A Complete Guide to the Wizarding World
This textbook, written by Avendium Acheron, Phellus Plegethon, Luna Lethe, Cirus Coctyus, and Seripha Styx, is an amalgamation of topics from the Wizarding world. Some Muggle topics are also included, but Muggles are not the primary topic of a Wizarding textbook. Please use this textbook responsibly. Being a Complete guide to the Wizarding World also means that it contains both Legal, ministry-approved topics, and illegal topics, so the use or intended use of information marked with “URI” (Unaproved / Restricted Information) may result in a punishment from a simple fine and up to a life sentence at Azkaban. Avendium has also included a number of Charms and enchantments attached to the pages of this book, allowing for a greater educational experience.
Last Updated
The Beginning
Chapter 1 -
A Complete Guide to Wands and their Creation
Chapter 2 -
Woods (A, B, C)
Chapter 3 -
Woods (D, E, F, H, L, M)
Chapter 4 -
Woods (P, R, S, V, W, Y)
Chapter 5 -
Wand Cores
Chapter 6 -
Other Cores (A, B)
Chapter 7 -
Other Cores (C, D)
Chapter 8 -
Other Cores (E, F)
Chapter 9 -
Other Cores (G, H)
Chapter 10 -
Other Cores (J, K)
Chapter 11 -
Other Cores (L, M)
Chapter 12 -
Other Cores (N, P)
Chapter 13 -
Other Cores (Q, R)
Chapter 14 -
Other Cores (S, T)
Chapter 15 -
Other Cores (V, W)
Chapter 16 -
A Complete Guide to Chocolate Frogs
Chapter 17 -
Witches and Wizards; 00-09
Chapter 18 -
Witches and Wizards; 10-19
Chapter 19 -
Witches and Wizards; 20-29
Chapter 20 -
Witches and Wizards; 30-39
Chapter 21 -
Witches and Wizards; 40-49
Chapter 22 -
Witches and Wizards; 50-59
Chapter 23 -
Witches and Wizards; 60-69
Chapter 24 -
Witches and Wizards; 70-79
Chapter 25 -
Witches and Wizards; 80-89
Chapter 26 -
Witches and Wizards; 90-99
Chapter 27 -
Witches and Wizards; 100-109
Chapter 28 -
Witches and Wizards; 110-119
Chapter 29 -
Witches and Wizards; 120-129
Chapter 30 -
Witches and Wizards; 130-139
Chapter 31 -
Witches and Wizards; 140-150
Chapter 32 -
The Cards of Hogwarts
Chapter 33 -
The Cards of Durmstrang
Chapter 34 -
The Cards of Beauxbatons
Chapter 35 -
The Cards of Ilvermorny
Chapter 36 -
Famous Vampires
Chapter 37 -
Famous Goblins
Chapter 38 -
Famous Hags
Chapter 39 -
Famous Giants
Chapter 40 -
Dragon Species
Chapter 41 -
Magical Beasts
Chapter 42 -
Deathly Hallows
Chapter 43 -
Voldemort's Horocruxes
Chapter 44 -
Famous Locations
Chapter 45 -
Famous Magical Items
Chapter 46 -
Australian World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 47 -
Bulgarian World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 48 -
English World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 49 -
German World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 50 -
Japanese World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 51 -
Nordic World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 52 -
Spanish World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 53 -
American World Quidditch Cup
Chapter 54 -
A Complete Guide to Magic and Spells
Chapter 55 -
Spells (A)
Chapter 56 -
Spells (B)
Chapter 57 -
Spells (C)
Chapter 58 -
Spells (D)
Chapter 59 -
Spells (E)
Chapter 60 -
Spells (F)
Chapter 61 -
Spells (G, H)
Chapter 62 -
Spells (I)
Chapter 63 -
Spells (J, K, L)
Chapter 64 -
Spells (M, N)
Chapter 65 -
Spells (O)
Chapter 66 -
Spells (P)
Chapter 67 -
Spells (Q, R)
Chapter 68 -
Spells (S)
Chapter 69 -
Spells (T, U, V, W)
Chapter 70
Witches and Wizards; 00-09
Chapter 18
00 - Solomon Jajamanekh
Magical Pioneer
Crystal Card
Predates modern dating systems
Solomon was the very first (Known) magician, hailing from Egypt.
01 - Merlin Ambrosius Wyllt
Charms Specialist
Slytherin House
Gold Card
Medieval, dates unknown
Most famous wizard of all time. Sometimes known as the Prince of Enchanters. Part of the Court of King Arthur. (King Arthur once ruled the land that is now part of England.) Merlin wanted wizards to help Muggles, so he created the Order of Merlin. The Order made rules against using magic on Muggles.
02 - Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
Hufflepuff House
Bronze Card
1486 - 1535
Celebrated wizard imprisoned by Muggles for his writing, because they thought his books were evil. He is considered one of the foremost authorities on the topic of magic and its practices during the Renaissance and was highly respected during his lifetime for his knowledge and expertise in the field.
03 - Elfrida Clagg
Silver Card
Appx. 1612 - 1687
Chieftainess Elfrida Clagg was a British witch and the Chieftainess of the Wizards' Council either in the fourteenth or seventeenth century. Either way, she was Burdock Muldoon's immediate successor of the post.
04 - Grogan Stump
Minister of Magic
Unknown House
Bronze Card
1770 - 1884
Popular Minister of Magic, appointed in 1811.
05 - Gulliver Pokeby
Ravenclaw House
Bronze Card
1750 - 1839
Expert on magical birds. First to identify the meaning of an Augurey’s song.
06 - Glanmore Peakes
Monster Slayer
Gryffindor House
Bronze Card
1677 - 1761
Famous slayer of the Sea Serpent of Cromer.
07 - Hesper Starkey
Ravenclaw House
Bronze Card
1881 - 1973
She studied the use of phases of the moon in potion making.
08 - Derwent Shimpling
Gryffindor House
Bronze Card
1912 - present
He ate an entire Venomous Tentacula for a bet and survived, though still purple. Wizards and witches everywhere love his silly sense of humour and his boldness.
09 - Gunhilda of Gorsemoor
Ravenclaw House
Bronze Card
1556 - 1639
This one-eyed, hump-backed witch, named Gunhilda of Gorsemoor, was famous for developing a cure for Dragon Pox. Everyone who knew her felt great sorrow when she died, for she was a talented and hardworking healer.