Gardiner’s Sign List: A Magical Addendum
written by Venita Wessex
Looking for a quick and easy reference for the uses of magical hieroglyhics? Look no further. Authors Arkaeus and Olin Baldric have created an excellent field guide for curse-breakers, magianthropologists, magiarchaeologists and more.
Last Updated
Authors' Preface
Chapter 3
This will be short, we promise; one last thing before you dive into the guide. After what seems like centuries of nit-picking by the three of us, each entry has been formatted in a uniform way to make it easier to get everything you need to know in one glance. That means, each entry looks something like this:
Letter# (Name)
Original phonetic meaning, Mundane ideographic meaning
Misinterpreted? Miscategorized?
Magical Uses, Meanings, and Pairings:
“Letter#” This refers to the original categorization from Gardiner’s Sign List, or the letter of the category (for example, A is “Man and His Occupations”) and then the number in that category.
“Name” refers to the shorthand name listed alongside the original entry, as this can often provide clarification for confusing glyphs.
“Original phonetic meaning, Mundane ideographic meaning” Next are the phonetic meanings and ideographic meanings assigned to the glyph as determined by Muggle scholars.
“Misinterpreted? Miscategorized?” With these basic reference pieces out of the way, we finally get to the nitty-gritty: the magical component. Some of these glyphs, due to the intervention and original categorization by Muggles, are wrongly identified. We strove to correct this in as many instances as possible, though we make no recommendations for how they should be classified in the future, or if they should be re-classified.
“Magical Uses, Meanings, and Pairings” This section speaks to which spells we’ve seen the signs used in, as well as any other signs they are commonly combined with, if any. Additionally, the magical meaning assigned to the glyph by ancient magi is also often mentioned, though sometimes the differences between the mundane ideographic meanings and magical meanings are minimal.
“Anecdotes/Comments” Lastly, if there is any particularly enlightening story regarding the glyph, or some extra thoughts that didn’t fit elsewhere, you’ll find them in this section.
Enjoy and explore,

Arkaeus and Olin Baldric
Curse-breaker and magianthropologist
Letter# (Name)
Original phonetic meaning, Mundane ideographic meaning
Misinterpreted? Miscategorized?
Magical Uses, Meanings, and Pairings:
“Letter#” This refers to the original categorization from Gardiner’s Sign List, or the letter of the category (for example, A is “Man and His Occupations”) and then the number in that category.
“Name” refers to the shorthand name listed alongside the original entry, as this can often provide clarification for confusing glyphs.
“Original phonetic meaning, Mundane ideographic meaning” Next are the phonetic meanings and ideographic meanings assigned to the glyph as determined by Muggle scholars.
“Misinterpreted? Miscategorized?” With these basic reference pieces out of the way, we finally get to the nitty-gritty: the magical component. Some of these glyphs, due to the intervention and original categorization by Muggles, are wrongly identified. We strove to correct this in as many instances as possible, though we make no recommendations for how they should be classified in the future, or if they should be re-classified.
“Magical Uses, Meanings, and Pairings” This section speaks to which spells we’ve seen the signs used in, as well as any other signs they are commonly combined with, if any. Additionally, the magical meaning assigned to the glyph by ancient magi is also often mentioned, though sometimes the differences between the mundane ideographic meanings and magical meanings are minimal.
“Anecdotes/Comments” Lastly, if there is any particularly enlightening story regarding the glyph, or some extra thoughts that didn’t fit elsewhere, you’ll find them in this section.
Enjoy and explore,

Arkaeus and Olin Baldric
Curse-breaker and magianthropologist