And We All Fall Down: A Short Story (Completed)

After eleven-year-old Aisha's Christian family in Iran is found with a Bible, she is kidnapped and brought to a Muslim prison camp. When she is not willing to give up her faith, she is branded a fighter. A unique kind of death sentence awaits her. She is forced to be a Muslim suicide bomber. But she will not give up her faith. A fictional short story about real live things that are happening to Christians every day in Muslim countries.

Last Updated






Chapter Five

Chapter 5
They came for Rasheed and I at midnight. He's seventeen, I'm sixteen. We've been sneaking kisses ever since that fateful night two years ago.

"It's mission time, Princess," says Big Beard. (Yes, he's still here.)

The time has come. We will lose our lives this morning.

We get ready slowly, sharing one last kiss in the light of the moon.

Rasheed squeezes my hand before we climb into our separate cockpits. I pull my helmet on and get strapped into Doordey.

We will both be targeting buildings in Chicago. At least that is what we are supposed to do.

Rasheed and I have secret radio systems that connect to each other. We will come up with a plan once we are in the air. Because we both know that we can't hurt the people we are supposed to hurt.

We are off the runway and soaring through the blue sky very soon. Rasheed jumps on our secret intercom,

"Hello, Aisha. What's the plan?"

"We can't land on land without blowing up, you know that."

"Yes," he agrees. "And we can't survive this at all, in any scenario. No matter what, today we will die."

"Yes," I respond, "so let us die without killing anyone else." Rasheed knows what I am thinking.

We will crash our planes into the ocean once we are in a section of water with no islands. It is the only way.

We will fly until we find the perfect spot to execute our, not the guards', mission.

We circle it over and over, trying to work up the courage to nosedive into the ocean below. Rasheed starts praying over the intercom.

"Dear God, I know that you are good, and that your plans for me are good. I know that you love me, and that you'll never loose your hold on me. I know that you are wise, and that you are always right. I will trust you till the end. You'll stand beside me till the end."

We tip our planes down and start the deadly dive, Young Guard's voice yelling over the intercom. It fades as we get faster. And in unison, as we hit the surface, Rasheed and I say,


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