Transfiguration Spell Index

written by Oriele Ignatia

This is a reference book for Transfiguration that includes all spells from years 1-4 in Transfiguration. I will be adding more years in the coming weeks.

Last Updated






Year 1

Chapter 1
Matchstick to Needle
Incantation: Conmutocus
Pronunciation: kon-moo-TOH-kus
Wand Movement: A sharp jab straight at the match
Concentration: Low - Visualize the match morphing into the needle, especially keeping in mind all the details of the needle
Willpower: Low

Smoke to Dagger
Incantation: Fumus Lamina
Pronunciation: FUH-moos LAWH-meen-ah
Wand Movement: A circle around the smoke you are transforming
Concentration: Medium~low - Visualize the smoke condensing and shaping to form the dagger
Willpower: Low

Fork to Quill
Incantation: Scribblifors
Pronunciation: SKRIB-leh-fors
Wand Movement: Tap the fork twice with your wand
Concentration: Medium~low - Visualize the fork transforming into the quill
Willpower: Low

Whistle to Watch
Incantation: Mutans Sonum
Pronunciation: MOO-tahns SO-noom
Wand Movement: Tap the whistle twice with your wand
Concentration: Medium - Visualize the whistle forming into the watch and try to hear the ticking of the hands. Also remember the gears inside.
Willpower: Low

Glass to Sand Shield
Incantation: Contrita Specularma
Pronunciation: CON-tree-ta spek-u-LAHR-mah
Wand Movement: Point wand at glass
Concentration: Low - Visualize the glass breaking apart and disintegrating, especially focusing on the small pieces of the sand
Willpower: Low
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