My Notes, From A Ravenclaw (Year 1)
These are my notes for all classes through year 1. There are 7 course in the first year. Charms, History of Magic, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, DADA, and Astronomy. I will add as I am able. Please check back for new content.
Please keep in mind, these are only major points and not to be substituted for the actual lessons!
Last Updated
Dada 101 Week 3
Chapter 16
Wand Safety
To perform any simple spell, you should extend your arm towards the aim
of your spell, slightly bent at the elbow, and state your incantation of
choice alongside it’s movements. Never hold close to the body, point at body/face or hold to the side.
Store wand in holder/bag/box made for it.
Three Main Factors of Spellcasting
Wand Movement
The movement that is required for the spell you are casting.
The word or phrase that is to be said for the spell you are casting.
The motivation behind your spell.
Types of Spells
Alters an object’s form or appearance.
Alters an object’s behavior or qualities.
Offensive spell, minor dark magic, mainly cause humor or slight discomfort.
Offensive spell, lasting effects, moderate dark magic.
Offensive spell, strong and usually dangerous effects, severe dark magic.
Defensive or standard spell, reverses or inhibits an effect of another spell.
Improves the condition of a living being or object.
Offensive spells normally have a connotation of dark magic, and are ranked in three separate severity.
Defensive spells are spells used by witches and wizards to defend themselves from offensive spells or dangerous situations.
Types of Dark Magic
jinxes are considered mild. Because jinxes
can range in severity, depending on the intensity of the casting, they
can at times cause lasting harm. Usually, though, any harm is temporary,
and is usually just humiliating.There
are also some jinxes that are used in warding. These are special cases
in which a jinx may be considered defensive. They are spells that might
be considered either jinxes OR charms.Hex
are generally considered to be moderate dark magic. These are often
spells used to cause sustained discomfort, injury, and sometimes even
death in severe cases. Effects normally continue until a counter is in
place, or potions have been taken to help reverse or stop effects.Some
hexes are used to change physical appearance, (regrow teeth, hair,
etc…). Although these spells in particular are not normally considered
dark magic, they should be practiced with caution, and only by someone
who has been trained to use them. Misuse of a hex, even
well-intentioned, can cause serious harm.Curse
most dangerous type of spell classification is a curse. Curses are
designed for severe harm, injury, or death. They are purely offensive
spells, and should not be used by ANYONE who has not been trained for
their proper use and intent. Effects of curses are normally long-term,
lasting, and require more treatment than hexes to stop. Some curses
produce irreversible damage, and others are simply very hard to treat.
Disarming charm. works on any object someone is holding, not just wands. Most defensive-dueling spells rely more on the intent and the pronunciation of the spell than the movement of your wand. A white stream of light or a blue ball of energy should shoot from the tip of your wand and connect with your target’s hands. More powerful/advanced ones may result in a scarlet jet that connects the wand to the target.
Effects range from being shocked, dropping of target, and for more severe spells, unconsciousness, being knocked of the feet and hair standing on end. The power and intent being put into the spell will determine how the spell is going to be used, and what the outcome might be.
Should only be used defensivly.
if you note a problem with this entry, please let me know. Thank you.