My Notes, From A Ravenclaw (Year 1)
These are my notes for all classes through year 1. There are 7 course in the first year. Charms, History of Magic, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, DADA, and Astronomy. I will add as I am able. Please check back for new content.
Please keep in mind, these are only major points and not to be substituted for the actual lessons!
Last Updated
Chrm 101 Week 1
Chapter 1 -
Dada 101 Week 1
Chapter 2 -
Herb 101 Week 1
Chapter 3 -
Hom 101 Week 1
Chapter 4 -
Ptns 101 Week 1
Chapter 5 -
Tnfg 101 Week 1
Chapter 6 -
Astr 101 Week 1
Chapter 7 -
Chrm 101 Week 2
Chapter 8 -
Dada 101 Week 2
Chapter 9 -
Herb 101 Week 2
Chapter 10 -
Hom 101 Week 2
Chapter 11 -
Ptns 101 Week 2
Chapter 12 -
Tnfg 101 Week 2
Chapter 13 -
Astr 101 Week 2
Chapter 14 -
Chrm 101 Week 3
Chapter 15 -
Dada 101 Week 3
Chapter 16 -
Herb 101 Week 3
Chapter 17 -
Hom 101 Week 3
Chapter 18 -
Ptn 101 Week 3
Chapter 19 -
Tnfg 101 Week 3
Chapter 20 -
Astr 101 Week 3
Chapter 21 -
Chrm 101 Week 4
Chapter 22 -
Dada 101 Week 4
Chapter 23 -
Herb 101 Week 4
Chapter 24 -
Hom 101 Week 4
Chapter 25 -
Ptn 101 Week 4
Chapter 26 -
Tnfg 101 Week 4
Chapter 27 -
Astr 101 Week 4
Chapter 28 -
Chrm 101 Week 5
Chapter 29 -
Dada 101 Week 5
Chapter 30 -
Herb 101 Week 5
Chapter 31 -
Hom 101 Week 5
Chapter 32 -
Ptn 101 Week 5
Chapter 33 -
Tnfg 101 Week 5
Chapter 34 -
Astr 101 Week 5
Chapter 35 -
Chrm 101 Week 6
Chapter 36 -
Dada 101 Week 6
Chapter 37 -
Herb 101 Week 6
Chapter 38 -
Hom 101 Week 6
Chapter 39 -
Ptn 101 Week 6
Chapter 40 -
Tnfg 101 Week 6
Chapter 41 -
Astr 101 Week 6
Chapter 42 -
Chrm 101 Week 7
Chapter 43 -
Dada 101 Week 7
Chapter 44 -
Herb 101 Week 7
Chapter 45 -
Hom 101 Week 7
Chapter 46 -
Ptn 101 Week 7
Chapter 47 -
Tnfg 101 Week 7
Chapter 48 -
Astr 101 Week 7
Chapter 49 -
Chrm 101 Week 8
Chapter 50 -
Dada 101 Week 8
Chapter 51 -
Herb 101 Week 8
Chapter 52 -
Hom 101 Week 8
Chapter 53 -
Ptn 101 Week 8
Chapter 54 -
Tnfg 101 Week 8
Chapter 55 -
Astr 101 Week 8
Chapter 56
Dada 101 Week 4
Chapter 23
Incendio is, as it sounds, is a fire-making
charm. It can be used to conjure flames, either in a jet or ball. Uses
range from lighting a fireplace to starting a fire in the wilderness.
Since I'm sure you all know situations fire can be used, good and bad, I
will let you all come up with situations that this spell could be used
for. Please do not consider using it in a dueling situation, as you will
lose points on your project.
Diffindo is
also known as the 'severing charm'. It can be used to cut pieces of
paper, clothing, and other items. It can be used in defense or offense,
though other spells are usually more effective for these situations.
When thinking about your project, think about uses for the spell that do
NOT have to deal with dueling. Only use Diffindo with an inanimate
Flipendo is also known as the
'knockback jinx'. It is often used in defense to knockback opponents,
but can also be used in day to day activity. Moving large objects,
flipping magically charged switches, and clearing out debris may all be
things that this spell could be used for. Focus on non-dueling aspects
of this spell during your project.
if you note a problem with this entry, please let me know. Thank you.