The Hogwarts Is Here Elective Guide
Learn about all of the electives available on HiH and help you understand which are best for you! Learn about Alchemy, Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies, Ancient Studies, Mythology, Arithmancy, and Magical Art! I hope this helps!
Last Updated
The Guide
Chapter 1
So you all know the core classes at Hogwarts is Here. To advance at Hogwarts is Here, you must complete all of the core classes for that year. There are seven core classes, which are: Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration. However, beginning in your second year, you are required to take two electives each year. Further, there are a ton of electives that you can take in your years at Hogwarts that you may not know about. Here in this article, you will learn about all of the current electives at Hogwarts is Here (current to August 2024), and will hopefully help you know if you want to continue on your yearly quest or take some electives available in future years.
Before we go into the electives, let's begin with one quick fact. You do not need to go by year on HiH. You can be a first year and take a year 7 course as long as you have completed the required courses before it. Completing all seven years on HiH is extremely challenging, so some may choose to not complete core classes and instead take more interesting electives. However, like core classes, you must take the previous years of the class before moving on to the next. Now, let's go through the electives you can take.
In your first year, there is only one available elective. For first years, you do not need to take an elective, but if you want to, you can take flying. Flying is a one year only course, which means that once you complete the nine lessons you have no other work to do. You will learn everything you need to know in that time. You will learn from Madame Eira Fox and will learn about an important form of magical transportation and some advanced movements as well.
The Elective Guide
For the following years, the classes will be shown off in a catalog as certain classes are offered for more than one year. If the class is offered for more than one year, it will only be mentioned in its first year and will mention how many years it is available for.
Year 2
Taught by Professor Rosenquist
Available for Years 2-6
5 Years of Courses
The class demonstrates ways of Potions, Transfiguration, and more and helps you learn about many different spiritual and physical magic. The class teaches about many different things that teach about the purpose of Alchemy which is a class that teaches us about unknown parts of the magical world that impact us all and make us who we are. This class teaches a lot about the muggle ideas of chemistry as well as spirituality. The class mentions the four aspects/elements, noble metals, planetary aspects, and more. If you love learning about a more hidden part of the magical world that also requires the use of your hands and is a practical class, then this class is for you!
Ancient Runes
Taught by Professor Everby and Headmistress Oshiro
Available for Years 2-7
6 Years of Courses
The class teaches about an ancient language that is in the magical world in so many ways that many do not recognize. The class goes into ancient times where runes were used to how they are used today. The class teaches us to understand runes and what they mean, in that sense showing how to read runes as well as the symbolism of the rune. You will also learn about the magical powers that some runes hold and how to use them and create them. This class does certainly require a lot of brainpower, but if you love learning about language and history, this class will benefit you in so many ways!
Care of Magical Creatures
Taught by Professor Aspen and Headmistress Oshiro
Available for Years 2-7
6 Years of Courses
The class informs you about all of the fun, mysterious, and dangerous magical creatures of our world. The class will go through a plethora of creatures and teach them to you to help you understand the world and lives of these creatures. By the end of the six years of learning the course, you will know almost everything about most magical creatures. If you are an animal person or love the imaginative side of our magical world, definitely take this class!
Taught by Professor Fayge
Available for Years 2-6
5 Years of Courses
The class demonstrates ways of future seeking and fortune telling. You will learn about many ways to see or predict the future and will learn about many ways in which this can be done. This class allows you to take peeks into the rest of your lives from wherever you are now. This class allows for a spiritual journey to find out where you may go in your life and how to improve where you are now. If you love the future and would love to learn more about it, this class would be a great pick for you!
Year 3
Muggle Studies
Taught by Professor Soliel
Available for Years 3-5
3 Years of Courses
The class teaches you about the muggle world and about their many unordinary ways of life. Throughout the years you will learn about fascinating muggle inventions, governments, schooling, careers, and end with learning about pop culture! The course is fun and allows you to learn about some parts of the odd muggle world you may not have known before! If you are someone who knows little about the muggle world, I suggest you learn more and take this class!
Year 4
Ancient Studies
Taught by Professor Salvatrix
Available for Years 4-7
4 Years of Courses
The class teaches you about the history of many ancient civilizations and learn about their ways of magic as well as ways of life and muggle and magical worlds. This class will take you all throughout the world, through Egypt and Mesopotamia, to Greece and Rome, to the Americas, and ending with Japan, China, and India. This class teaches you all about ancient history and the way magic influenced them. Not just that, but you will also have discussions about the ways that ancient people saw the world and how that is different from us. If you love history and need more of it, I would definitely take this class!
Taught by Professor Salvatrix and Headmistress Oshiro
Available for Years 4-7
4 Years of Courses
The class will inform you on the mythology of many different religions that are throughout the world. The course focuses on the same locations as Ancient Studies and moves at the same pace. The class teaches you about the pantheons and stories of these many different religions. The class will give you new views of many different religions as well as the world as you know it. If you love hearing stories and love stories and myths and legends, there is no better class for you than this!
Year 5
No Classes
Year 6
Taught by Professor Buchanan
Available for Years 6
1 Years of Courses
The class will help you understand this very important form of Divination that is all about numbers and math. The class will go through ways to predict the future using patterns and numbers. The class will teach you about an important branch of Divination that also helps you learn about how important numbers can be in our world. If you love math and Divination, take this class!
Magical Art
Taught by Professor Rosenquist
Available for Years 6
1 Years of Courses
The class will teach you about art and everything about it. You will learn about many different types of art including drawings, photography, painting, sculptures, and more. You will also learn about many rules of art that will help you understand both muggle and magic art more. The class will teach you about many different types of art and when you exit the class you will be so much better at art than when you started. If you love art, you will no doubt love this class!
Well, those are all of the current electives that are available at Hogwarts is Here. I have not taken all of these electives, but I really do suggest all of them. These electives are so important as they can teach you about things that are more interesting for you than the core classes. For some of you, core classes are no doubt the way to go. However, for some others, electives are what you need, and I hope this can inform you more on what electives you want to take!