Second Years Guide to Ace Ancient Runes: A Study Guide

written by Lily Lavender

This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for ANCR-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!

Last Updated






Lesson Four: Freya's Aett (Runes One to Eight) Study Guide

Chapter 5

Fehu & Uruz

The mundane meaning of Fehu is wealth & cattle. The magical meaning is individual happiness & fortune. In merkstave, it means personal & material loss, greed, & poverty. Use Fehu to strengthen magic & to decrease backfire or side effects. The mundane meaning of Uruz is horned cattle & water. It represents strength & bravery. The magical meaning is a Graphorn. In merkstave, it means dullness, slowness, & cowardice. Use Uruz to strengthen magic & to intensify spellcasting effects, whether it be positive or negative. Fehu & Uruz are usually marked together.

Thurisaz & Ansuz

The mundane meaning of Thurisaz is giant & the Thor god. The magical meaning is defense, change, & positive conflict. It also aids in the mapping of the giants. In merkstave, it means danger, destruction, & negative conflict. Use Thurisaz in standard rune to reinforce offensive spells. The mundane meaning of Ansuz is god or gods (the Aesir). The magical meaning is related to the Nordic Magi, advice, communication, & wisdom. In merkstave, it means a delusion & misunderstanding of memory. When Ansuz is used on Muggles, it can overpower their minds & cause them to not be able to think intellectually. Use Ansuz to amplify divinatory tools & spells.

Raido & Kenaz

The mundane meaning of Radio is to ride & to journey. The magical meaning is to journey by magical transport, such as portkeys. In merkstave, it means either chaos or no life, where as in standard, it means positive changes. Raido is used for transportation spells & to decrease Portkey sickness. The mundane meaning of Kenaz is disease. The magical meaning is health, disease, divinatory aspect & magical illness. In merkstave, it means health, strength, creativity, & illumination. In standard, it means weakness, confusion, & ill in mental health. Kenaz is used for potions on cauldrons & phials to either boost health or to decline health.

Gebo & Wunjo

The mundane meaning of Gebo is gift. It represents sacrifice, companionship, & generosity. In merkstave, it means greed, selfishness, & loneliness. Both standard & merkstave look the same, so it is important to know the context. The mundane meaning of Wunjo is joy. It represents calm, fellowship, clarity, & happiness. In merkstave, it means anger, madness, debilitating illness, & sorrow. Wunjo is used to strengthen emotional spells.

Fun Facts
A Graphorn is the symbol in arithmancy as the number two.
Do not use Gebo in the magical sense, as it is known to make destruction or alter history.
Do not use Fehu to find a loophole to Gamp's Principle of Wealth.
In theory, Radio decreases spliching while Apparating.

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