My Notes, From A Ravenclaw (Year 1)

written by Anne Pickering

These are my notes for all classes through year 1. There are 7 course in the first year. Charms, History of Magic, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, DADA, and Astronomy. I will add as I am able. Please check back for new content.

Please keep in mind, these are only major points and not to be substituted for the actual lessons!

Last Updated






Ptns 101 Week 1

Chapter 5

Professor Naya Nivera,


  1. No food or drinks near your work space
  2. Do not taste or sniff ingredients or potions
  3. Keep your hands covered with gloves and away from your face
  4. Be prepared and keep your desk clean
  5. Do NOT dispose of potions in the bin or down the drain
  6. Pay attention. Do not play mad potioneer.
  7. Do NOT panic.

A potion is a mixture or compound with magical properties.
A mixture is a physical combination where ingredients retain their own properties.

A compound is a chemical combination where ingredients are changed.

Types of Potions:

  1. Antidote, which counteracts or reverses the negative effects upon the body. Some are also preventative. The general rule is that an antidote is a liquid and consumed orally.
  2. Cure, does not prevent or protect, rather it remedies after the damage has already been done
  3. Poison will cause or enhance the negative effects upon the body
  4. Solution is a homogenous mixture where a solute is dissolved in a solvent. 

A homogenous mixture is composed of only one phase, liquid, solid, or gas.

if you note a problem with this entry, please let me know. Thank you.

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