The Hogwarts Library

Books by Brandon Thellis

Story Chapters Reads
Herbology 101 (Old Textbook-style PDF) by Brandon Thellis 2 18,885
For those of you who prefer reading lovely old books, rather than the sans-serif minimal layout here on HiH, I have compiled the lectures for Herbology 101 into an appropriate PDF. Of course, you'll still need to do the assignments.
  18,885 Reads • 2 Chapters
Potions 101 (Old textbook-style PDF) by Brandon Thellis 2 19,364
For those of you who prefer reading lovely old books, rather than the sans-serif minimal layout here on HiH, I have compiled the lectures for Potions 101 into an appropriate PDF. Of course, you'll still need to do the assignments.
  19,364 Reads • 2 Chapters
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