Hogwarts Monthly Magazine October 2023 Halloween Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is back. The October 2023 issue is a Halloween special issue with spookily fabulous gossip, mystically petrifying celestial events and shockingly delicious Halloween treat recipes that you don't want to miss. Jump into the pages for a hair-raising Halloween ride and dive into challenging adventures.

Last Updated






Breaking, Joining and Rearranging News - We Have a New Professor and a Re-explored Universe

Chapter 3

Hogwarts welcomed a new member of the faculty, Professor Laurel, sometime in the second week of October. Professor Lavinia Laurel, an expert in the field of Charms, joined us as co-Professor and will be teaching alongside Professor Virneburg. Charms are spells that alter an object without changing its essential nature, and are taught at Hogwarts as a separate subject. The entire school community was excited to have Professor Laurel on board and looked forward to seeing her around campus. She is already well known, in just a few days from joining, for her commitment to excellence and dedication to helping students succeed. The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine team wishes to give a warm welcome to Professor Laurel!






Those who want to get acquainted with the Professor and read her own introduction to herself for her students can visit her profile at https://www.hogwartsishere.com/1571784/.

If the profile is not accessible, you can simply search for her by "Professor Laurel" to find her.



-Aanya, journalist and proof-reader, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.






Meanwhile, apart from breaking news of joining, some soulful celestial rearrangement is afoot at Hogwarts. The Astronomy lessons for second year students and above have been undergoing rewrites under the capable hands of the indomitable expert on the subject matter, Professor Robert Plumb. The older lesson material will be pulled down soon and replaced by the latest and updated information for the students. The first year Astronomy lessons were already rewritten by Professor Robert Plumb earlier.

Update (4th of November, 2023) - The second year Astronomy lessons have been rewritten by Professor Robert Plumb. All eager Astronomy-loving students who have been waiting for the new lessons, this is your cue to legally break curfew on reasonable grounds and climb your way straight to the tallest tower in the Hogwarts Castle, the Astronomy Tower. Don't forget to take your von Rheticus telescope with you. For more magical updates, keep reading the Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.



- Hiya Debnath, journalist, editor, compiler and publisher, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine.

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