Defense Against the Dark Arts 101 Textbook by taekwondofizz

written by Taekwondofizz

Need help in DADA 101? Don't worry. That's why this book is here.

Last Updated







Chapter 1
Spell: The Verdimillious Charm (Offensive version)
Incantation: Verdimillious (vur-duh-MILL-ee-us)
Wand Movement: A forward slash the ends pointing at the target
Concentration: Low - focus on the effect
Willpower: Low

Spell: The Verdimillious Charm (Illumination version)
Incantation: Verdimillious (vur-duh-MILL-ee-us)
Wand Movement: A circular motion above your head aimed at nothing
Concentration: Low - focus on the effect
Willpower: Low - More willpower can slightly extend the duration of the light

Spell: The Revealing Charm
Incantation: Aparecium (AH-par-EH-see-um)
Wand Movement: Tap the target object
Concentration: Low - focus on the effect
Willpower: Low - Can use more willpower to “charge” the spell and make it last longer

Spell: The Wand-Lighting Charm
Incantation: Lumos (LOO-mos)
Wand Movement: A counter-clockwise loop
Concentration: Low - lighting up the tip of your wand
Willpower: Low

Spell: The Wand-Extinguishing Charm
Incantation: Nox (NOCK-ss)
Wand Movement: A flick of the wand
Concentration: None
Willpower: None

Spell: The Knockback Jinx
Incantation: Flipendo (fli-PEN-doh)
Wand Movement: A downward diagonal to the right, followed by an upward diagonal movement
to the right and ending with a swish
Concentration: Low
Willpower: Low to Moderate
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