Hogwarts Monthly Magazine October 2023 Halloween Special Issue
The Hogwarts Monthly Magazine is back. The October 2023 issue is a Halloween special issue with spookily fabulous gossip, mystically petrifying celestial events and shockingly delicious Halloween treat recipes that you don't want to miss. Jump into the pages for a hair-raising Halloween ride and dive into challenging adventures.
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This Month's Special Topic by Hiya - Astrology and Psychology - Which Scary Manipulation Technique would your Zodiac Sign and a Spooky Creature use?
Chapter 15
This month's special topic is dedicated to a subject matter with a Halloweeny vibe, themed on dark psychology, study of the behavior of exclusively dangerous creatures, and the zodiac. This topic blends astrology, magizoology and psychology to fathom out the dark side of the natives of each zodiac sign. In this article, written exclusively for you by none other than Hiya Debnath, the founder, compiler and publisher of this magazine, you will be taken on a magical ride through the minds of the natives born under each zodiac sign, especially shining the spotlight on a widely researched field in dark psychology - manipulation techniques. At the same time, sharing the spotlight will be some spooky magical creatures which attack or behave similarly, from your worst nightmares and most difficult Defense Against the Dark Arts Lessons, to give you goosebumps.
While you may be eager to delve in, here is a quick glimpse into what exactly the field of dark psychology is all about. Dark psychology, like the Dark Arts, can be incredibly fascinating to master, and encompasses the study of the more evil aspects of human behavior and nature. It incorporates everything from criminal behavior to serial killers to manipulation and self-destructive tendencies, but despite being associated with the negative, it can also teach us a great deal about ourselves as humans and help us explore our psyche.
In this article, we will only be focusing on manipulation techniques, a mildly dark branch of psychology, that almost everyone often takes shelter from for various purposes, knowingly or unknowingly. Some parents manipulate their children to make it easier to influence their children's minds and control their behavior, employers and colleagues manipulate employees to enhance their benefits, especially in highly competitive environments, and other people manipulate each other to serve their self-interests. While it may be harmless at times, it may also be intended to cause harm, directly, or indirectly as a side effect, depending upon the motive of the manipulator. The damage induced is more often mental or psychological, rather than physical. The mental injury possibly inflicted by manipulation can often lead to long-term cascading consequences.
Below is a list of zodiac signs, and as the title of the topic promised, a sneak peek into which manipulation technique each zodiac sign is most likely to use. As a special Halloween surprise for you, it is accompanied by a spooky magical creature which closely matches the manipulation style of each zodiac sign with its manner of attack. Let's dive into the thrilling ride through astrology, psychology and magizoology.
I Am The Boss-Bitch.
Aries (born between March 21st to April 19th), zodiac symbol - Ram, ♈
Aries natives are known for being natural leaders. They are often flashy individuals, who love to show-off and impress people with their glowing charm and dominant demeanor. They are also known for their quick and fiery temper.
Strengths: Thorough, determined, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, impassioned
Weaknesses: Moody, short-tempered, can be selfish, intense, needs to feel appreciated
Manipulation Technique: Intimidation - Aries natives rely on intimidation to impress and charm other individuals into behaving the way the Aries native wants them to.
Spooky Magical Creature: Dragon (XXXXX by M.o.M) - What better creature than the majestic dragon to represent the fiery, showy nature of Aries? Dragons, even the smallest ones, are the most formidable opponents in combat, with their strong magical immunity, similar to an Aries native's unbreakable optimism. If that doesn't already throw one off their feet, the dragon's fire-breathing ability surely will. Those impressive and flashy flames from a dragon's snout, and their charming body covered in hard, impenetrable scales, would intimidate even the strongest competitor, similar to the intimidating nature and charming personality of an Aries native. Aries individuals are also very difficult to convince unless they themselves want to agree, possessing a zeal for life that no other sign in the zodiac can beat. So are dragons, the ever untameable beasts, as any experienced witch or wizard would know.
Beautiful Until Vicious.
Taurus (born between April 20th to May 20th), zodiac symbol - Bull, ♉
Taurus natives are often seen as lazy by the ones who don't know them well, because they like to take the time to enjoy the aesthetic pleasures of life. You will often find them basking in nature, breathing in mystifying aromas and bathing in the natural beauty of the Earth. They have exquisite taste and enjoy superb quality and fineness in the joy they seek. Their interests may lie in anything that is satisfying to the senses, from fine dining to luxurious retreats, gourmet delicacies, and pleasing music to soothing massages. Ruled by the planet Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, Taurus natives possess an earthy attractiveness to themselves, which is appealing to almost everybody, and which they use to reel in people to indulge alongside them, in the aesthetic pleasures that they themselves love so much. Regardless, Taurus natives are not all about beauty and pleasure. They are also highly stubborn individuals when challenged, just like the bull that represents their sign, and it is difficult to stop them when they are headed in a particular direction, akin to a charging bull. They are also very practical despite their love for beauty, have a materialistic outlook and are reliable, responsible and devoted individuals. They are extremely possessive and fiercely loyal to their loved ones, who they will go to any lengths to protect, if threatened.
Strengths: Reliable, down-to-earth, devoted, responsible, stable
Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, self-indulgent, occasionally overconfident
Manipulation Technique: Temptation - Witches and wizards of all signs often feel drawn to the Taurus native's earthy sensuality, and Taurus takes the utmost advantage of their own allure that they are well aware of. They will often attempt to please the senses of the person they want to manipulate, to ease the individual into giving in to what they want. They will take you on a satisfying ride through the pleasures of life to coax you into the mood to actually consider their demands and needs. Therefore, if a Taurus is attempting to give you a foot massage while you sip the mug of smoky, sweet-smelling warm coffee they brewed for you, they are more possibly than not, looking to manipulate you in some manner.
Spooky Magical Creature: Bowtruckles (XX by M.o.M) - Yeah, I know, bowtruckles are not spooky at first sight, but how would you like to have your eyes gouged out mercilessly just because you tried to touch the tree they lived in, to harvest wood. Not at all, right? That's how fierce a Taurus can be, if anything they care about, from property to their loved ones, is threatened by you. They are the ultimate guardians, just like bowtruckles, inseparably bound to the trees they guard, and if you have been lucky enough to be the person a Taurus native calls home, you have found a loyal, life-long protector. But if you choose to attack their home instead, they will attack ferociously until you withdraw or manage to placate them. Just like bowtruckles, the only way to calm a Taurus native is through food. While fairy eggs and woodlice may appeal only to bowtruckles but not to a Taurus native, a few bites of a scrumptious dessert will certainly work in your favor, should you ever try to appease one born under this zodiac sign. Yeah, we are talking about using their own tactics against them.
I Will Be Gone Before You Know, Before You Even Say Hello.
Gemini (born between May 21st to June 20th), zodiac symbol - Twins, ♊
Gemini natives are the most indecisive members of the zodiac, with an inherently flaky nature. The twins living in a Gemini native's head, almost always disagree with each other, making it very difficult for Gemini natives to stick to one decision for long, and their insatiable curiosity incites them to approach one pursuit after another, which is also fueled by their unmatched social expertise and communication skills. While they are socially very competent, and can easily win friends in a jiffy, they are also very easily bored and one can never guarantee how long a Gemini native will stay in one place. They are here one moment, and elsewhere the next. It's almost like their heads are always split up in opposite directions, by the twin nature they possess. The Gems of the zodiac are often very adventurous explorers, travelers, and the ultimate discoverers.
Strengths: Kind, affectionate, curious, flexible, great at communication
Weaknesses: Nervous, indecisive, bored easily, needs social interaction
Manipulation Technique: Borderline gaslighting - A Gemini native is so inherently flaky, that they will be the first to bail out, after having made a plan themselves, and they will feel no remorse for doing so, also being the quickest to forget. Not only that, they will also make use of their superior social abilities to manipulate you into thinking that it was your idea in the first place, and that they never liked it. After all, they will also be partially correct, because the other twin in their head never agreed with the idea. This often makes the ones involved in a Gemini's plans feel ghosted at best and insane at worst, leading them to question their memory and ask if they correctly remember who actually made the plan. This, if repeated, can become a cycle of gaslighting that a Gemini's friends will inexorably face, if they don't know their Gem well. Anyone, irrespective of how close they are to their Gem, will be subjected to this, and may be harmed psychologically unless they learn not to take it personally, recognizing the nature of their Gemini friend.
Spooky Magical Creature: Hidebehind (XXXX by M.o.M) - Hidebehinds were formed from a cross between a demiguise and a ghoul. They thus possess a hybrid of traits from both, similar to the twins in a Gemini's head. It is extremely difficult to describe their appearance, as they are the best players at hide-and-seek, who can appear to vanish instantaneously by becoming invisible. They are challenging to spot and only experienced witches and wizards would ever succeed in identifying one, especially because they have no standard shape. With all their prompt invisibility and the dubiousness they cause, you can guess why a hidebehind would manipulate you exactly like a Gemini. No wonder they are Muggle cryptid creatures and only skilled witches and wizards can see them, just like only a friend who knows the Gemini native well would be able to recognize a Gemini's vanishing act with a solemn "I was never there" ,to be a manipulation tactic.
"Teardrops On My Guitar" - Song by Taylor Swift.
Cancer (born between June 21st to July 22nd), zodiac symbol - Crab, ♋
Cancer is the most emotional and sensitive sign of the zodiac. They are easily offended but also show the same sensitivity towards others. These natives are also highly imaginative and unique in their own way. You will often find a Cancer crying, brooding over something distant and making a fuss over something others would consider ordinary. They function best when left to themselves. They are exceedingly distrustful of anyone, but if you manage to earn their hard-earned trust, they are loyal companions, empathetic individuals and good friends, who will sympathize with you at every step and have your back.
Strengths: Have active imaginations, loyal, emotional, charming, quirky, free-spirits
Weaknesses: Can be pessimistic, overly private, insecure, distrustful
Manipulation Technique: Guilt-tripping - Cancer natives will manipulate you by being a dam of tears, ready to break and overflow at any moment. You will be walking on egg shells around them, feeling as unworthy as a prickly pin beside a burstable balloon, until you grow tired. You will find yourself apologizing for the smallest of slights, or be prepared to lose the Cancer native forever. The show of tears by an offended Cancer native will be so real that you will neither be able to nullify the effect, nor neglect the fact that they are hurt. Being friends with a Cancer native is like treading carefully on a difficult path, accompanied every minute by the fear of being accused of trespassing.
Spooky Magical Creature: Centaur (XXXX by M.o.M) - A Centaur would of course, not look spooky at first sight, but appearances are deceptive. After all, there is a reason why they have been deemed worthy of an XXXX classification by the Ministry of Magic. For starters, they are great archers and their mastery of hitting the bull's eye of their target with their arrows is unparalleled. Centaurs prefer to be considered beasts, despite possessing human intelligence, because they do not want to be classified alongside creatures such as vampires and hags. This gives us a general idea of the proud and sensitive nature of these creatures. They are also very distrustful of humans, particularly witches and wizards, and it takes a lot to earn their trust. This would explain why they would be compared to a Cancer native, in addition to the more obvious reason, which is their easy offendability. A centaur, like a Cancer native, is easily hurt by the slightest of insults, and it would be very difficult to earn their trust again, once they have been offended. Centaurs are also very emotional, owing to possessing a human brain, and are often seen gazing at the sky, making use of their astronomical and astrological knowledge and divinatory abilities, or weeping profoundly, lamenting the grief that only they have witnessed on Earth through their unique abilities, grief that ordinary humans would neither know nor seek to understand. Thus, you can see how closely a Cancer native would resemble a centaur, despite centaurs being the representation of a different zodiac sign, Sagittarius.
"I'm The Only One Of Me
Baby, That's The Fun Of Me" - Taylor Swift.
Leo (born between July 23rd to August 22nd), zodiac symbol - Lion, ♌
Leo natives are born attention-seekers. While they may not always seem borderline narcissistic, they prefer to thrive on praise and glorification, like the animal which is their zodiac symbol, the lion. They are cheeky, vain and proud. However, with an eye for finesse, they are also passionate and creative in whatever they do, and anything they make is a work of art. They have a distinctively cheerful presence and effortlessly demand the spotlight by charming everyone in the room with their natural glow and mesmerizing splendor.
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, luxurious, caring
Weaknesses: Arrogant, controlling, lazy, needy
Manipulation Technique: Draw Attention to themselves - A Leo native is used to being hailed by anyone and everyone. They live for adoration and flattery. They are also loud, arrogant, noisy, boisterous and attention-seeking. They are often the life of the party and are seen encircled by a group of admirers wherever they go. If you find yourself anywhere in the vicinity of a Leo native, be sure your spotlight will be stolen from right under your nose and you will not even realise it. You will be manipulated beyond the shadow of a doubt into believing that the spotlight rightfully belongs to your charming, lively and arrogant Leo friend. However, if you try stealing the spotlight from them instead, you will see the great lengths they can go to, to take it back from you. This child's play of who has the spotlight, of trying to snatch each other's glory like a basketball from the rival team, can often get quite annoying for a Leo native's loved ones. Also, a Leo native can never truly be controlled unless they really and genuinely respect you. However, a Leo native still manages to be always surrounded by a large group of friends.
Spooky Magical Creature: Poltergeist (Spirit by M.o.M) - What better creature than the sentient spirit, poltergeist, to capture the attention-seeking, boisterous charm of a Leo native. You can see me flattering them right through this sentence. If you have ever met Peeves in the Hogwarts corridors, you know how quick he is to grab your focus with his loud mischief and attention-calling pranks. You may hate him through your teeth, but you also know you cannot ignore him. He will go to the length of vulgar jokes to name-calling and pelting you with stink pellets to throwing things across the room, to ensure that you pay attention to him or at least lend your time and focus towards fixing the after-effects of his highly creative mischievous toils. He is also not easily controlled unless you command his respect, either by being powerful and wise, or by matching his level of passion towards mischief. Yet, despite hating him, we all know that Hogwarts castle would not be the "glorious mess" we are all fond of, without our beloved Peeves, the poltergeist. Combining all of these, it would be safe to say that a Leo native behaves quite similarly to a poltergeist.
I Said, "Perfection. " .
Virgo (born between August 23rd to September 22nd), zodiac symbol - Virgin, ♍
The virgins of the zodiac are dedicated hard workers in all aspects of life. They are the owners of predominantly feminine traits and can be shy and self-deprecating due to their high expectations of themselves and others. They have great analyzing abilities but are likely to overburden themselves with work or thoughts. They are more often than not overthinkers, who analyze a situation to its very depths, critically. They are the masters of criticism in the zodiac, both towards themselves and others.
Strengths: Devoted, analytical, thoughtful, hardworking, polite
Weaknesses: Can be shy, overly critical, overburdens self
Manipulation Technique: Overanalyzing and being Overly Critical - These master critics of the zodiac will manipulate you exactly through what they do best, criticizing. They will criticize you and everything you do, down to the T. They will over-analyze you at every step and put up borderline demeaning commentary, as if they were tasked with putting you in place and keeping your life perfect. If you don't stop them and yourself from taking them seriously in time, you will fall victim to their unrelenting chastisation and condemnation. Pure virgin souls as they are, always expecting you and themselves to be spotlessly clean, they will denounce you for every single mistake you make, no matter how trivial, especially if you have somehow displeased them or fallen from their favor. If they like you, they may tone down their commentary a bit, but you may rest assured that their standards of perfection are very high. Their continuous fault-finding and reproval can irreparably hurt your self-esteem and convince you that you are worthless and not well-suited to the task you are pursuing. However, keeping the over-critical nature of your Virgo friend in mind, remind yourself and your Virgo friend from time to time that self-care and relaxation are valuable for enhancing productivity, while remembering to be kind to both yourself and your Virgo friend.
Spooky Magical Creature: Pogrebins (XXX by M.o.M) - Pogrebins are creatures resembling a mossy rock in outward appearance, native to Russia. These creatures induce the fear of the external physical in you, by following you constantly on a journey, while keeping themselves hidden like a rock behind you on the path. When a pogrebin is attacking you, in the initial stages, you will feel constantly watched and the hairs on the back of your neck will rise, inducing a tingly sensation on your spine, similar to how a Virgo native starts observing you too closely when you have somehow fallen from their graces. If you don't identify a pogrebin quickly, through knowledge and being well-attuned to your feelings akin to knowing a Virgo native's over-analytical nature well, you will slowly be filled with physical and mental tiredness and despair, and feel worthless, unable to continue on your journey, exactly how the Virgo native will make you feel with their constant close inspection and criticism, making you want to give up. As the final blow, a pogrebin attacks you openly through physical means and ultimately kills you, ending you completely, once you have reached the stage of utmost despair and hopelessness from which you cannot return, conceding defeat on your journey. Similarly, a Virgo native will take advantage of your abandonment of hope, and attack openly with a slew of verbal insults, cutting off all contact with you, and leaving little hope of salvaging even just your relationship with the Virgo native, thus effectively dealing the final death stroke, especially if you don't throw in the towel yourself. This will further serve to reinforce your self-doubt and lower your self-esteem, ensuring you never try again, ultimately resulting in the death of your endeavor or relationship.
I Am Here, There, Everywhere.
Libra (born between September 23rd to October 22nd), zodiac symbol - Scales, ♎
Librans are known for their liberalism and openness. They can see from multiple perspectives and root for the unconventional, leading themselves and others to great discoveries, deviating from normal traditions. However, because of their extremely liberal and open nature, Libra natives are occasionally known to dabble in the Dark Arts.
Strengths: Cooperative, diplomatic, non-conformist, social
Weaknesses: Indecisive, will carry a grudge, absent-minded, can be argumentative
Manipulation Technique: People-pleasing and Subtle Diplomacy - Owing to their openness, Librans manipulate by being very agreeable and open. They will be subtly diplomatic and never go against you, while at the same time never going against your enemies either. Librans will stay down, keeping both sides appeased, and use their incessable people-pleasing to make everyone on both sides of the coin believe that they are being supported by the Libra natives. While this may lead to a few misunderstandings if unexpected direct communications occur between you and your enemies, a Libran will try their best to keep the storm from appearing, as long as possible, by keeping everyone feeling succoured by the Libra native, behind everyone else's back. This subtle cunning usually sees to the Libra native's interests being successfully played out, as everyone considers the Libran a powerful ally, thus providing for the Libra native's needs, while being completely unaware that their enemies are probably doing the same, with the same Libran by their side. Librans are also notorious for avoiding confrontations, especially uncomfortable ones or ones likely to lead to a fight. If you want the Libran to truly and genuinely stay on your side, instead of secretly marching along with everyone's armies, you will have to exert strict control along with stern supervision on your Libran friend. I know it sounds harsh, but that's the only way you will stop them from pleasing everyone and force them to remain only by your side. This will only work for a short while though, because Libra natives do not like to stay grounded for long.
Spooky Magical Creature: Kelpie (XXXX by M.o.M) - Kelpies are shape-shifting water-dwelling creatures that lurk in the depths of lochs, pools, streams and rivers, in Scotland and England. Like the Libra natives agreeing to whatever you say to keep you assured that they are on your side, kelpies can assume any shape they choose and think you may like, to lure you to your doom by drowning. They do not have a distinct form, which is akin to the openness of a Libran. The most common form they take is that of an attractive horse. You will be drawn by the prospect of riding on the kelpie's back, exactly what a Libran does by making you feel supported, and you will ride with no possible defence to your terrible fate, just like you will continue to live peacefully with your Libra natives, thinking that they are on your side. The only way to control a kelpie for a short while, is to bridle it with the help of a Placement Charm, akin to exactly how a Libra native can be made to stay true to your cause for a short while, with the help of strong supervision and sheer stubborn control. Like a Libra native, a kelpie cannot be kept bound for long even with a bridle and will be controlled only as long as the Placement Charm does not wear off, depending upon the willpower you exerted.
"I get drunk on jealousy
But you'll come back each time you leave
'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" - Taylor Swift.
Scorpio (born between October 23rd to November 21st), zodiac symbol - Scorpion, ♏
Scorpio natives are the problem-solvers of the zodiac. They have enormous amounts of self-discipline which directly translates into their resourcefulness and the success of their endeavors. However, in close relationships with a Scorpio native, there is more than a scorpion's sting that you would have to fear.
Strengths: Resourceful, disciplined, truthful, good problem-solver
Weaknesses: Paranoid, suspicious, secretive, can be pessimistic
Manipulation Technique: Excessively Jealous and Controlling Behavior - If you are in a close relationship with a Scorpio, rest assured that you will always be loved and taken care of. However, while you may be worried about a scorpion's venom, you will be manipulated by exactly that which you will least fear - a Scorpio native's love and care. A Scorpio native will manipulate you in the guise of their concern for your well-being, and be exceedingly possessive towards you, preventing you from doing anything that goes against their own interests, simply by reiterating that it is not safe enough or will be harmful to you in some way. What's worse is that they will get away with it, because you will be under the impression that they are just being jealous and possessive of you. After all, with their loving and caring nature, who would doubt anything beyond that?
Spooky Magical Creature: Grindylow (XX by M.o.M) - Grindylows or water-demons are greenish to olive dark creatures with horns and long arms that live in lakes, almost everywhere in Great Britain and Ireland. They are classified XX by the Ministry of Magic because they are very common inhabitants in lakes and are not particularly dangerous to humans. Though they will eat humans very rarely, they usually prefer fish. Grindylows, if they attack humans at all, will use their long arms to grasp their prey and it is very difficult to loosen their grip thereafter. Similar to grindylows, a Scorpio native would not appear particularly dangerous because of their care and concern towards you, but they would be difficult to break free from once they start controlling you in the guise of concern, akin to a grindylow's clutch.
All Is Well.
Sagittarius (born between November 22nd to December 21st), zodiac symbol - Archer, ♐
As their zodiac symbol suggests, Sagittarians have a great aim in any of their pursuits and can never be thrown off-balance. They will see through any venture they undertake, with peerless determination, zeal and enthusiasm, to the very end. However, they can also be rather emotionless and blunt at times, and often appear distracted or get side-tracked.
Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor, nature lover
Weaknesses: Bites off more than they can chew, impatient, blunt, can get side-tracked easily
Manipulation Technique: Great Convincing Skills - Sagittarius natives manipulate by putting peer pressure in the most low-key, crafty way. You will be impressed by them and want to follow them in everything they do, and in the process end up serving their interests. They will also tell you that they are doing things for your own good and that they care about you and such similar stuff, but they will secretly also be working undercover towards facilitating their own agenda, while simultaneously deceiving you into thinking that they have actually been serving your interests. They will often also get away with it, because you will never notice that they have served themselves under the table, due to their sweet and mellow words , which make you feel that they are only committed to your best.
Spooky Magical Creature: Erkling (XXXX by M.o.M) - Erklings are dark creatures that can shoot darts out of their noses, aptly typifying the zodiac sign represented by the symbol, archer. However, that's neither their main weapon nor the reason they are attributed as similar to a Sagittarius native. Erklings use laughter, or rather a high pitched cackling sound, to captivate and lure humans, particularly children or childish victims prone to their tricks because of their malleable minds, leading them away from safety and then eating them. This is similar to a Sagittarius native's tactic of making alluring statements and utilizing the malleability of another person's mind to make the person feel happy in the Sagittarian's presence and convince the person that the Sagittarius native has their best interests at heart, thus coaxing them towards ultimately serving the Sagittarian's secret interests without a clue.
I Can Read You Like A Magazine.
Capricorn (born between December 22nd to January 19th), zodiac symbol - Goat, ♑
Capricorn is the most manipulative sign of the zodiac. Capricorn natives not only have excellent manipulation skills, but are also great mind-readers. Their discipline and self-control, coupled with their intense emotional intelligence, makes it easy for them to gain complete awareness of how everyone else feels in the room, while at the same time not giving away even a single glimpse of their own feelings. It is said that Capricorn wizards and witches are often adept Legilimens and Occlumens. Capricorn natives are also known to be ambitious, determined and highly responsible individuals.
Strengths: Responsible, high achievers, self-control, usually family oriented (barring extreme situations)
Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, sarcastic
Manipulation Technique: The Silent Treatment - Capricorn natives will manipulate you by going quiet, keeping you on your toes guessing what's on their mind and what you may have done to aggravate the situation. They may even throw in a dash of Occlumency to enhance the effect, especially when they are faced with another Legilimens as adept as themselves. While you will be kept busy guessing why you haven't heard from them lately, they will know exactly what's going on inside your mind, due to their excellent mind-reading capabilities and perhaps their proficiency in Legilimency, and they will use the knowledge they obtain about you, to manipulate you in the way they want.
Spooky Magical Creature: Demiguise (XXXX by M.o.M) - Demiguises are shy, herbivorous, ape-like creatures with long, silky hair that can be spun into invisibility cloaks. These creatures thus have the ability to become invisible, guaranteeing that only trained witches and wizards are able to spot them. This is akin to the Capricorn native bestowing you with the dreadful silent treatment, as the only way you can ever guess what's on a Capricorn native's mind when they are doling out the silent treatment, is through your Legilimency skills or similarly efficient mind-reading capabilities, while also keeping in mind that Capricorn natives are expert Occlumens themselves. Demiguises have yet another unique ability, known as precognitive sight, which allows them to foresee the events of the near future. This capability, though not similar, is quite comparable to Legilimency in terms of what benefit it purveys to the creature. This genius is yet another mechanism they make use of, along with their invisibility, as tactics to evade capture by humans. This is similar to how a Capricorn native makes use of their high emotional intelligence and adroitness in Legilimency to know exactly what's on their target's mind, thus enabling them to manipulate the target accordingly.
It's This, No It's That, Well, It's Actually That.
Aquarius (born between January 20th to February 18th), zodiac symbol - Water Bearer, ♒
Aquarians are independent and self-aware individuals, endowed with a peak level of intelligence. These natives are the masters of confusion and creating unnecessary havoc and uncertainty. They use their prowess at fabricating chaos to bring any event towards an outcome that merits their personal desires.
Strengths: Friendly, original, independent, humanitarian, strong sense of self
Weaknesses: Bottles up emotions, uncompromising, often aloof or lonely
Manipulation Technique: Confusing the Opponent - Aquarius natives will employ their intelligence to generate a baffling situation for their targets, to draw them off-track, and then manipulate them towards fulfilling the self-serving desires of the Aquarian.
Spooky Magical Creature: Hinkypunk (Spirits by M.o.M) - Hinkypunks are ghostly creatures which carry a light to draw the attention of lonely travelers. The light may be in the form of a lantern or any other type of light source. Hinkypunks also make sounds, which are similar to either guttural groans or sobbing and crying. The most common hinkypunks typically have no face, eyes or nose, but possess a single leg and two arms. Now, if that does not look confusing, what would? Moreover, the light source and the sounds made by the hinkypunk are aimed at perplexing individuals into thinking that the hinkypunk is yet another human being, lost in the forest. This bewilderment entices the traveler off-track, to try and reach out to the hinkypunk, thus effectively serving the creature's interests. This is exactly similar to the bamboozling strategy implemented by Aquarians to draw their contenders off-track and make them work for the Aquarian's selfish interests.
"I need you like water
Like breath, like rain" - LeAnn Rimes.
Pisces (born between February 19th to March 20th), zodiac symbol - Fishes, ♓
Pisces natives suffer from the deleterious habit of second-guessing themselves, which often fosters self-sabotage of their otherwise strong knack for Seeing. Pisces is a creative, artistic soul. They are often empaths with a gentle and kind nature. They are also often in need of emotional support, due to their high emotional sensitivity and vulnerability.
Strengths: Empathetic, artistic, intuitive, gentle, creative
Weaknesses: Doesn’t take criticism well, overly trusting, sad, anxious
Manipulation Technique: Damsel in Distress - A Pisces will usually go all out with their emotional troubles, making you feel sorry for them and want to comfort them. They will seem very vulnerable, which in fact they are, and once they have your attention, they will tell you tales of how a particular situation is affecting them, through sobs and tears, producing quite a vivid spectacle. In the process of being a good listener, you may end up acquiescing to some of their self-interests as well, out of sympathy, without even realising that you got indirectly manipulated into doing so. The Pisces natives are the ultimate damsels in distress of the zodiac.
Spooky Magical Creature: Sirens (XXXX by M.o.M) - Pisces natives represented by the zodiac symbol, fishes, are best resembled by the sirens. Sirens are the merpeople of Greece. Merpeople are water-inhabiting creatures with human intelligence who, like the centaurs, refused to be categorized as beings, because they did not want to be categorized alongside vampires and hags. There are at least three different types of merpeople, which include the Selkies of Scotland, the Merrows of Ireland and the Sirens in Greece. Sirens are more attractive, compared to their other two counterparts, owing to being inhabitants of warmer waters. Sirens, and merpeople, in general, have a humanoid appearance with the lower part resembling a fish tail. Sirens are artistic like Pisces natives, and are speculated to lure humans, especially sailors, towards their death by ensnaring them with their captivating music. Speaking of ensnaring, does that remind you of a manipulative Pisces native?
M.o.M - Ministry of Magic.
Strengths and weaknesses of each zodiac sign, the dates of birth and a few other points have been taken directly from Lesson 7, Astrological Signs, taught in Divination classes in the third year at Hogwarts. The descriptions of the creatures have been formulated with help from various Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures lessons at Hogwarts.
This month's special topic was brought to you by Hiya Debnath, journalist, editor, compiler, publisher and founder of this magazine. Hiya would like to thank Dane Lautner, Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts PA and sixth year student, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, for being the inspiration behind her interest in psychology and Celestia Carrow, journalist, editor, cover designer and illustrator, Hogwarts Monthly Magazine, for suggesting the addition of a spooky magical creature whose behaviour is comparable to each zodiac sign.