Magical Mysteries Newspaper │New Club Bonus Issue #1
And the time has come for the first ever issue of Magical Mysteries Newspaper (MMN). Have you ever dreamed of working for an active newspaper? Are you hooked by reading articles? Then you're in luck. The MMN is hiring! We are looking for active individuals to join the team. Read the first issue here to find out what it's like. Credits to: Daisy Delacour
Last Updated
Bonus Issue Intro
Chapter 1
All aboard for the first ever MMN issue,
Lets gooooo. Warm greetings to you, dear reader, please feel free to owl me with ideas about this newspaper (if you have any). And welcome to the first ever bonus issue of the Magical Mysteries Newspaper. My name is Daisy and I'm pleased to be writing this. As this is the beggining of the newspaper, this bonus issue brings not much detail about life at Hogwarts but more about the club itself and how you can join, should you wish.
So as I will always explain at the start of each bonus issue (and generally a editor's note at the back of normal issues) I will give a brief summary of what's going on and a handy portkey to whatever column you want. You're welcome : )
Let me beggin with a few links and details on how to join the club :) - the lovely headquarters of our newspaper. Only staff allowed so no peeking : ) -
Here is the chatting place for all Magical Mysteries Newspaper fans out there. Vacancies, surprise issues and bonus articles are all posted here and you will be notified with all issues open. And a spot to snag an interview and star in it!
There will be load of chances to take part - so please join!
Hope to see you around!
D. Delacour