Hogwarts Monthly Magazine October 2023 Halloween Special Issue

written by Hiya Debnath

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is back. The October 2023 issue is a Halloween special issue with spookily fabulous gossip, mystically petrifying celestial events and shockingly delicious Halloween treat recipes that you don't want to miss. Jump into the pages for a hair-raising Halloween ride and dive into challenging adventures.

Last Updated






From our Team

Chapter 17

Hello Students, Staff and Spirits,

The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine team is proud to present the Halloween Special October Issue, released solely for you on October 31, Halloween. We hope you thoroughly enjoyed the spectral ride we attempted to put together, especially for you. We thoroughly enjoyed the journey of the process of creating this issue of the magazine.

With thankfulness and joy, we are proud to announce that this magazine has been brought to you by the combined sweat from the brows of our now hugely expanded team, whose crew members include: -

Journalists - Hiya Debnath (2nd year Gryffindor witch), Celestia Carrow (1st year Hufflepuff witch), Kathleen Mcgonagall (1st year Gryffindor witch), Aanya (1st year Gryffindor witch), Jace Rhodes (1st year Slytherin wizard), Alizée Dubois (1st year Gryffindor witch) and Noor Granger (1st year Hufflepuff witch).

Editors - Celestia Carrow, Hiya Debnath and Jace Rhodes

Proof-readers - Kathleen Mcgonagall and Aanya

Compiler and Publisher - Hiya Debnath

Cover Designer and Illustrator - Celestia Carrow

Sales Manager - Jace Rhodes

Marketer - Alizée Dubois

Our time together while creating this magazine was full of magic and nothing brought us more joy than putting together our brains and brawns to thrill and enthrall our beloved readers.

We would love to welcome more people to help row the boat and make the future issues of our magazine more marvelous and magical. Should you like to share the oars with us, we warmly invite you to our office. We would also be grateful for every valuable feedback and priceless opinion of our readers and be delighted to warmly welcome and chat with our readers in our office. Should you like to cheer us up with your inspiring presence, please drop into our office for a chat and to talk about anything and everything else you want.



Our office is situated among the "Groups & Clubs" of Hogwarts, at the address: - https://www.hogwartsishere.com/groups/73923/



One of us will surely be around to welcome you whenever you drop in. There is no Fidelius Charm on our little comfortable location and our doors are always left wide open for you to walk in. Should you fail to find the address, please just look for "The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine Office" in the "Groups & Clubs" directory and you will know where to find us.


This is a monthly magazine and it will be published every month with the latest, juiciest details and also some fun and entertainment. There will be a special topic every month in this magazine, our recent addition - the monthly celestial events with a glimpse into the same for the next month, and an opportunity to earn five Knuts, a free advertising opportunity and a special mention of your name in the next issue of this magazine through the Ravenclaw Common Room Door-Knocker Riddles. 


On another note, the cost of advertising anything in this magazine is one Knut per advertisement.



That is all for this issue. As a closing note, please read our "A Note of Thanks" to you. We're looking forward to presenting you with our upcoming November issue, which will bring you more stuff that you can enjoy. Until then, a very Happy, Supernatural and Terrifying Halloween to our readers.

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