredients, animals, plants and historic people.

Feel free to use this dictionary if there are any words in your lessons or on this website that you do not understand or do not know the meaning of.

Last Updated






Authors Notes

Chapter 27

Hello fellow Hogwarts students!

Thank you for taking the time to check out my dictionary! I'm hoping it will provide you all with quick, simple definitions for words found in the magical world. As you can see it's a work in progress since it will take me a lot of time to go through all of the books. But feel free to add it to your bookshelves as a point of reference in case you ever need it for one of your lessons/assignments :) When I introduce an essay I include the definitions of words I will be talking about, so if you do the same maybe it could help with that!

I would appreciate it if you could leave me a review: tell me if there are any words you're unsure of and would like me to add, tell me if you find any mistakes I have made, and most of all tell me if you're finding it useful!

Good luck in all of your lessons and assignments!

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