Coleman's Book Of Wands

written by Matthew Coleman

A simple book summarizing every general topic of wands. Including Cores, Woods, History, Famous Witch's and Wizard's Wands, Wandlore, and much much more!

Last Updated






Wand Woods

Chapter 4

Not all trees or species of trees are able to produce Wand Wood quality stocks. Only a small minority of trees can actually produce wand quality wood. It takes many years of experience and training to be able to tell which trees have the gift of magic. Though there are a few tricks that make the task easier. Such as, If a magical creature has taken up residence in or around the tree. Most magical creatures are naturally drawn to these trees. Alternatively, studies suggest you may be able to train certain animals to help detect trees that have magic properties. Though rumors have surfaced lately regarding spells and/or potions being used to help aid in finding these trees, though these rumors are unconfirmed at this time.

Various different types of woods are used in the crafting of wands. A stock or branch of a magic tree is embedded with a core of a magical substance, this combination will ultimately dictate a large number of the wand's properties. But it is still important to note, the wood type used to craft the wand will control the channeling of the magic cast through it and how that magic can be used. Wands also vary according to length, from at least 5" to 16". Though there are cases in which wands are shorter or taller than the average wand, but these are fairly rare cases. Another quality the wood has, is its rigidity. A wands rigidity may be as firm as stone, to soft enough to bend easily. All of these factors vary from wand to wand, each is unique in it own way. 

Below is a list of wood types i have come across in my studies. You will find a brief overview of the wood and its general characteristics.



-Wands made from Acacia are often times hard to match with a Witch or Wizard

-Acacia wands will refuse to produce magic for anyone besides it owner

-Tends to withhold its true full power from all but the most gifted Witches or Wizards


-Alder's rigidity is typically Unyeilding (Meaning very solid, not bendable)

-Its ideal owner is someone who is considerate, helpful, and most likeable 

-Best suited for Non-Verbal Spell Work

-When happily matched Alder wands become one of the most magnificent and loyal wand avaiable

-Very powerful when combined with Phoenix Feather



- Applewood wands are not made in great numbers

-Those of high ideals often times will receive an Applewood wand

-An unusual ability to converse with other magical beings in their native tongues is often found among apple wand owners

-Wands made of applewood mix very poorly with the Dark Arts


-Ashwood bonds very strongly with one person, and it sees that person as its one true master

-If passed down or gifted to another owner, the wand will lose a great deal of power and skill (This tendency is extreme if the core is of Unicorn)

-Those who are chosen by Ashwood wands typically stubborn and are not lightly swayed from their beliefs or purpose

-Owners of these wands are never crass or arrogant


-Wand-quality aspen wood is highly prized by all wandmakers, for its resemblance to ivory and its outstanding charmwork

-Those who own aspen wands are often accomplished duellists or destined to be one

-Aspen wand owners are generally strong minded and determined individuals, this wand is a wand type for revolutionaries


-This wand wood type requires a great deal of wisdom from its owner (Knowledge, Understanding, Experience, etc.)

-If a Beech wood wand is matched to a narrow-minded or intolerant witch or wizard, then the wand will perform very weakly and cause poor spell casting

-When this wand is matched correctly, it 's subtlety and artistry is greater than any other wand in creation.


-Birch is one of the rarest wand wood types in existence, and there for its hard to find much details on its properties

-It is rumored that Birch wood is very balanced and one of the most mundane woods

-There has been mentions of it being a great family wand, since it adapts new owners very easily


-This wood type is suited for a "Warrior" or one seeks a challenge/challenger

-In order for a Blackthorn wand to truly bond with its owner, the wand and owner must endure a great hardship together.

-Due to this wood's bonding nature, Blackthorn wands are of the most loyal wands a witch or wizard could hope to have

Black Walnut:

-This wand wood is abnormally tuned to the inner conflict of it's owner

-If this wand feels any sort of self-deception inside of it's owner, it will dramatically lose power and effectiveness at spell casting

-When paired with self-aware and sincere owner this wand will remain loyal to them. Making this a difficult wand to pass down to someone else

-Black Walnut wands are perfect for witches or wizards seeking to pursue Charmwork 


-The owners of Cedar wands generally have strength of character and an undying loyalty

 -The Ollivander's believe the owners of Cedar wands are not to be crossed and that they can not be easily fooled

-This wood type makes wands that do well in combat and work better under pressure


-This wand wood is rarely seen and highly prized by students of the Japanese school for magic, Mahoutokoro

-Cherry wood makes some of the most lethal wands known to wizards

-These wands should never be paired with an owner of power self control and strength of will


-Chestnut is attracted to a very specific group of witches and wizards, these wands generally are owned by Magical Beast Tamers, Herbologist, or those who are natural born broom fliers

-The core of these wands greatly affect who the bond too and why

-Generally has average power and spell consistence


-Cypress wands are greatly associated with valor

-Owners of these wands are very brave and strong willed

-Wandmakers are always honored to meet those who are chosen by Cypress wands, for they know the are destined for a glorious life


-This wand wood is very quirky and mischievous; they have a playful nature and insist upon owners who can provide them with excitement and fun.  

-These spells, despite their nature, are still very good at their spell casting ability. They are known to work very well under difficult circumstances

-Dogwood wands tend to be noisier than other wands and refuse to cast non-verbal spells

-If matched with the proper owner, Dogwood wands can cast dazzling enchantments


-Ebony wood creates wands that suite any type of combative magic or transfiguration spellwork

-Theses wands generally find owners who are filled with courage and have strong values

-Matching these wands to witches or wizards is never hard, for those who receive an Ebony wand are sure to live life by their own standards


-The rarest wand wood known to witches and wizards

-Those who get matched with and Elder wood wand are believed to be marked for a special destiny

-These wands scorn to remain with any owner who is not the superior of his or her company, but these wands themselves contain a very powerful magic


-Elm wands prefer owners with presence, magical dexterity and a certain native dignity

-When matched properly, these wands have the least amount of accidents while spell casting

-It was believed that only pure-bloods could wield a Elm wands, this has been disproved 

English Oak:

-A wand of Oak will be there for good times and bad, this is a wand as loyal as the wizard who deserves it.

-Oak wands often demand their owners have strength, courage and fidelity. If one of these traits lack then the wand itself will begin to lack

-The owners of these wand will often have a powerful intuition and at times an affinity for magic of the natural world (Creatures, plants, etc.)


-These wands have been referred to as The Survivors Wand

-Fir trees produce wands that demand staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and favor owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanor

-If used correctly, Fir wands are exceptionally gifted at Transfiguration


-All Hawthorn wands tend to have am enhanced ability to cast healing magic

-These wands are complex and intriguing in their natures, just like the owners who best suit them.

-Hawthorn wands are not easily mastered, for these wands demand their owner to have proven talent. If placed with a witch or wizard that does not have the talent needed then these wands will backfire and cause harm to the owner 

-As well as proven talent, the wands of Hawthorn also find owners who have a conflicted nature or are going through a period of turmoil in their life


-Hazel is a sensitive wand, for hazel often times reflects its owner's emotional state. 

-Owners of Hazel wands are witches and wizards who can manage their own feelings and empathize with others. For if the owner of a Hazel wand loses his temper, his or her wand can act in unpredictable ways

-Due to how connected these wands are to their owners, often times when the master dies the wand itself will die aswell. Losing all magical properties

-Hazel wands also have the unique ability to detect water underground, and will emit silvery, tear-shaped puffs of smoke if passing over concealed springs and wells.

-These wands have the ability to learn a large amount of complex spells and recall them with ease


-Holly wood is another rare wood used in wand crafting

-These wands are generally considered protective, it works most happily for those who may need help overcoming anger and impetuosity. At the same time, holly wands often choose owners who are engaged in some dangerous and often spiritual quest

-The wand core used in these wands greatly effects its ability, characteristics, and attitude

-It is an old superstition that those with Holly wands should not marry those with an Oak wand, for the two share no common interest and the marriage would end poorly


- Hornbeam wands seek out owners who are talented and have a pure passion for something in their lives

-These wands adapt very quickly to their owner's style of magic, becoming very personalized at a extremely fast rate

-Due to how in-touch these wands are with their owners, they also pick up their owner's honor and reflect it through spell casting and consistence

-Hornbeam wood generally does not make a good family wand, for it does not adapt new owners very easily. But there are recorded cases of Hornbeam wands being passed several generatioins


-Ivy is rarely seen, to due its lack of uses

-This wand wood creates wands that lack power, ability, and purpose

-Even though Ivy is one of the most beautiful woods available, it is not used often to do its lack of characteristics and magical properties


- Strong, durable and warm in colour, larch has long been valued as an attractive and powerful wand wood

-Larch wands are known to instill courage and confidence in their owners, in same cases making them utterly fearless

-Garrick Ollivander found that larch always created wands of hidden talents and unexpected effects, which likewise describes the master who deserves it.


-It is said that a Laurel wand cannot perform a dishonourable act, although in the quest for glory (a not uncommon goal for those best suited to these wands), laurel wands have been known to perform powerful and sometimes lethal magic

-the Laurel wand is unable to tolerate laziness in an owner, and it is in such conditions that it is most easily and willingly won away.

-Laurel wands will cleave happily to its first match forever, and indeed has the unusual and engaging attribute of issuing a spontaneous lightning strike if another witch or wizard attempts to steal it


-Mahogany wands are very equiped for Transfiguration spells and flourish when mastered properly

-These wands have an average level of power, but when matched with a uniquely brave individual they become much more powerful

-All wands made of Mahogany wood are pliable (bendable/flexible in rigidity)


-Garrick Ollivander found that most witches or wizards selected by Maple wands are nature Travelers or Explorers;

-Fresh challenges and regular changes of scene cause this wand to literally shine, burnishing itself as it grows, with its partner, in ability and status.

-Possession of a maple wand has long been a mark of status, because of its reputation as the wand of high achievers.



-When a pear wand is matched with someone who is warm-hearted, generous, or wise, this wand will have extraordinary magical capacity and power

-Garrick Ollivander recalls that he had never seen a Pear wand be in the possession of a Dark Witch or Wizard

-Pear wands are among the most resilient, and it is noted that they may still present a remarkable appearance of newness, even after many years of hard use


-These wands almost always chooses an independent, individual owner who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious

-Pine wands enjoy njoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt easily to new methods and spells

-Wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives

-Another interesting fact about Pine wands is that they refuse to cast Non Verbal Spells


-Witches or Wizards selected by Poplar wands are those of high integrity, easily relied upon, consistency, and moral fiber

-The Ollivander family greatly honors every Witch or Wizard who owns a Poplar wand, for they know the person is Honorable and Noble

-Poplar wand's spell casting is considered to be some of the fastest known to wizardkind, meaning that the spell shoots from the wand to the target faster than most wands available

Prickly Ash:

-Bares no physical or magical relation to the standard Ash wood commonly found in Great Britian and the Americas

-Prickly Ash wands are uncommon to find, due to how hard it is to find a Prickly Ash tree able to grow Wand Worthy wood stocks

-Wands crafted with Prickly Ash are rumored to be extremely selective about whom it allows to wield it


- Wand-quality redwood is in short supply, but yet has a constant demand

-Redwood wands have one of the highest reputation, due to its appearance and traits. Wizardkind generally says that these wands are lucky

-These wands are not themselves lucky, but are attracted to witches and wizards who already possess a lucky quality, characteristic or feature

Red Oak:

-The "Perfect Match" for a Red Oak wand is someone ready to react and quick of reflexes, making it perfect for dualing

-Witches or Wizards whom wield these wands generally are destinied to be great at whichever type of magic they choose. The Red Oak being the perfect tool for a level-headed user

-Red Oak wands often select very trustw-worthy and honest user


-Reed wands are best suited for the bold, outspoken, and independent witches and wizards of the world

-Oddly enough, Every Reed wand owners tend to speak very eloquently (either in their normal speaking voice or when casting spells)

-These wands rarely tend to truly bond with witches or wizards that do not keep close friends in their lives


-Rosewood got its name from its sweet smell it has for years after being picked and used to make a wand

-This wood is commonly used for furniture in the wizarding world

-Those that are selected by a Rosewood wood tend to be very kind, soft spoken, or incredible selfless


-Rowan wood wands are completely disassociated with the Dark Arts, Garrick Ollivander recalls that he had never seen a Rowan wand  owner become corrupt and turn to the Dark Arts

-Garrick Ollivander also noted that wizards chosen by rowan wands tend to be compatible with those chosen by the Elder Wand

-A nickname for Rowan wood is "Mountain Ash"

-This wand wood has a reputation for selecting good-hearted Witches and Wizards, thus making it a prized want to acquire

Silver Lime:

-This unusual and highly attractive wand wood was highly popular in the nineteenth century

-Silver Lime has a reputation for performing best for Seers and those skilled in Legilimency. Both of these are mysterious art, giving the owner of Silver Lime wands a high social status

-These wands tend to be very picky when it comes to finding an owner, making it a rare sight to see these given in present day


-Spruce wood produces wands that are poorly suited for those who are overly cautious or nervous natures, becoming positively dangerous in fumbling fingers

-Wands made of Spruce wood are meant to be wielded by a firm hand, because these wands often appear to have their own idea of what magic it ought to use in certain situations

-When these wands bond with an ideal match, it becomes a superb helper and intensely loyal to their owner

-These wand often find owners who have a good sense of humor, very confident, and quick witted


-Sycamore wood makes questing wands, that seek adventure and eager for new experiences

-It has been noted that these wands are capable of becoming "bored" and may destroy itself if kept bored for too long

-The sycamore’s ideal owner is curious, vital and adventurous, and when paired with such an owner, it demonstrates a capacity to learn and adapt that earns it a rightful place among the world’s most highly-prized wand wood


-Vine wands are among some of very uncommon to see in present day

-Owners of Vine wood wands are nearly always witches or wizards that seek a greater purpose in the world, who have a vision beyond the ordinary, and who frequently improve the world around them

-These wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths

-Reliable sources claim that these wands can emit magical effects upon the mere entrance into their room of a suitable owner, and this has been noted to have occurred twice within Ollivander's Wand Shop


-Highly intelligent witches and wizards often are offered a walnut wand for their first trial of wand testing, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate

-Walnut wands are often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventors; this is a handsome wood possessed of unusual versatility and adaptability

-These wands adapt new owners very quickly, given they be intelligent enough. Making Walnut wands a lethal weapon in the hands of someone with no conscience; for the wand and the wizard may feed from each other in a very dangerous way (increasing strength, cast speed, etc.)


-Willow wood is an uncommon wand wood with healing power

-The ideal owner for a Willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it

-Highly sought after for its handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic


-These wands are among some the rarest wands in the wizarding world

-Yew wands have a dark and fearsome reputation in the areas of dueling and cures

 -It was once believed that owners of Yew wands went towards the Dark Arts more other wand types, this has been found to be false

-Where wizards have been buried with wands of yew, the wand generally sprouts into a tree guarding the dead owner’s grave

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