First Years Guide to Ace Defense Against the Dark Arts: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for DADA-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Defense Against the Dark Arts Glossary
Chapter 1
Apparating ⊱ A type of way to travel by magic.
Beast ⊱ One of the three groups of life forms that the Ministry of Magic is aware of.
Being ⊱ Any living entity that has an understanding of the magical laws & is responsible for creating these laws.
Blast-Ended Skrewts ⊱ Creatures that take form between fire crabs & manticores.
Bowtruckles ⊱ Tree-like creatures that are very protective of their land.
Concentration ⊱ The mental method that directs your magic on an object to achieve a result. Focus is another word for this.
Dark Arts ⊱ Anything that aims to hurt, wound, or assassinate a person.
Dark Spells ⊱ Any incantation with the purpose of tormenting others.
Death Eaters ⊱ Voldemort's closest followers.
Dementors ⊱ Dark creatures that feed on human happiness.
Doxies ⊱ Looks like Pixies, but are more vicious.
Doxycide ⊱ A black substance with a horrible smell. It will only last for a few hours & when sprayed, the Doxies will be immobilized.
Dynamic Spells ⊱ Hits the target, but will need more concentration for the spell to last longer.
Fire Crabs ⊱ Crabs that shoot fire at their enemies.
Gargoyles ⊱ Statues that are seen on top of old buildings.
Gemologist ⊱ A person who studies gems.
Ghost ⊱ A spirit of a person that is left behind after the person passes away.
Gnomes ⊱ Little creatures that live in gardens.
Gytrashes ⊱ Ghost dogs that come in packs.
Hags ⊱ Ugly type of human-like witches.
Imps ⊱ Lives in swampy regions & are real pranksters.
Incantation ⊱ Saying the spell.
Jarvey ⊱ Creatures that hunt down Gnomes.
Knockback Charm ⊱ Pushes your target backwards.
Magical Exhaustion ⊱ Each time you cast a spell, you are using magical energy that comes from inside you.
Poltergeist ⊱ A spirit who has an intent to cause mayhem.
Revealing Charm ⊱ Shows hidden messages that are concealed by magic.
Spirit ⊱ A particular group that was designed for ghosts.
Static Spell ⊱ Hits the target instantly & ends just as fast.
Verdimillious Charm ⊱ One part is for combat purposes & the other part is to reveal Dark objects.
Wand-Extinguishing Charm ⊱ Will put the light out from your wand.
Wand-Lighting Charm ⊱ Lights the tip of a wand like a Muggle flashlight.
Wand Movement ⊱ To aid the channeling of magic.
Willpower ⊱ The magical impact you bring into play to make the spell present itself. Basically, invisible strength.
Wizard's Council ⊱ The first form of government before the Ministry of Magic.